Saturday 5 October 2013

King Of The Ring 1999

- Austin faces McMahons to see who can climb the corporate ladder and attain full control of WWF, the DX split is involved in KOTR as Chyna attempts to become Queen Of The Ring and Corporate Champ faces former Corporate Champion as Taker faces Rock.

- June 27th, 1999. Greensboro, North Carolina
- Attendance - 19,761
- Buyrate - 1.13

We see Shamrock beating up Shane McMahon on HeAt then Blackman attacking him and causing 'internal' injuries.

KOTR 1/4 Final - Hardcore Holly Vs. X-Pac
 Holly at the time had problems with Big Show whilst X-Pac was involved in the face DX Vs. heel DX. Nothing much happens reallly and it only goes around 4 minutes, lame ending aswell as Hardcore uses a chair for a blatant DQ. Post Match - Holly attacks X-Pacs neck. *1/2 - Not a good start, X-Pac though really was injured coming into the PPV.

KOTR 1/4 Final - Big Show Vs. Kane
 This really was the Brian Knobbs (pits), Kane busted out his enziguri. Ref Bump! as Show boots Korderas, Hardcore comes out with a chair but Kane Chokeslams him, so there was one high point then. Kane grabs Show around the throat, for a Chokeslam you ask, well no he just chokes him for what feels like forever then a chairshot finishes Big Show and Kane advances to the Semis. 1/2 - Awful match, the choke lasted forever leading to a long drawn out sucky ending. Why book a match this way? (I should note that Hardcore was feuding with Kane and Show at the time to show he belonged with the heavyweights or something, paying a Show a cool mil a year to feud with Hardcore, money well spent there)

KOTR 1/4 Final - Billy Gunn Vs. Ken Shamrock
 Remember Ken has internal injuries coming in thanks to Blackman who he was feuding with after his stint in The Union (20 Pat Points to anyone who can remember the other members without using google). Gunn was involved in something stupid, besides this tournament, on RAW is WAR Gunn teamed with Acolytes to face X-Pac/Kane/Road Dogg and he agreed to put the Tag belts on the line, even though he wasn't a champion (That is so WCW), he pinned X-Pac and claimed one of the Tag Belts, repeat after me .... Russo. Gunn's all over him until Ken attempts an Ankle Lock but then Gunn's on top again. Kicks to the midsection by Gunn make sense. The ref ends the match when Ken goes for a hurricanrana and is powerbombed, he's bleeding with internal injuries. *1/2 - 3 Matches in and 3 bad endings. Why were WWF trying to protect Shamrock in a loss, all he was doing was a Blackman feud for godsake.

KOTR 1/4 Final - Road Dogg Vs. Chyna (w/ HHH)
 Story is Road Dogg doesn't want to hit a woman, even though he isn't facing one, so the match is dragged out. HHH did get involved at times to earn his PPV cheque, he placed Chynas foot on the ropes when she was in a sleeper. Ref Bump! as Chyna knocks into him when Road Dogg kicks out of a roll up. HBK is in da house, he pulls HHH off the apron and ejects him from ringside as Road Dogg has decided he will hit Chyna now. Chyna lowblows Dogg but he no sells it and she is hurt, has he balls of steel? Well no he was just wearing a cup, nice continuity from HeAt where she lowblowed him. Pump Handle Slam gets Dogg 3. ** - Match was dragged out due to the storyline but i've bumped it 1/2 as crowd did make some noise when Dogg started fighting back and I like a loud crowd. Also JR says Chyna and Doggy Style, little did he know how right he'd be one day. (Psychic JR is a gimmick that would've drawn money .... 1 cent in fact)

Hardyz Vs. Edge/Christian
 Edge and Christian were in Brood with Gangrel at this time and Hardyz were with Michael Hayes, repeat after me Badstreet, Cameron NC. Christian gets stomped in Hardyz corner. Poetry In Motion connects. Christian goes to DDT Matt but is hit with a belly-to-belly as Matt blocks the DDT. Edge's in now and kicking some heavy duty booty he Spears Matt and Michael Hayes then debuts the Spear to block Poetry In Motion. Gangrel balls' up and spits blood in Edges eyes by accident leaving him easy prey for a Twist Of Fate, Hardyz win. **1/2 - Feeling generous as it's the first competent match of the night. This was probably the match the bookers etc. cared about the least as well.

