Tuesday 27 October 2015

King Of The Ring 2000

June 25th in Boston, Massachusetts
Attendance: 17,651
Buys: 475,000

Opening video is about how past winners went onto the WWF Championship - Bret had already held the WWF Title pre-93, Austin's speech may of got the ball rolling but HHH's win in 97 didn't have
any bearing on his Championship win in 99. The WWF had been on fire PPV wise but KOTR doesn't have the best history overall, which run will this end?

1/4 Final - Chris Benoit Vs. Rikishi
 'Kish is IC Champion, a belt he won from Benoit on the SMACKDOWN! prior then Chris attacked with a chair giving Rikishi an injured shoulder/arm complete with massive bruise. Samoan drop by 'Kish so Benoit bails then back in gets 2 off a german. Modified Standing Crossface but Rikishi doesn't quit. A regular Crossface is applied but Rikishi gets a rope break. Chris gets DQd due to a chairshot at 3:23, PM - Benoit does the Crossface and hits Diving Headbutt. * - Just 24 seconds less and this is UnR. (I don't rate matches 2:59 or less as I feel that is insufficient time to do anything of note)

Vinnie Mac says Linda won't make him lose his cool.

1/4 Final - Eddie Guerrero (w/ Chyna) Vs. Val Venis (w/ Trish Stratus)
 Val has a rave version of his theme, trivia note this is the last PPV with long haired Venis .... I think. Val gets a corner beatdown but Eddie fires off a dropkick. Eddie hits a superplex, a superplex for me shouldn't be used as a move akin to scoop slam, hip toss etc. really it should end matches. Eddy applies a nice dragon sleeper/surfboard move almost snapping Val in half. Backslide gets Eduardo a 2 count. Val avoids Frog Splash but Eddie counters Money Shot by putting his knees up. Toprope hurricanrana Eddie then Chyna hits Val into a roll up for 2. Val qualifies for the semi-finals via a 3 count from a Fisherman's Suplex at 8:03. **1/2 - An okay match but for the second straight match for me the wrong guy goes through.

1/4 Final - Crash Holly Vs. Bull Buchanan
 Crash is your underdog for the year, he beat Albert via pin then Hardcore Holly via DQ to get here, Gerald Brisco beat him for the Hardcore Title after he hit him in the match V Hardcore. I seem to recognise Bull's music, apart from it being Bull's obviously. Bull looks like this guy who was on a show I think called How? on CITV. Bull dominates which tells you how interesting this is, Jerry Lawler cracks a joke about Wales but being Welsh I popped for the mention (Our recent run to the Euro Semi-Finals has given us a new found national pride as well). About three people chant boring as everyone else is silent. Crash gets 2 off a cradle ala Steamboat/Savage then Bull misses a Scissors Kick allowing Crash to get the 3 from a half nelson rollup at 3:50. * - Nothing interesting to it at all.

1/4 Final - Chris Jericho Vs. Kurt Angle
 Angle goes the cheap heat route by running down Boston sports teams. Belly-to-bell gets Kurt 2. Jericho gets two 2s off a missile dropkick and a Lionsault. Kurt uses the ropes to break a pin after Jericho does a backbreaker. Angle beats Jericho in the corner after getting 2 off a bridged german. Jericho avoids Angle Slam and applies the Walls Of Jericho but Stephanie McMahon distracts the ref. Jericho kisses Stephanie but gets Angle Slammed for the 3 count as Kurt advances to the semis at 9:49. ** - Disappointing for who it was, I think I prefer Eddie/Val but this is easily better than the other two Quarters Finals.

JR talks with Mick Foley who is at WWF NY.

