Friday 22 May 2015

Judgment Day 2000

- May 21st 2000 from Louisville, Kentucky.
- Attendance: 16,827
- Buys: 420,000

Opening video is good as it details things that happen over a 60 minute period.

Kurt Angle, Edge and Christian Vs. Too Cool, Rikishi
 The Five Second Pose here is the one I always think of and it's the Jug Band one. Edge and Christian are like so totally the Tag Champions. The Champions are hit by running corner butt bumps but Kurt bails before being hit. Too Cool are dominant so far as fans chant for Rikishi. Christian does a mock dance so Kishi drops him. Crowd are on their feet as Scotty signals for The Worm but Angle clotheslines him and gets 2 off a suplex. Hot tag to Kishi and Kurt gets the Stink Face. Edge mocks The Worm so Scotty bulldogs him and hits The Worm. Rikishi Driver is attempted but Christian rings Kishis bell with the ringbell but GrandMaster Sexay hits the Tennessee Jam/Hip Hop Drop on Edge for the 3 count at 9:45. ***1/2 - Real good opener with a white hot crowd. Great start to Judgment Day 2000.

European Title - Eddie Guerrero (c) (w/ Chyna) Vs. Perry Saturn Vs. Dean Malenko
 Malenko is Light-Heavyweight Champion. Dean and Perry do a Demolition Decapitation move. Eddie low blows the pair, double spring hurricanrana to Dean. Tornado DDT to Perry gets a 2 count. Perry has Eddie in electric chair then dumps him on the rope thus croching Dean. Gutbuster off the top to Eduardo by Malenko. Saturn steals both mens finishers, he must've saved up Four SMACKDOWN! Icons, then he is brainbustered. Saturn germans Dean who back suplexes Eddie. Dean grabs flowers off Chyna but she trips him and he hits the flowers leading to Eddie rolling him up for the 3 count at 7:55. The flowers are revealed to of had a lead pipe in them. **1/2 - Adequate three way here, Eddie would go onto bigger and better things whilst the other two would be pretty much phased out soon after.

Replay of Gerald Brisco pinning a sleeping Crash Holly on SMACKDOWN! to win the Hardcore Title and now Gerry is a nervous wreck.

FCA - Shane McMahon Vs. The Big Show
 Show has an alternative rap version of his theme. Shane jumps out onto Big Show but is caught and is soon slammed onto the steps and over the ropes. Show is 100% on top and here's Bossman, quick for 10 Pat Points which PPV did they have a WWF Title match on? JR calls a Chokeslam a powerbomb. T&a come out with chairs but Show dumps them then throws Trish onto them. Shane is crawling up the ramp but Show throws him into the set. Test, Albert and Bull Buchanan all attack Show, he's now down and Shane pushes a speaker onto his leg then finishes him with a cinder block off the bonce, I believe Karl Gotch debuted that particular maneuver in 1951. (7:11) ** Match was average as to cover for Shane being Shane they had the others brawl with Show, a true face would've been booked to overcome the odds unless this was an injury angle then fair enough.

HHH and HBK converse backstage, hmmmmmm.

IC Title - Submission Match - Chris Jericho Vs. Chris Benoit (c)
 Hardcore Holly attacked Benoit's knee on SMACKDOWN! as WWF aired the clip will it p[lay into the match? Jericho's hair is like WCW Cactus Jack. Bulldog is proceeded by chops and an armbar, Benoit gets out of it with a shoulderbreaker, part of me was hoping for a Tombstone. Benoit leg whips out of a Walls attempt. Val Venis or Venice as my sister say is shown looking on. Jericho seemingly forgets the stips as he goes for a pin after a double underhook backbreaker. Jericho hits a turnbuckle shoulder first and soon Benoit an armbar style move which makes sense. Chops are traded until Benoit hits a snap suplex, cross armbreaker is applied by Chris .... Benoit. A turnbuckle was exposed earlier and now Benoit hits it knee first allowing Jericho some offence. Crowd seems to have gone silent until Jericho uses Benoit knee brace as a weapon. Walls Of Jericho is applied over the top rope. Multiple germans by Benoit. Jericho attempts the Walls but Benoit hits him with the knee brace and locks in the Crossface and Jericho passes out, uhhh. ***1/2 - It was good but the pass out ending feels like a cop out and slightly irritates me. 

