Tuesday 5 February 2013

No Way Out 2007

- February 18th, LA, California
- No title match as it's RAW Vs. SMACKDOWN! main event.
Attendance - 14,000
Buys - 218,000 buys
MVP/MnM Vs. Hardyz/Benoit
- Mercury is wearing a facemask due to his nose being knocked from coast to coast at Armageddon. Benoit was US Champion at this time.  MVP scoop slams Matt but misses an elbow drop. Nitro snapmares Jeff into a headlock. Jeff is beat on in the heels corner but he soon manages to hit Whisper In The Wind to Nitro and tag in Matt, Side Effect gets 2 on Nitro. Now Matt plays face-in-peril and is beaten on by heels. Suplex to Mercury then a tag to Benoit, double german to MnM, Poetry In Motion, Side Effect, Swanton and Diving Headbutt to Mercury but MVP breaks the pin, then a Crossface to MVP is broken up by Nitro but a Crossface to Mercury ends it. **1/2 - Was ok, not fantastic but there wasn't anything bad.

CruiserWeight Title Open -
 2 Men start then when one's eliminated he is replaced. A turmoil match basically.
Scotty 2 Hotty Vs. Davari
 Davari goes for quick pins but is soon bulldogged and The Worm gets 3.
Scotty 2 Hotty Vs. Gregory Helms (c)
 Helms beats on Hotty. Helms stops The Worm and hits a type of Codebreaker for 3.
Gregory Helms (c) Vs. Funaki
 Crossbody by Funaki but Helms rolls through it for 3.
Gregory Helms (c) Vs. Shannon Moore
 My God 3 Count Explodes!! Headscissors by Moore on the outside. Backbreaker gets Helms 2. Double underhook suplex off the top by Helms followed by that Codebreaker style move gets 3.
Gregory Helms (c) Vs. Jimmy Wang Yang
 Standing moonsault by jimmy who soon locks in a funky submission. Jimmy misses a moonsault and gets clotheslined by Helms. Hurricanrana gets Jimmy the slightly surprising 3.
Jimmy Wang Yang Vs. Jamie Noble
 So we're guaranteed a new champion then. Neckbreaker gets Noble 2. Jimmy misses a charge and hits the post. Atomic drop, clothesline and spinning heel kick gets 2 for Jimmy, he soon pushes Noble off the top and hits a moonsault for 3.
Jimmy Wang Yang Vs. Chavo Guerrero
 Chavo beats on the weakened Jimmy until he gets heel kicked. Chavo is thrown over the top then splashed. 3 Amigos by Chavo. Top rope huricanrana by Jimmy but he misses a corkscrew so Chavo hits a Frogsplash for 3 snd the Championship. **1/2 - The good was the last 3 'matches' the bad was the rest. As the match progressed I was kind of thinkin' I'd rather see Gregory Vs. Wang Yang 1-on-1 until 'Open Invitational' rules allowed a Chavo win, Boooo.

Finlay (w/Hornswoggle) Vs. Boogeyman (w/Little Boogeyman)
 Firemans carry takedown by Boogeyman who is in control early. Little Boogeyman eats worms then Hornswoggle squares up to him so Finlay kicks Little Boogeyman then carries on beating him up. Boogeyman comes from under the ring. Boogeyman Boogeys up and beats on Finlay, clothesline then Little Boogey splash. Shilleleigh to Little Boogeyman by Finaly for 3. 1/2 - That was like a 10 minute acid trip.

King Booker Vs. Kane
 They trade punches and chops then a backbreaker, big boot and clothesline over the top by Kane. Missile dropkick by Booker. Kane goes for a top rope clothesline but Booker heel kicks him. Flying forearm gets Booker 2. Booker goes for a suplex but Kane suplexes him. Booker misses the Scissors Kick. Kane dominates Booker hits top rope clothesline and gets the ChokeSlam for 3. ** Bit boring as 80% of the match was punches but i'm feeling generous.

WWE Tag Titles - London/Kenderick (c) Vs. Deuce/Domino (w/ Cherry)
 Deuce and Domino may aswell of been called Kenicky and whatever John Travoltas Grease character was. Double hiptoss by the champions who are dominating Domino. Backbreaker by Deuce to London. Domino in now as London is playing face-in-peril, Deuce throws London into the turnbuckle in a scoop slam position. The beat down continues until London dodges D and D like I dodge Bowser when I have no coins on Mario then gets the tag to Kenderick who beats on challengers, backslide on Deuce gets 2. Deuce 'N' Domino go for Doomsday Device but Kendrick ducks the clothesline and rolls up Domino. **1/2 - Was okay. I liked the Kendrick/London team.

ECW Title - Bobby Lashley (c) Vs. Kennedy
 Kennedy attacks on the ramp as Cole has almost lost his voice. Lashley throws Kennedy across the ring nut Kennedy is soon in control. Clothesline by Lashley then a delayed suplex. Torture Rack by lashley until Kennedy rakes his eyes. Kennedy does a submission that is Figure Four-esque then targets Lashleys knee, a DDT gets 2. Kenton Bomb but Lashley gets his knees up. T-Bone by Lashley, the 10 or so people interested in this match boo Lashley and cheer Kennedy. Ref Bump! possibly the stupidest ever as Kennedy falls into him, chairshot to Bobby but Bobby then hits Ken with a chair and is DQd. *  - God that was possibly the most boring one ever, Kennedys leg work was okay but didn't lead to anything, bad DQ ending aswell.

Miz hosts a Diva Invitational, you know what i'm not gonna recap it. It ends with Ashley promoting her playboy shoot. I saw her recently in a mag she looks about 60, what happened there?

Batista/Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels/John Cena
 At WrestleMania it'll be Taker/Batista for the WHC and HBK/Cena for the WWE Title but tonight they team up. HBK/Cena are Tag Champions.  Batista has the advantage over Cena until he misses a corner charge. Taker/HBK in as Deadman works the arm then goes Old School. He tries it on Cena but it is blocked and Taker is superplexed. Michaels is gorilla press slammed over the top by Deadman. Michaels has been beat on for awhile now. Multiple clotheslines gets Batista 2 but he gets DDTd and Cena tags in. Top rope leg drop to Batista, i'm surprised Cenas never injured himself with that, 4 Knuckle Shuffle but Taker stops the FU. HBK clips Batistas knee when he goes to Batista Bomb Cena. Batista has been beat on for a bit and is now cut. STFU by Cena but Taker breaks it up. HBK hits the elbow then toots up the band but Batista gets a Bossman Slam. Spine buster to Michaels, ChokeSlam to Cena but then Batista swerves, expectedly, and Spinebusters Taker. A Sweet Chin Music and FU ends Undertaker. *** - Definatly got better nearer the end, I was expecting this to be worse than it was.

PPV Poster
14 / 35 - Was dragged down by Finlay/Boogeyman, the Cruiserweight may of had more had it not been turmoil and the rest was average I mean hell only 1 match got *** the majority got **1/2 which tells you how average this PPV was.

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