Undertaker asks Michael Cole what happens if you rip the balls off a bull? Cole looks at the cameras and says 'find out next week on Animal Farm with Mark Callaway.'

Vince is in-ring now and says Shane can't compete, HBK comes out and says the match is on then Vince reveals that yes the match will happen but he'll have a suitable replacement.

1/2 Final - Billy Gunn Vs. Kane
 Gunn is scared to enter and i'm scared to watch. Kane's on top but it's just punches in and around the ring, he picks up the steps but Gunn dropkicks him. JR asks Lawler about legal rights to the name 'King', i'm guessing that's a reference to the 80s thing where 'King' Lawler tried to sue WWF over the use of 'King'. Fameasser is avoided with a powerslam. Ringside Gunn grabs a chair but Big Show strolls out and takes it from him then decides to hit Kane himself allowing Gunn a 3 count. Ref was down but I didn't see him go down, imaginary ref bumps now for gods sake. * - I don't know what to say anymore without repeating myself. Check any of the match notes from the 1/4 finals and stick them here. (Gunn goes through via injury caused by Blackman and Big Show KOing Kane this could've been built as heel gets comeuppance in the final)

1/2 Final - Road Dogg Vs. X-Pac
 Face DX collides, interesting tidbit this isn't their only PPV match, they would face off at SummerSlam 2000 in a subpar 5 minute match which X-Pac won. Funnily enough this is a subpar 5 minute match that X-Pac wins. He's wincing prematch with his neck. Back drop, snapmare and leg drop gets X-Pac a 2. Dogg does his dancing but X-Pac ducks the last punch then Dogg ducks a spin kick, I like that as it's like I know what you'll do before you do it', so there's one thing from this PPV I like, oh also Holly getting Chokeslammed. Road Dogg avoids Bronco Buster, X-Pac avoids Pump Handle Slam and hits an X-Factor for 3. ** - Short but they did more in the time they got than the rest of the KOTR matches combined.

WWF Title - Undertaker (c) (w/ Paul Bearer) Vs. The Rock
 Rock won a 3 way over Corporate Ministry duo 'Taker and HHH to earn this shot after Chyna screwed up. Man I love this version of Takers theme, if your keeping score Likes - 3 Dislikes - Innumerable so far. Right off the bat we get a Ref Bump! as Undertaker clobbers the ref for no reason, that was very WCWish, Rock Bottom by Rock but Paul Bearer hits the second ref for another  Ref Bump! that must be a record. Fighting down the entranceway now as that was required for Title matches in 1999 of course. Back in Rock crotches Taker to avoid Old School then spits water in his eyes, maybe it should've been HolyWater. Fighting through the crowd now as that was required in every WWF Title match of the late 90s. Back ringside and Rock swings a chair but Taker blocks it with the ringbell, like a new version of Rock, Paper, Scissors then Bearer throws his shoe into the game by hitting Rock with it, so - Bell > Chair > Shoe > Rock. DDT gets Taker 2. Rock fights out of a chinlock but then he's booted and chinlocked again. Rock avoids a Tombstone and gets his own 2 off a DDT. Ref Bump!! as Rock is whipped into him. Peoples Elbow connects but there's no ref. Bearer has an ether soaked rag but Rock uses it on Taker however this draws out HHH who Pedigrees Rock leaving him easy prey for a Tombstone by Undertaker for 3. *1/2 - Started dragging near the end, they just didn't click for my liking. It was the cliched WWF Title match, ref bump, fighting through crowd etc. If you like them then you might like this but I dont. Tidbit Time - I believe this Taker reign is the most watched ever ratings wise. 