Tag Titles - Edge/Christian Vs. Hardyz (w/ Lita) Vs. Test & Albert (w/ Trish) Vs. Too Cool (c)
 The 5 second pose is about a Red Sox/Mets game. Elimination rules apply also Scotty's Tag Belt is upside down. Not much noteworthy happens with T&A and Hardyz until Test boots Matt. Twist Of Fate to Test but Albert breaks the pin. Test Pump Handle Slams Matt but Jeff hits him with a Swanton for the 3 count thus eliminating T&A at 3:40. Scotty moonwalks into a tag by Christian. Matt gets a 2 on Christian then Edge is double suplexed. Lita hurricanranas Edge for 2. Matt avoids Unprettier and hits Twist Of Fate but Edge breaks the pin then Unprettier/killswitch eliminates the Hardyz at 7:54, Jerry's upset that Lita and Trish are gone. It's just come to me Bull's music reminded me fo Vader's WWF theme. Double headbutt gets 2 on Scotty, GMS gets Beantown clapping then comes in and kicks some boot-ay. Sitout powerbomb on Edge gets a 2 count but soon after Edge and Christian mock The Worm so Scott bulldogs them and Worms Edge, Hip Hop Drop lands on Edge but Christian hits GMS with a Tag Belt for the cheap Title win at 14:09. **1/2 - Not enough mehs in the world for the first part but Edge Christian/Too Cool stuff was okay so I'll bump it to **1/2. (May of been better as a staright up E&C/Too Cool match)

1/2 Final - Rikishi Vs. Val Venis (w/ Trish Stratus)
 Three weeks earlier on SMACKDOWN! Rikishi knocked Val off the stage and splashed him so there is recent history here, which would be carried on to Fully Loaded which is my next review. Val is bounced off the ring steps, in-ring Kish hits a leg drop but Val manages an armbar takedown which makes sense given Rikishis arm. DDT by Val after some arm shots. Rikishi belly-to-bellys Val for .... 3?! Da-hayell at around 3:21. PM - Rikishi goes to Bonzai Drop Trish but Val saves her and attacks Kishi including ring steps to Kishi's shoulder. *

1/2 Final - Kurt Angle vs. Crash Holly
 I used to have a Crash figure but his arm stopped working, sad times. Angle's in control, JR and Jerry plug XFL, hmm whatever became of that? Crash gets kick, elbow and a backdrop, good heavens it's SJO .... Sustained Jobber Offence, missile dropkick gets Crash a 2 count but Angle one ups that with a 3 count after an Angle Slam at 3:56. * - Not enough time to be much of anything.

We get clips of Donald Trump front row at an MSG show, let me go on record saying I prefer US Apprentice to ours, well done Brandy. (From Front Row of MSG possibly to the Oval Office)

Hardcore Title - Evening Gown Match - Gerald Brisco Vs. Pat Patterson (c)
 The Stooges explode! Gerald won Hardcore Title off of Crash but Pat hit him with Champagne giving Gerald real pain *cymbal clash* (I totally robbed that from Milton Jones who had a load if them like that when I went to see him at Rhyl Pavillion). Gerald comes out to Real American and Pat has that generic stripper music. All i'll say is it's horrible, I hate it, Boston hates it, you hate it, my cats who weren't born till two years later hate it (One of which, Tabitha Rose, passed on 25/06/16, I miss you Bigs, since this her sister passed away 24 days later on the 19th of July, love you girls). Ends thanks to Crash winning the belt back due to 24/7 rule at 2:47 which under my new rules means it is UnR. (Just noticed 24/7 rule and 2:47 match time, that was more interesting than the match)

Dumpster/Tables Match - Dudleyz Vs. Road Dogg/X-Pac/Tori
 Dudleyz have to tableise the 3 DXers whilst DXers have to place Dudleyz in a Dumpster. I think it's fair to say DX had been vastly over shadowed at the time by the rise of the TLC three. Tori's name is sprayed on a table. They do regular tags which is stupid in a no rules environment. Even start between the tandems then Dudleyz hit Waaassssup headbutt on the three DXers, lets say that Dudleyz do non-PG things. DX are doing a Red Sox and heading for the exits early, gotta get my own cheap heat you see. Dudleyz are in the dumpster but as DX gets the ref the Dudz climb out of side doors. 'Oh Sh~~' says the Shakespearean that is X-Pac. Dudleyz have DX down and place two tables ringside as the ring steps are put in the ring, Road Dogg is powerbombed over the top through the Tables ringside. X-Pac is crotched up top and superplexed through a table leaving just Tori who hides in the Dumpster but DX use chairs to knock Dudleyz into the Dumpster and are declared the winners at 9:46. PM - DX don't know where Tori is then Dudleyz emerge with her out of the Dumpster then she is tableised after DX fail to save her. ** - This was okay but nothing stood out about it, this PPV seems to of been booked in Bizarro world. 

