Friday 7 June 2013

ECW One Night Stand 2006

- June 11th 2006 , NYC, New York.
Attendance - 2,460.
Buys - 304,000 was the figure I found.

- I bought ECW ONS 1005 (That must be the oldest PPV ever) from a second hand shop but they put 2006 and ECW Barely Legal in instead. Oh well I'm not like a John Smiths.

Cold opening as Heyman comes out, says it's ECWs re-birth etc. blah, blah. I really liked ECWs theme.

Taz Vs. Jerry Lawler
 Lawler slaps Joey Styles on his way to the ring, good on you King. No actual match here just Taz chokes out Jerry in about 20 seconds after Styles jumped on his back. Good to see Taz on the card, he couldn't take a bump due to his neck I think.

Randy Orton Vs. Kurt Angle
 Orton has pyro, he may also receive a record amount of middle fingers. Fans dont mind Angle as he's reppin' ECW, he nearly signed with them in what '96? 'F--k him up Angle f--k him up' chant. Orton bails to a 'pussy' chant. Kurt shoots for a takedown going for an Ankle Lock but Orton bails again. 'Break his ankle', 'Angle's gonna kill you' and 'fuck you Orton' chants. Headlock takedown by Angle. Orton bails again but when back in Kurt gets an amateur style takedown and slaps Orton a bit, ha! Kurt is all over Randy with takedowns but he soon misses a corner charge allowing Orton some shots in. Nice casual eye poke by Orton. 'You cant wrestle' chant which I find ironic as they'd cheer Sandman etc. Randy elbows out of a waist lock then he provokes a 'boring' chant via a chinlock. Angle hits a release german after they trade european uppercuts, Kurt follows up with 3 Germans but Orton armdrags out of an Angle Slam. The straps are down!! Angle Slam gets 2.  The Ankle Lock is applied but Orton rolls through it and manages a 2 off his backbreaker variation. RKO is avoided, Kurt rolls through a crossbody for 2. RKO is avoided again then an Ankle Lock is countered to a pinning predicament for 2 but Kurt soon locks in another Ankle Lock for the submission at 15:08. Post Match Orton demands 2 referees help him to the back. ***1/2 - Enjoyed it more than I thought I would as Orton does have a tendency to bore me. I've bumped it up 1/2 due to crowd. (Orton really played up to what ECW fans would hate as well)

Tony Mamaluke/Little Guido (w/ Big Guido) Vs. Super Crazy/Tajiri
 Little Guido may be better known as Nunzio, when Crazy came out I thought it was Diego Maradona.'Welcome Back' chant for Tajiri. Crazy and Mamaluke do some mat wrestling. 'Nacho Libre' chant, flapjack facebuster by Crazy is followed up with a moonsault. Tajiri goes for a tilt-a-whirl but Guido locks in an armbar. FBI are both placed in tree of we then dropkicked by the Mexapan connection. Crazy moonsaults the FBI on the outside but Big Guido attacks him. Nice submission now by Mamaluke then he does a camel clutch as Guido dropkicks Crazy. Spinning heel kick by Tajiri gets 2, he hits a handspring elbow then a kick sends Guido back to Italy I think. Double Tarantula by the Mexapan connection then they take out Big Guido. Crazy is knocked into the fans. Double Muscle Buster style move on Tajiri gets 3 at 12:24. Post match Big Show comes down and cleans house. *** - I enjoyed this, no real down period with some nice kicks and submissions. Was just set up for Big Show though.

JBL cuts his usual long winded, boring promo. 'You Suck Richard (I improvised) chant.

World Heavyweight Title - Extreme Rules - Sabu Vs. Rey Mysterio (c)
 Rey has ECW on the back of his mask, no one likes a suck up Rey, he is booed (Can he go anywhere these days without boos raining down on him?). 'Fuck him up Sabu' chant. Rey starts better so Sabu gets a chair, poetry in motion but he is soon drop toe holded, that sounds silly, onto the chair. Sabu launches a chair at Rey then sets a table between the apron and barricade, you know there cant be many other matches were Sabu is the bigger man. Rey is between the ropes and Sabu leg drops him for 2. Sabu may be homicidal, genocidal, suicidal but he did wear glittery pants. Sabu is stood on a table so Rey hits his Seated Senton through it, Sabu is holding his shoulder. Springboard leg drop gets Rey 2. Triple jump moonsault gets Sabu 2. Atomic Arabian Facebuster, did I make that up?, misses, Rey goes for a Seated Senton but hits a chair, speaking of chairs Sabu throws one like a missile into Reys head. Nice springboard DDT by Sabu puts Rey through the table set between the apron and barricade, EMTs come down and one says the match is over, Boooooooo at 9:08. **1/2 - Good for the time they had, I really liked the DDT but hate the no contest ending. (No contest on an ECW show of all things, if you want to book someone to lose but not lose the belt then simply don't book it or make it non-title and job Rey out)