We go backstage and see HHH being removed by orders of HBK as Vince says he was his partner tonight 'No shit sherlock' is HBKs reply, then Vince phones a replacement.

KOTR Final - Billy Gunn Vs. X-Pac
 As X-Pac's injured there could be a fairytale babyface fighting the odds win. Gunn attacks from the off and soon gets 2 off a bulldog. Dreaded chinlock is applied, though sarcasm aside it does make sense with X-Pacs neck. Fameasser gets 2 for Gunn and X-Factor gets 2 for Pac. Gunn gets crotched up top as X-Pac shouts 'come on you motherfucker' so Gunn responds with a Fameasser from the middle rope for 3. ** - Probably the best match of the tournament but that's really not saying much at all. This KOTR win nor the subsequent Rock feud did anything for Billy Gunn and he was put back in Outlaws in September as WWF gave up on his heel run. (and fans would pretty much give up on Outlaws soon after due to emergence of E&C/Hardyz then later the Dudleyz)

Ladder Match For Control Of WWF - Stone Cold Vs. Vince and Shane McMahon
 Jesus stick with me here, well Vince was face and seemed to be on Austins side after Undertaker started tormenting the McMahons, he kidnapped Stephanie at Backlash and tried to marry her but Vince got Stone Cold to save her, turned out Shane McMahon was behind and he helped Taker win the WWF Title at Over The Edge from Austin in a match Vince was ref for as well, then it came out that Taker was working for a higher power, who for a laugh should've been RVD work out why, anyway the HP turned out to be Vince McMahon who shouted it was me all along Austin upon his reveal, but Austin knew that as he'd revealed himself to Austin the week prior, the whole thing was stupid and too thought out is my point  (Another thing WCWish). Austin was made CEO by Linda McMahon which is why we're here tonight. Steve Blackman is Vinces partner until GTV reveals Shane is fine and HBK makes him wrestle tonight. Austin would get revenge on Blackman by Stunnering him at Unforgiven 2000, geez way to hold a grudge baldy. The entrance way has about 10 ladders set up then say 10 more lay across them making a little roof. Austin batters the McMahons, Shane climbs the makeshift ladder thing but Austin punches him down off them. Now McMahons are thrown into some of the set up ladders then Austin pulls a chain and they all fall on the McMahons. Ringside now and Austin coems off a ladder elbowing Shane through the Spanish Announce Table then Vince tips Austin onto JR/Kings table but it doesn't break. In ring now as the ladder is down so Shane gets on Vinces shoulders but Austin stops them winning. Stunners for the McMahons now Steve climbs the ladder unopposed but the greatest mystery in WWF history unfolds as the briefcase is raised from Austins grasp, now some say it was Bossman but that was never officially revealed. Shane tips the ladder when Vicne and Steve are on it then climbs the ladder and claims the briefcase. *1/2 - If this match happened today but with Cena there'd be uproar. Austin would have the last laugh, of course, as on RAW the next night he'd reveal he signed himself a new contract and gave himself a title shot that night, which he won Vs. Undertaker and that match I believe is the highest match/segment/quarter in WWF history.

 15.5 / 50 - God this sucked 10 matches and only one got **1/2, and that may not even be worth that to be honest may of just looked **1/2 compared to the rest. Billy's win led to nothing, HHH challenged WWF Champion to a match but that led to nothing as Austin won the belt the next night. Thankfully the next PPV Fully Loaded was better, for starters there wasn't 3 Billy Gunn matches. Austin still got his way as on RAW he revealed he added a stip to his contract earning him a title shot, Vince who won CEO here was fired after Fully Loaded only to return anyway, I believe thanks to Stone Cold. Avoid this one. (Editors Note - This may of set the record for ref bumps on PPV as well which would of made some semblance of sense had the ref strike been at the next PPV but it was 3 PPVs away) Arguably worst WWF/E PPV ever.