KOTR Final - Kurt Angle Vs. Rikishi 
 Kish gets punches in in the aisle way the na scoop slam in the ring. Ringside Angle whips Kishi into the steps. Back in Kish hits a running butt bump then does Stinkface. Angle Slam out of nowhere gets Kurt a 2 count, that may be the first kick out of the Angle Slam, nowadays there seems to be about three kick outs a match from that move. Kish gets 2 by sitting on Kurt but King Kurt is crowned via a belly-to-belly off the top rope for the 3 count at 5:56. The final gets six minutes! A nothing match to end a nothing tournament, amazingly this isn't even the worse tournament as 95/99 sank lower than this.

WWF Title - HHH(c)/Vince McMahon/Shane McMahon Vs. The Rock/Undertaker/Kane
 The story going in is whether the challengers will be able to co-exist, if either McMahon gets the W then HHH retains but if they lose the fall then HHH lose the belt. The second of Shane's three straight KOTR appearances, he won in 99, lost in 01 but how will he fare here? Kind of unfair that his two teammates are non-workers, oh and on HHH who has the McMahons, ka-pow! Kane lets Shane get a free shot, why is Kane here? He hadn't been on PPV since Mania and that was teaming w/ Kishi Vs. X-Pac/Road Dogg. Rock and Bikerman tag themselves in, let's be real here three wrestlers should massacre two non-wrestlers really. Rock breaks a pin after Shane is Chokeslammed, I think I hear boos. Kane breaks a pin after HHH is DDTd then when Rock tags in HHH tags Shane in. The Game and The Brahma Bull fight in the ring as the other four are fighting in the aisle. Pedigree gets 2 as Rock is being beaten down. This match has really slowed down and it wasn't exactly moving at a Savage/Steamboat in the first place. Kane dumps Taker into the ring steps then Chokeslams Rock as he goes for Peoples Elbow, HHH assumes Corporate Kane is back but he gets Tombstoned for 2, when did Kane tag in, oh that's right he didn't. Moment of the night as Taker Chokeslams Shane off the top through announce table, Vince goes for a Corporate Elbow but is Rock Bottomed for 3 at 17:53. *1/2 - I don't like it when a Champion loses his belt without losing it in three or four man matches let alone in a tag match, Rock regains the belt he lost a month ago which he'd only won the month prior to that. Nothing match where only one thing, the chokeslam, is notable. 

16 / 50 - Good heavens 9 points under .500. Thumbs down here, no disrespect to Val Venis who I do think is slightly under rated overall but when he's in the best match there's problems. I did once re-book this PPV and here it is -

- Have Benoit-Eddy-Jericho-Angle in the semis then have an Angle-Jericho final, where Stephanie could screw Jericho even more by costing him the final not the quarter final, I also wouldn't disagree with Benoit win due to him challenging for the WWF Title at the next PPV.

- Kurt going over an injured man seems pointless to me as it devalues his win, if you have an injured finalist then may as well have him go over in a fighting the odds story. 

- The tag title may of been better had it been a straight up tag match with Edge/Christian Vs. Too Cool.

- As much as I like X-Pac and Road Dogg they were almost dead weight by this point based on the advancement of the TLC three and shouldn't of gone over the Dudleyz here, I know Dudleyz had the last night (botch, I can here the You F***ed up chants coming from Philly, I meant to type laugh) on the night but it's the result itself that matters. 

- My thoughts on someone winning a belt without beating the Champion were noted earlier so drop the tag element and if you want the three challengers involved then boom fatal four way, although it wouldn't work from a psychology standpoint - three faces V one heel, I am sure it would surpass the tag match and if HHH doesn't want to lose the belt himself, I assume not as Vince losing the title didn't lead to a HHH/Vince feud or anything, then have Kane lose the fall if you must.

