Tuesday 26 March 2013

No Way Out 2000

- Goodbye Cactus and thank you ..... see you in 4 weeks.

 February 27th, 2000. Hartford, Connecticut.
Attendance: 12,551
Buyrate: 1.20 (480,000 approx)

Intercontinental Title Match - Chris Jericho (c) (w/Chyna) Vs. Kurt Angle
 Kurt is European Champion, I think he beat Venis but it's not on the line here, Chyna gets her own entrance for a reason P-Dawg cant comprehend. 'Y2J' Chant. Jericho starts off better, he backdrops Angle over the top and hits his 2nd rope dropkick when Angle's on the apron. On outside Angle whips Jericho but he jumps onto the steps and moonsaults Angle. Back in now as Angle starts taking control but Jericho gets a double underhook backbreaker, chinlock by Angle Boooo. Kurt targets the arm/shoulder. Flying forearm gets Jericho 2, then he goes all WCW as he hits a double powerbomb when Angle goes for a hurricanrana. Angle Slam gets 2, that was kind of out of nowhere. The Walls are applied but Kurt gets a rope break. It ends when Jericho goes for a Lionsault but Angle hits him with the belt when he lands and gets 3 at 10:13. **1/2 - Was alright, I didn't really like the cheap finish though I suppose it fits with Angles character. Kurt is 2nd or 3rd EuroContinental Champion after Jeff Jarrett and possibly D-Lo Brown. 

WWF Tag Titles - NAO (c) Vs. Dudleyz
 Dogg knocks Buh Buhs glasses off but he responds with a Bubba Bomb, Waaaaasup Drop, as yet unnamed (was it ever officially named?), connects. Dogg sunset flips D-Von for 2 but D-Von is soon on top. Road Dogg has been isolated now as Dudleyz use frequent tags. Road Dogg manages a superplex, tag to Billy who cleans house Fame Asser to D-Von but Buh Buh pulls Gunn out and hits his shoulder with a pipe, 3D to Road Dogg gets 3 at 5:19. *1/2 - Wasn't much beyond Dogg being beaten on but it did make sense as Gunn had a legitimate shoulder injury coming in so couldn't do much, also explains why Buh Buh hit his shoulder and not his bonce. (Gunn would return Oct/Nov time as 'The One' Billy Gunn)

Mark Henry Vs. Viscera
 Viscera splashed Mae Young to set this up. Henry gets clubbing blows but then they knock each other down, spinning heel kick by Viscera, not yet a Big Daddy, then he dumps Henry over the top. Lawler: 'I think Mae remembers Eve when she was a rib.' Viscera dominates at ringside 'Boring' chant. Samoan drop by Viscera, crowd makes some noise when Mae appears, Viscera goes to splash her but Henry scoop slams him for 3 at 3:47. *1/2 - At least it was short but do it on RAW/SMACKDOWN! or Heat. 

'Vivian' interviews Jericho who says he'll stop Angle celebrating.

Hardyz (w/ Terri) Vs. Edge/Christian
 APA are here as Terri bought protection from Dudleyz. Jeff misses Whisper In The Wind, as yet uunnamed Double leg drop to Christian, then a Poetry In Motion gets 2 after Christian has been isolated. Hardyz are playing subtle heels here. Christian gets out of a razors edge hitting a neckbreaker on Matt. Edge in, a roll up gets 2 on Jeff after a hotshot. Now Edge/Christian are playing it heel as Jeff is isolated. Dragon sleeper to Jeff but he Twist Of Fates out of it. Edge gets 2 off a piledriver. Hurricanrana by Jeff then he attempts another but is powerbombed, Christian in now as Jeff is still face-in-peril. Jeff almost gets a tag but is spinebustered, he does however dropkick Edge out of midair, Matt in and he cleans house. Edge victory rolls Matt as Jeff crossbodys Christian and the ref counts both. Legdrop, splash to Christian, I wasn't sure Matt would reach. Edge Spears Jeff as he goes for poetry in motion. Terri pushes Jeff off the top then slaps Matt who is Unprettiered/Kill Switch for 3 at 15:16. Post match Faarooq nearly breaks Jeffs neck with a funked up Dominatior. ***1/2 - Not as good as I remembered but still very good. Crowd wasn't dead but were on life support. Got better near the end but see they didn't need TLC to have good matches.

Jeff may be out cold. #BotchedDominator
Big Bossman Vs. Tazz
 This is more segment than match, by that I mean it's only here to put Tazz over as someone who can take a beatdown and get back up. It ended at 00:48 as Bossman was DQd but post match Bossman and Albert beat him down but he gets up until they break a nightstick on his head. Should've booked Tazz as someone who came down kicked some ass, choked you out then left ala Rumble 2000. * For the nightstick breaking spot.

