Friday 2 November 2012

Vengeance 2005

Can Big Dave get a 3rd straight PPV win over HHH?
- June 26th,  Las Vegas, Nevada

Intercontinental Tilte - Carlito (c) Vs. Shelton Benjamin
 Benjamin gets a quick 2 off a fireman carry. Benjamin knocks Carlito down so he takes his belt and starts to walk off but Benjamin stops him on the ramp. Snap suplex gets Benjamin 2. Nice athleticism by Benjamin when he leaps to the top rope. Carltio in control now and multiple body slams gets him 2, Benjamin gets a flash roll up for 2 but Carlito is soon in control again. Benjamin builds momentum and starts a comeback, he gets 2 off a springboard bulldog, but he stinger splashes into an exposed turnbuckle and Carlito gets the 3. ** Was ok, a little bit boring but not necessarily bad.

Victoria Vs. Christy Hemme
 Christy starts better but Victoria gets a hold on the match after she hotshots Christy. Christy seems to botch countering Widows Peak. Victoria misses a moonasult but gets the win by countering a sunset flip into a pin of her own. * As the right woman won. 

Kane Vs. Edge
- Lita was alligned with Kane but turned on him and joined Edge, is this heel Vs. heel?
 Kane hits a lot of punches in the corner, isn't that a DQ? Kane controls the match, Edge does manage to get a thumb to the eye but Kane is soon back in control. Spear on the outside by Edge. Edge has dominated since the spear, he hits Edge-O-Matic but Kane sits up. Kane heads up top but Edge dropkicks him in mid-air. Snitsky appears and Kane boots him, he then grabs Lita to a pop and gets booed when he puts her down, he then puts her head in a chair. A chokeslam to Edge ends it. *1/2 Kane/Edge don't really have chemistry. I didn't really like the match

Shawn Michaels Vs. Kurt Angle
- Re-Match from the 'Mania 21 classic.
 Pretty even start trading headlocks and takedowns, HBK gets an armdrag into an armbar who then escapes the ring when Angle attempts a single leg takedown. Sunset flip by HBK but Angle turms it into an ankle lock. On the outside now as Angle germans HBK onto the announce table. Angle has been in control for a while now wearing HBK down, Angle then hits a pretty sick powerbomb into the corner, HBK misses a charge into the corner and gets germaned. HBK heads up top but jumps into a release belly-to-belly by Angle who then continues to wear HBK down with a headlock and gets multiple 2s when HBKs shoulders hit the mat, but HBK eventually suplexes out of it. They trade punches which HBK gets the better of then does his forearm, kip up spot. HBK fires off a few moves then heads up top hits the elbow but when he goes to hit SCM Angle clotheslines him. Angle Slam gets 2. HBK gets Angle in a waistlock but Angle transitions it into a ankle lock. Ref Bump!! Angle ducks SCM and gets another ankle lock and everytime HBK tries to roll out of it Angle manages to keep it locked on. SCM gets 2, then Angle heads up top but on the way down HBK hits Sweet Chin Music for 3. ****1/2 Some people may not like this style of match, a psychology match wearing each other down instead of high spot flippy floppy stuff, but this was great, maybe not as good as their 'Mania 21 match but still fantastic.
In Ring Segment where Lillian Garcia proposes to Visera but Godfather reappears and lures him away with hoes, not the gardening variety.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) Vs. Christian Vs. Chris Jericho
 Three man stare down to start but soon Jericho and Christian beat on Cena. Y2J attacks Christian. Tomko trips Cena and is ejected from ringside the nChristian gets FUd over the top. Y2J is getting the better of Cena who dodges a Lionsault but Y2J lands on his feet. Cena DDTs out of a suplex on the outside. Christian mocks Cena but that spurs Cena on who dominates Christian but Y2J blocks the 5 knuckle shuffle. Tower of doom spot as Cena powerbombs Y2J as he superplexes Christian. Cena beats on both challengers and drop toe holds Christian who cracks heads with Y2J, that must've hurt, douible 5 knuckle shuffle. Reverse DDT gets Christian 2 on Cena, then Y2J locks the Walls on Cena but Christian rolls up Y2J for 2. FU to Christian ends it. *** Typical 3 way in that 1 rested as 2 fought, it was like three 1-on-1 matches, I did enjoy it however, the crowd being into it did help though.

World Heavyweight Championship - Hell In A Cell - Batista (c) Vs. Triple-H
- Will HHH do the job 3 PPVs in a row? also let me go on record saying Batista leaving Evolution was one of the best booked angles in a long time.
 Batista starts off better until HHH reverses and irish whip, he knocks Batista off the apron into the cell. HHH gets a tool box or something and gets a chain from it to whip Batista then choke him. Batista slams HHH into the turnbuckle then the cell, then does it again. HHH is cut but stops Batistas onslaught via a spinebuster. A steel chair wrapped in barbed wire to Batistas back by HHH. HHH is bleeding quite a bit and Batistas chair shot of his own doesn't help it, he then pushes it into HHHs face, like Cactus did with the 2-by-4 at Rumble 2000. HHH attempts to Pedigree Batista onto the chair but fails. Batista powerslams HHH onto the chair for 2, he gets the chain that HHH used but gets DDTd onto the chair and now Dave's cut aswell. Sledgehammer to the bonce gets HHH 2. HHH jumps off the top but Batista holds the sledgehammer up into HHHs face, Flair Flop by HHH. The steps are put in the ring by Batista but HHH Pedigrees him for 2, to a pop, he goes for a Pedigree on the steps but gets spinebustered on them and a Batista Bomb finishes it. **** Someone get the Guiness World Record people, HHH has lost 3 PPVs in a row, but seriously this is what a cell should be a bloody, hard hitting feud ender. Batista was drafted to Smackdown! not long after this.

16 / 30 - HBK/Angle II and Batista/HHH make this PPV recommended. Nothing else was bad bar the womens match but even then at least the right one went over. I enjoyed the PPV which I dont remember saying about another 2005 one, bar maybe 'Mania but haven't seen that in a while. Thumbs Up.