The PPV described above wouldn't be the best ever but I feel it would far surpass the one we did get.

*drops mic/computer saunters off*

Monday 12 October 2015

WrestleMania 21

April 32rd, L.A, California
Attendance: 20,193
Buys: I saw 980K and 1,085,000.

 Ugh absolutely nothing on TV and Strictly isn't on for nearly 2 hours leaving me in a quandary, decided to review 'Mania 22 then realised it was upstairs in my cupboard and I can't be bothered sorting through the DVDs so 21 it is. We get the debut of a gimmick still going now, the reigns of the soon to be faces of RAW and SMACKDOWN! begin and we get an all-time Mania great.

Lilian sings America The Beautiful then we get the spoof movie clips Eugene as Forrest Gump etc. I must note by the entrance there's a sign saying 'Now Showing' then the match participants, I like that.

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Mysterio
 They are the Tag Team Champions but Eddie was trying to prove he could beat Rey. Cole and Tazz handle SMACKDOWN! matches and JR/King handle RAW matches. Eddie's last Mania match. Rey has entrance attire adorned with the Mexico and US flags. Awkward knockdown by Rey but then Eddie is in control with an armbar out of an armdrag. Rey is slingshotted over the top. Eddie has Rey down on the mat as it's been a mat style match so far but now Rey is knocked ringside allowing Eddie to hit a crossbody. Slow deliberate style by Eddie but it's not been engrossing so far, he does lock in a nice surfboard like submission but has to break it as he almost pins himself. Rey sends Eddie ringside with an armdrag then follows up with a nice corkscrew plancha, it was like WCW Rey was back for a moment there. Rey builds momentum but is stopped by Eddie who goes for three amigos but Rey stops him on the second. Rey has had to sort his mask out a few times, Rey has Eddie in position for 619 but is hit by a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for 2 and a 'oooooooooo' from the audience. Frog Splash misses and soon Rey hits 619 but Eddie counters the senton/hurricanrana part with a Powerbomb for a good nearfall. Hurricanrana out of nowhere gets Rey the 3 count, that was out of nowhere. (12:27) - *** - The first part was boring at times but it did have its moments, every Rey match post HH 1997 was expected to be the same quality as that one, though it is slightly over rated to me, but I think Rey/Eddie at HH was more a one off as they never got near that match again.

WWE Champion JBL and Orlando Jordan bump into WHC HHH and Flair backstage.

MITB - Jericho Vs. Benoit Vs. Christian Vs. S.Benjamin Vs. Edge Vs. Kane 
 Benjamin is IC Champion. Ladders on the set go aflame when Kane enters, that was good. The other five attack Kanw in the aisle but he fights them off. Benjamin and Benoit suplex him on the outside. Christian jumps onto Edge, Benoit, Jericho at ringside then Benjamin tops that by somersault planchaing(?) onto all bar Kane who himself then jumps onto them all. Kane uses a ladder as a weapon but Jericho stops him with a missile dropkick, he himself now makes use of ladder as a weapon until Benoit germans him, Kane tries to Chokeslam Benoit but it's countered with a Crossface which is then applied to Edge but Kane breaks it with a ladder and shuts the ladder on Benoit's arm multiple times. Edge is flapjacked into a ladder as Benjamin avoids a Spear, there's  'Shelton' chant. Everyone bar Kane is fighting up on multiple ladders, nice touch by Benoit as he is selling the arm that Kane attacked earlier, that is one of the few times, if not only, that i've seen selling in a MITB match. Edge is brought back to ring level via a T-Bone from Benjamin. Jericho is up a ladder which has one resting on it and Benjamin runs up the resting ladder and clotheslines Jericho down, a birds eye shows Christian holding the ladder for Jericho. Kane goes to Chokeslam Benjamin to outside but his foot gets stuck in the rope leaving Benjamin dangling. Christian almost wins with Tomkos help, akin to Rhyno's help at 17 but Kane dumps him off the ladder onto Tomko at ringside. Benoit is STILL selling the arm what a trooper, he hits a Diving Headbutt off a ladder onto Kane, which reopens stitches above his eye. Benoit is inches from the briefcase but Edge hits him with a chair and wins the match to boos. (16:18ish - Stopwatch issues) **** - I enjoyed this more than I have the newer MITB matches as now some bits are almost expected which takes away the spontaneity of the match, the fact there's only six entrants helped as well as it wasn't overcrowded. Benoit selling his arm/shoulder throughout was nice to see as well. This would lead to Edges WWE Title win at NYR which was a real a shot in the WWE arm.