No Holds Barred - Kane (w/ Paul Bearer) Vs. X-Pac (w/ Tori)
 In '99 these were a team, Champions even but in October (ish) DX reformed and X-Pac rejoined full time then Tori left Kane aswell in late 99, or possibly early 2000 but I think it was Dec 99. They had a cage match at Armageddon. Kane no sells some punches then hits a Tilt-A-Whirl backbreaker so X-Pac tries to leave. They're fighting near the entrance where X-Pac is thrown around for a bit, they come back ringside via the crowd. X-Pac gets Kane down with a ringbell then goes to hit him with a chair but Bearer attacks him to a pop then chases Tori around. Back in X-Pac does his corner kicks, Bronco Buster. Bit of psychology as X-Pac targets the knee, he avoids a Tombstone, lowblow then an X-Factor but Kane more or less shrugs it off. Chokeslam to X-Pac then Tori jumps on Kanes back so he Tombstones her. X-Pac dropkicks the stairs into Kane and pins him under them for 3 at 7:48. **1/2 - Not exactly a big blowoff to the feud. No Holds Barred so I wanted them to use weapons more or something just make it brutal, X-Pac targeting the knee though was sensible psychology.

Too Cool/Rikishi Vs. Radicalz (w. Eddie Guerrero)
 Eddies arm is in a sling, Saturn is the only un colour co-ordinated Radical, then again he was the odd one out. Eddie has a pipe but Rikishi hit him with it. Missile dropkick, enziguri then Grandmaster boogies. II Cool double team Benoit then Scotty moonwalks and tags 'Kishi. Stinkface for Benoit he goes for a Rikishi Driver, Greetings From Asbury Park for my WCW fans out there, but Dean dropkicks his taped ankle which is now targeted. Scotty bulldogs Saturn but Dean cancels the Worm. Lawler asks JR if his hair is like Scottys under his hat, he should've put a wig on and revealed it, speaking of Scotty he's playing face in peril as radicalz have isolated him using frequent tags, hurricanrana by Perry. Rikishi in and he runs corner to corner, which irritates me, Rikishi Driver and The Worm to Saturn. Dean chopblocks 'kishis ankle twice. Oh the goggles are on, Hip Hop Drop to Perry but Benoit hits Diving Headbutt on Sexay. Dean works 'Kishis ankle but is sonn Rikishi Drivered and Banzai Dropped for 3 at 12:43. ***1/2 - Radicalz lose PPV debut, to go with the TV losses. I liked how Radicalz isolated Scotty using frequent tags, I like that strategy/psychology. Had 'Kishi sold the ankle I may of busted it up to ****.

Winner Goes To WrestleMania - Big Show Vs. The Rock
 Show won the Rumble so this match is pointless, well it turned out to be anyway. This PPV marks Shows first full calender WWF year  *opens a Party Popper* Pop for Rock who slaps Show, floatover DDT gets an early 2, he goes for a Rock Bottom but Show knocks him ringside where they fight in the crowd but it's just punches then they're back in the ring. Rock starts a comeback until Show powerslams him thus regaining control. Side russian legsweep and a DDT both get Rock 2 then Show gets a 2 of his own off a sidewalk slam. Ref Bump!! Show ChokeSlams Rock, Tim White starts counting but Earl Hebner pulls him out. Pop for Shane-Os return but as Rock goes for Peoples Elbow Shane strikes with a chair allowing Show the 3 at 9:27. **1/2  Passable match but there wasn't much beyond punches, I like unexpected endings and Shows W was certainly that.

Career Vs. Title - WWF Championship - Hell In A Cell - Triple-H (c) Vs. Cactus Jack
 Coming off my favorite match we have the feud ender (I mean the Rumble street fight not Rock/Show). HHH/Foley was a great feud from Mankinds firing to his re-hiring and ass kicking which led to Cactus Jacks return to the MSG Street Fight to this. The Cell door is locked as Cactus had threatened to come flying off the roof. Cactus is in control to start but a HHH lowblow allows Hunter a breather. Facebuster by HHH but he's soon backdropped over the top, ringside Cactus does his whipped into steps spot then HHH launches them into Cactus' head, chairshots follow and a DDT gets Hunter 2. Cactus gets his own 2 off a Double Arm DDT to the chair. HHH throws Cavtus into the Cell walls but a Pedigree on the steps is avoided with a slingshot into the Cell, now HHH is cut. A chair assisted Cactus Elbow connects, now Cactus throws the steps at HHH but he ducks however the steps break the Cell wall allowing them to go outisde, piledriver on the announce table that doesn't break, now Cactus has the Barbed Wire 2-By-4, Hunter heads up the Cell, Cactus goes in pursuit but HHH manages to knock him down through the announce table, that seemed tame comopared to King Of The Ring. Cactus tries, and fails, to throw a chair up the Cell, why would he want to arm HHH anyway? Now they're  both on top where Hunter attacks with the 2-By-4 until he's lowblowed, HHH falls onto a corner panel whcih breaks slightly, if that had of gone through HHH would've landed on the mats outside so they're lucky another doesn't break when Cactus suplexes HHH. The 2-By-4 is set on fire, HHH is hit in the head but when Cactus goes for a piledriver on it HHH backdrops him throught the Cell and the ring, it's Cactus Splat would've been a good joke had he landed with a SPLAT ala KOTR 1998, HHH climbs down kicks Cactus' arm then in a horror film like moment he is up but is Pedigreed for 3 at 23:59. ***1/2 - At the time I was really sad Cactus was gone but watching it 13 years later all the emotion is gone via Micks comebacks, hell he was TNA Champion in 2009. To be honest it wasn't as great as I remembered but still good.

21.5 / 40 - 3 Good matches so this is recommended. The bad wasn't so bad as NAO/Dudz was rightfully a squash, Tazz/Bossman was more a segment and Viscera/Henry was short. Recommended PPV.

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