Mick Foley/Edge/Lita Vs. Terry Funk/Tommy Dreamer/Beulah
 'You sold out' chant at Mick 'You're right I did sell out .... MSG'. He says he did love ECW when it was ran by a visionary .... Stephanie McMahon. Edge brings the Hardcore Belt, I believe Tommy Dreamer was the last person to officially hold it. Jesus gotta sit through a Dreamer match, calling him useless is an insult to actual useless things. Regular tag match rules. Edge cant get the advantage over Tommy so tags Foley in. Funk throws a chair over his head hitting Mick, various weapon shots to the heels follow. Edge cracks Tommy with a ladder and sets it in the corner but gets hip tossed onto it. Random thought but did Women ever go to ECW? Lita low blows Tommy 'she's a crack whore' chant. Mick and Edge get plywood covered in barbed wire, they suplex it onto Dreamer then try again but Funk trips them. Foley pushes the barbed wire board onto Funk then places some around his arm and hits Funk who's shouting 'my eye, my eye'. Hey there's a lady. Terry has gone backstage, real or kayfabe i'm not sure but Dreamer's now 2-on-1 so I dont care. Mandible Claw to Beulah then to Dreamer who is Speared. Funk returns, eye bandaged, and has a 2-by-4 in barbed wire. The faces clean house, the 2-by-4 is set alight. Mick is knocked through the plywood then Edge pushes Funk in the barbed wire plywood as well. Catfight as Styles screeches more than usual, Dreamer Driver to Lita but Edge does a barbed wire assisted Edge-A-Cution and Spears Beulah for a Rated R pin at 18:45. *** 1/2 - Entertaining rubbish really. Glad Foley/Edge won.

Balls Mahoney Vs. Masato Tanaka
 Tanaka's shoulder is taped. Balls starts better but Tanaka gets the first 2 off a crossbody. Multiple punches by Balls ala Road Dogg. Pescado by Tanaka but I dont think he lands it right. Dueling chairshots then at 5:03 Balls gets the W with one of the sickest chairshots i've ever seen, Tanaka may of been knocked back to Japan. * - Nothing match which I guess describes most Balls matches.

Eugene comes out, as he's stupid he fits in with the crowd, ha-ha. Sandman comes out and canes him.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) Vs. RVD
 Crowd is rabid but is it love for RVD or hatred for Cena? (A little from Column A, a little from coloumn B) He throws his shirt in the crowd but they repeatedly throw it back, a guy with a Pass around his neck wipes his ass with it, was he security? Cena gets 1 off a suplex. 'You cant wrestle chant' which Tazz agrees with. RVD hits his stepover kick sending cena ringside. Sloppyish looking powerslam by Cena after they'd traded punches 'same old shit' chant. Cena controls on the outside until Van Dam hits a moonsault off the steps, Van Dam jumps onto the guardrail so Cena pushes him into the crowd where they're brawling now. 'Fuck him up Van Dam' chant. Back inring Van Dam hits his chair dropkick in the corner, chair assisted Roling Thunder gets 2. Cena blocks the split legged moonsault with his knees. DDT onto a chair gets Cena 2 then he places the chair between the ropes and slingshots RVD through it. He hits his suplex/slam thing and the 5 knuckle shuffle but RVD avoids the FU. STFU is applied but RVD gets a ropebreak, in an extreme rules match? A table is placed in the corner and Cena clotheslines the ref. Nick Patrick counts 2 after Cena hits RVD with the ring steps. RVD is FUd over the top but a dude in a motorbike helmet comes out and Spears Cena through the corner table, it's Edge. 'Thank you Edge' chant and Heyman counts 3 after a 5 Star Frog Splash at 20:35. ***1/2 - Match was around *** but I've bumped it up as the crowd was good. I kind of wish Cena had won just to hear the crowd reaction.

17 / 30 - 4 maches of the 6 got ***+ so that's recommendable, in a way i'd reccomend seeing Ball/Tanaka for the chair shot. Sabu/Rey almost broke through *** but it was short and I didn't like the ending. Recommended PPV thumbs up.