Eugene is here now, his music kicks in after he's come out he talks about Mania III and midgets then is interrupted by Mohammed Hassan and Daivari. Hassan 'Do You Know Why I'm Angry?' Eugene: 'You Don't Like Midgets' Hassan says LA is prejudice and he's annoyed he's been excluded from Mania, Daivari shouts in arabic which gets boos. Hassan puts Eugene in the camel clutch but Eugene gets saved by Hulk Hogan to  HUGE pop! .... oh sorry WWE Eugene is saved by #### #####. The heels get actual heat, as opposed to cheap, by attacking Hogan as he enters the ring but he soon fights them of and does his posing routine and unveils the biggest US Flag i've ever seen. Hogan fights off foreign heel and unveils US Flag, it's like the '90s never happened, though I did love this.

Undertaker Vs. Randy Orton
 After Orton's bungled 2004 face turn he's been turned again to face Taker at Mania, this did fit in with his old Legend Killer shtick, man that face turn ground Orton to halt. Deadman moves to the ring on a platform which is hidden in the smoke, I hoped he was on a segway but alas it was not to be, the ring is surrounded by Druids. Oh man I forgot about Orton's corking old theme. Orton ducks Takers lunge and slaps him. Orton starts better but is then decked by UT who manages to avoid an early RKO by dumping Orton over the top. Guillotine leg drop connects then Old School, or as it's 2005 Mid-School, connects but UT misses a corner boot and Orton dropkicks him into the barricade. UT hits some punches but Orton gets him down with a clothesline. Snake eyes but Orton avoids big boot with an elbow. Something is bungled there as Orton seems to clothesline Taker who bangs into him sending Orton down. UT locks in Dragon Sleeper, wasn't that known as Taker Care Of Business? Which depending on my mood is either the best or worst move name ever. Orton breaks it with a DDT for 2 then locks in the heel Orton specialty the chinlock which is followed by a .... sleeper but thankfully UT suplexes out of it. Corner punches lead to Last Ride attempt but surprisingly Orton 
avoids it, I was about to complain about obviousness as well, UT avoids RKO which leads to a ref bump. 'Cowboy' Bob Orton hits UT with his cast but it only gets 2 to a pop. He's Takering Up! Big boot avoids another cast shot but a Chokeslam is countered with an RKO for a cracking nearfall, that was a nice sequence. Orton does cut throat and goes for a Tombstone but Taker counters it to one of his own for the 3 count, I honestly thought Deadman was going to kick out there. (14:11) ***1/2 - It was okay to start but really kicked up a gear on the home stretch and I really did enjoy that part of it. It's funny watching Mania matches post 30 as the ones from say WM 18 were accepted almost as foregone conclusions as they were just there to rack up the streak, don't get me wrong some were entertaining still though, but after Brock's win UT's wins seem almost pointless in their existence and I feel that Orton should've got the win here though obviously at the time WWE planned to keep the streak intact so I understand him not winning but 20/20 and all that.

Women's Title - Trish Stratus (c) Vs. Christy Hemme (w/ Lita)
 Christy did playboy but Trish said she's no champion, it was stated on the cover, Trish attacked her and Christy said I want a match at Mania and here we are, Christy said Lita has been training her which is a hilarious thought. Trish dodges Christy then kicks her ringside where she throws her into the steps. Trish mocks Christy but she responds by low blowing Trish but soon Trish is on top again and mocks Lita, roll up gets Christy 2 then Trish hits a kind of spear. Lita and Trish exchange words allowing Christy to get 2 off a school boy. Inverted Twist Of Fate gets the challenger another 2 count. Chick Kick out of nowhere gets Trish the 3 count. (4:43-ish) *1/2 - Kind of rough and not very compelling. Christy wasn't ready for a show like Mania.