Rock tells HBK he better call the match down the middle

Tables Match - Road Dogg/X-Pac Vs. Dudleyz
 Buh Buh was going through a tableising woman period. Slightly weird as although it's a table match they still do tags. There's the obligatory X-Pac sucks chant. Wasssup connects to Pac and Dogg so they take a hike but Dudz catch them in the aisle. D-Von is soon stuck in the heels corner. Dudz make a tag but ref doesn't see it. Buh Buh is now and cleans house then gets wood, three to be exact, he sets two tables up in the corner. D-Von is Pump Handle Slammed through a table by Road Dogg (2-1) but the score is tied soon as X-Pac is Powerbombed through one by Buh Buh (1-1). Dogg and Buh Buh call a truce to hiptoss the ref through a table. Road Dogg is 3D'd through a table but the ref is out. Buh Buh tries to put Tori through a table but gerald Brisco stops him. X-Factor through the table wins it for DX. ** is the highest I can go here. Would of been better as a brawl rather than a regular tag, why tag in a match with No DQ?

The creepy girl video plays and ends with 'His Judgment Day is here'

WWF Championship - Iron Man - S/Ref- HBL - The Rock (c) Vs. HHH 
 What the hell is HBK wearing? McMahons are with Hunter but he orders them to the back.
First Fall - Punches and lock ups are traded. Rock gets 2 off a roll up so Hunter bails ringside. Slow start so far but that's to be expected as they'll go an hour. Rock Bottom out of nowhere gets Rock the first fall at 10:53ish. (1-0)
Second Fall - Jerry makes a good point as he says Rock is almost 2-0 up as a draw keeps him the title. HHH hits some offence on the outside but back in Rock gets 2 off a suplex. Nice psycology by Rock as he targets the knee then applies a Figure Four, I like that, Rock gets a few 2s when HHHs shoulders hit the mat. They fight in the crowd as per every WWF main since 1998 it seems. Back in and HHH levels the score with a Pedigree at 25:27ish (1-1)
Third Fall - HHH kind of does a small package for the 3 count at 26:25ish that may seem weird but I think it's done as Rock selling the effects of the Pedigree, which is a nice touch. (1-2)
Fourth Fall - Fighting by the entrance way and HHH hits a suplex in the aisle, Rock responds with a back suplex and this is now officially Rocks longest match, I'm trying to remember if Cactus/HHH surpassed the 30 min mark. Facebuster then a piledriver gets HHH another 3 (1-3).
Fifth Fall - Rock has a short burst but HHH elbows him for 2. Rock breaks out the La Magistral for 2. HHH applies a sleeper using ropes for leverage but HBK catches him. Rock messes up a Floatover DDT maybe from fatigue but does get 3 at 40:50ish (2-3).
Sixth Fall - HHH hits Rock with a chair for the DQ. (3-3)
Seventh Fall - HHH pins Rock who hasn't recovered from the chair shot, that's brilliant having HHH sacrifice a fall to hurt Rock in the long run I love that, (3-4)
Eight Fall - Rock is out from a sleeper giving HHH another fall and showing how great he was sacrificing a fall by DQ, the cerebral assassin goes 3-5 up with 47:33 gone.
Ninth Fall - HHH and HBK are having a domestic. Rock superplexes HHH for a 2 count. HHH goes for a Rock Bottom on announce table but it backfires as Rock Pedgirees HHH but the table doesn't break. HHH is counted out at 56:08 (4-5)/
Tenth Fall - McMahons are here. HHH avoids another countout at 9.5. DDT by Rock then he bops Vince and Shane. People's Elbow gets 3 at 58:02. (5-5)
Eleventh Fall - HBK drops the McMahons but is then knocked off the apron so DX attack Rock as the creepy girls video plays. Undertaker rides out to a pop which rises with every punch, boot and Chokeslam he dishes out, it backfires for Rock though as HBK sees UT Chokeslam HHH and then Tombstone him and calls for the DQ giving HHH the title with a score of 5-6. ****1/2 - Possibly the most NWA 80s match the WWF have broadcast. Some of the booking was brilliant - HHHs DQ and the stuff that followed that for example. The overbooked ending does detract from it a bit and didn't lead to UT/Rock for some reason but like the Mind Games match the ending doesn't ruin what preceded it, great match.

18 / 30 - Cracking showing here from the Federation. The opener was white hot and good in its own right, the submissions match was very good but the Chris' were let down by the ending and the main event was spectacular, who thought Rocky and to a lesser extent HHH could go 58 minutes and still captivate the audience. Thumbs right up here like Mr. Fantastics thumbs.

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