Shawn Michaels Vs. Kurt Angle
 (I have already reviewed this match as part of a Best Of Mania I was working on so shall paste that) HBK eliminated Angle from Rumble but he returned and dumped out Michaels he also claims that when he won gold at 96 Olympics all people spoke about was HBK zip wiring at Mania. Slap by Michaels then they trade nice mat wrestling which i'd give the edge to Angle. HBK applies a headlock and not even a suplex breaks it, 'You Screwed Bret' chant, Vince called for the bell and HHH came up with the plan so save them chants for the HHH/Batista match LA. Dueling 'Let's Go ____' chants. Hip toss into a short arm scissors by Michaels after Angle breaks out of a waist lock. Backslide gets HBK 2 then he gets Kurt down with a side headlock as he continues to outwrestle Angle. HBK kicks free from an Ankle Lock and clothesline Kurt to the outside but there Angle rams HBK into the ringpost Angle Slam,style which is smart given his back history. Back in and Angle is taking control of the match getting 2s off a suplex and a belly-to-belly. Punches are traded until Angle utilises a clothesline after he's slapped, that'll teach HBK for breaking the rules of a punch off. Michaels goes for his trademark elbow drop after knocking Kurt off the top but it misses but Kurt can't hit an Angle Slam as HBK arm drags him. HBK seems to slip when he hits a crossbody to the outside. Kurt tries to hit a german off the apron, which would be a sick move, but is lowblowed. Shawn does a springboard crossbody but the table doesn't break, I imagine things like that must be disheartening to wrestlers. Back in HBK does the kip up, forearm bit then does connect with the elbow and is tuning up the band but Kurt blocks SCM with an Ankle Lock. Angle Slam is again avoided but he does finally hit one but it only gets a 2 count. Angle misses a moonsault giving HBK a breather as he heads up top but Kurt does a top rope Angle Slam for a cracking near fall. Kurt is doing some trash talking but BOOM! SCM connects and Angle is out cold, Michaels struggles to his feet but Angle awakens like a horror film villain and applies the Ankle Lock, HBK tries to break it but when Angle grapevines it HBK has to tap. (27:25) ***** - After watching this again it may be my fave Mania match. Just get the PPV and sit back and admire the match. I do like when a big name taps as it makes results seemingly mean more. They would meet again at Vengence in a I want my win back match and an Iron Man on the Homecoming RAW, which I recently traded in, but neither was as good as this match was. Fantastic.

Come down segment after that match is Pipers Pit involving Roddy Piper, Stone Cold and Carlito, guess who was the fall guy.  The whole thing felt rather flat unfortunately.

Sumo Match - Akebono Vs. Big Show
 I have a rule in that matches under three minutes or that aren't wrestling matches, Kat/Terri at SummerSlam 2000 for example, are UnRateable, this falls in the UNR category via the latter rule so I shan't be giving *'s out here. Akebono won.

WWE Championship - JBL (c) Vs. John Cena
 JBL had been Champion since Great American Bash, which tells you how bad/high WWE creative was at the time, you could say WWE gave JBL the title and had planned ahead to Mania to face Cena but I highly doubt that. The intro video doesn't say how Cena earned the Title Shot so either due to the finish of the 2005 Rumble he got the other title shot or he won a tourney. Cena is in his somehow seemingly cool at the time Marky Mark phase, I was a fan as I connected with that persona which tells you all you  need to know about the identity crisis 15 year old me had. Champion out first with a police escort. They did a bit in the run in to Mania where Cena couldn't touch JBL or he'd lose his shot so for me he should brawl from the off but they didn't. JBL has the advantage to start after a shoulder block, he hits a couple of swinging neckbreakers for 2, Cena looks almost human like here compared to today. Cena blocks a corner charge but JBL responds with a spine buster and hits another neckbreaker for 2, we have had a slow methodical if plodding pace so far, it's like a lot less interesting Brock/Cena SS 2014. JBL applies a sleeper which Cena breaks with a suplex. Cena hits a couple of right hands but JBL throws him ringside and hits another neckbreaker, Cole makes a great point in that he says JBL may be setting up for the Clothesline From Hell. Superplex to the challenger has both men down. JBL goes up top but Cena powerslams him out of the air. Cena's fighting back with punches, a backdrop and shoulder tackle then a hip toss, which seemed slightly dodgy, 5 Knuckle Shuffle connects then he pumps up his reeboks and dodges a Clothesline From Hell and hits FU/AA for the WWE Title. (11:41-ish) ** - Disappointing as it felt like it should've been a more momentous occasion given the length and dislike of JBL's reign but the match wasn't set out right for me as instead of an even match where Cena outlasts the Champion we got a match where Cena is beaten down and scores an almost fluke win, I didn't expect that much but I did want more than this. 

Highlights of the HoF inductions then they appear on the stage as is customary unless you're Bret Hart..

World Heavyweight Title - Triple-H (w/ Ric Flair) Vs. Batista
 The lead up to this with the implosion of Evolution was A-One booking by WWE from the pacing to the little moments - HHH not stopping Batista getting eliminated in EC and another time when HHH sees Batista admiring the WHC after Batista raises his hand it was one of the best booked turns ever for me, it makes the bungle Orton turn almost forgivable .... almost. Batista won the Rumble and decided to stay on RAW and challenge for the WHC held by his stable mate HHH. Again the Champion enters first and Motorhead play him to the ring live. Batista gets HHH down with a shoulder block then HHH returns the favour but Batista hits a sloppy powerslam out of an early Pedigree attempt. HHH hits a Harley Race knee which sends The Animal ringside, where Naitch causes a distraction allowing HHH to bounce Batista off the ring steps and now Naitch chokes Batista as ref is distracted, Woooo. Hunter has been on top since he hit the Harley Race knee as he's wearing the challenger down with a slow, methodical style. Crowd aren't silent but they aren't giving this a main event feel. Batista's comeback is cut short by a spinebuster which gets HHH three 2s as he went for multiple pin attempts. Pedigree is again avoided but again Batista's comeback is cut short.  Batista hits an airborne HHH but again the comeback is cut off by the Champion. Pedigree on the ring steps is countered and HHH is slingshotted into the ringpost and now he's busted open allowing Batista to get some sustained offence. Flair tries to cheapshot Batista but gets dropped then Chioda takes a wicked ref bump when he stops HHH using a chair. Flair sacrifices himself to give HHH the Title which he clocks Batista with for a 2 count, fans liked Batista survivng that. Spinebuster to HHH and the Batista Bomb is set up but HHH hits a low blow to avoid it. Pedigree is again avoided as Batista breaks HHHs grip and does a mocve akin to Finlays Celtic Cross, the ropes are shook the Thumbs are down and Batista Bomb lands for the 3 count at 21:34. **1/2 - Torn between 2 and 2.5 but I'll give it the benefit. It was a bit boring for the most part but did pick up as it neared the end, the crowd and feel of it had a Orton/HHH Mania 25 feel for the most part, the match didn't befit the fantastic build up to it, the HIAC match they had at Vengeance a few months later is better than this.

21 / 35 - Firstly I do give it a Thumbs Up but it doesn't have a Mania feel to it really, kind of funny that the Mania subtitled: Goes Hollywood would lack the glitz of WrestleMania but it does deliver at times in the ring - HBK/Angle is a ***** affair and easily one of the best matches to have happened at a Mania, Orton/UT - MITB - are both very good at times, Eddy/Rey - WWE Title and WHC are disappointing for varying reasons but overall thumbs up as stated, I think this would be more fondly remembered if it was any PPV not named WrestleMania. The historical significance should be noted though as it was the birth of the MITB and the start of Batista and Cena's rise to the main event level as these tow would be the faces of RAW and SMACKDOWN! 

The Extras on the DVD have the Hollywood Parodies and a gag reel and lord knows I love a gag reel.