Friday 10 May 2013

WrestleMania III

- March 29th, 1987,  Detroit, Michigan.
- Attendance - 93,173
-Buyrate - 10.2

- When I think of WrestleMania this is the one I think of.

Vinnie Mac welcomes us to WrestleMania then Aretha Franklin sings 'America The Beautiful'

Can-Am Connection Vs. Bob Orton jr./Don Muraco (w/ Mr. Fuji)
 Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura on commentary. Rick Martel and Tom Zenk are the Can-Am Connection. Zenk shoulderblocks Muraco down, hiptoss then a double monkeyflip sends him flying. Orton in and hits a shoulderblock but then is scoop slammed. Can-Am are in control. Heel miscommunication as Don drops Bob, Martel works Ortons arm. Muraco hits a neckbreaker after Bob cheapshots Zenk. Muraco is whipped and does the Flair Flip then he's double dropkicked and a crossbody by Martel finishes him at 5:36. ** - Average but fun opener.

Video package for Hercules Vs. Bily Jack Hayes, then Hercules and Bobby Heenan 'It's Billy Jerk' are interviewed by Mean Gene.
Hercules (w/ Bobby Heenan) Vs. Billy Jack Hayes
 Billy reminds me of Dr. Death, RIP, also going by his attire I guess he's from Oregon. Knees by Hercules but he is soon presslammed then chopped but he hits a clothesline out of the corner to stop the onslaught. Suplex gets Hercules a 2, he himself stopping the count. Billy sells the back by being unable to do a suplex and Hercules is again in control, crowd boos, he goes for a Full Nelson* but cant lock his fingers and Billy pumps up and they do a double clothesline spot. Atomic drop by Hayes, he again sells the back, now he is in control of Hercules, he locks in the Full Nelson on the outside and both are counted out.  Postmatch Hercules bops Billy with a chain busting him open. ** - Okay for a powermatch but I dont like countouts. * I forgot to say the match was based around the Full Nelson move.

King Kong Bundy/Little Tokyo/Lord Littlebrook Vs. Hillbilly Jim/Haiti Kid/Little Beaver
 Bob Uecker is with Gorilla and Jesse on announcing. I'm slightly feared of midgets and there's 4 in this match, I dont like reviewing the odd match of theirs that pop up but that's very rare, Rumble 98 was the ;ast I think. KKB has gone from 'Mania 2s maine event to this. Little Tokyo looks like Antonio Inoki. The midgets run around, and soon Little Beaver is caught in the heel corner. Hillbilly gets Bundy down with a clothesline. Corner splash by Bundy, Little Beaver keeps interfering so Bundy slams him and hits an elbow drop for the DQ, wrestlers couldnt touch the midgets, at 4:08. * - Lest I never see this again.

Loser Must Bow - King Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan, Fabulous Moolah) Vs. Junkyard Dog
 Jerry Lawler was going to sue WWF or something over the King title, Harley coming out to Lawlers music wouldn't of helped matters. King Of The Ring at the time was only a house show attraction, only in 93 was it added to PPV. Prematch with het interviews from all involved. Bobbys jacket is sparkling like nobodys business. Something almost surreal about seeing Race in the WWF. JYD blocks punches but Heenan grabs his foot, Harley dumps him ringside but misses a diving headbutt, crazy. Abdominal stretch by JYD but Race hiptosses out of it but then misses another headbutt. JYD hits headbutts on all fours but Heenan distracts him allowing Race to hit a belly-to-belly for 3 at 3:21. * No time to do much. JYD hits Race with a chair instaed of bowing, sore loser.

Vinnie Mac interviews Hulk Hogan, funniest line - Hogan: 'Hulkamania is the purest truth'

Rougeau Brothers Vs. Dream Team (w/ Dino Bravo and Johnny Valiant)
 Brutus Beefacke and Greg Valentine, was Dream Team name a joke? Mean Gene interviews Dream Team. Raymond atomic drops Brutus then he is double dropkicked. Raymond crossbodys Greg for 2 but Greg ducks when another is attempted allowing Dream Team some offence. Figure Four by Valentine as Heenan joins commentary. Raymond cleans Gregs clock, Jacque, I think that's how you spell it, hits a seated senton on Greg as Raymond holds him up but Dino Bravo cheapshots Ray and Greg gets 3 at 4:03. Dream Team leave without Beefcake and really who blames them. ** - Okay formulaic tag but again it was short.

'Hair Match' Rowdy Roddy Piper Vs. Adrian Adonis (w/ Jimmy Hart)
 Roddys 'retirement match' .... he headlined WCW Starrcade 9 years later. Adonis is interviewed by Mean Gene. Roddy doesn't come down on the machine like the others have, instead he walks the aisle.  Nice pop for Piper. Roddy whips Adonis then gets Hart, Piper is now whipped with a belt. Adonis, who has a body ala Dusty Rhodes, does the Flair Flip. Hogan style chestrakes by Adonis followed by a clothesline as he has taken control. Jimmy squirts something in Roddys eyes allowing Adonis to apply a sleeper but he lets go to early thinking he's won, Brutus Beefcaker comes down and revives Piper, thus turning face, and he bops Jimmy and applies a sleeper to Adonis for the win at 6:07. Brutus starts shaving Adonis, I guess that's where 'The Barber' comes from. **1/2 - Entertaining given the time they had, crowd were certainly into it.

Hart Foundation/Danny Davis (w/ Jimmy Hart) Vs. British Bulldogs/Tito Santana (w/ Matilda)
 Jesse Ventura leaves the booth for this. Harts are tag champions, Danny Davis is a ref who made Bulldogs and Tito Santana lose there titles. Jesse leaves with Matilda, who went for Jimmy Hart, he may of turned her into a coat. Bulldogs dump Davis onto the Harts. Double headbutt to Jim Neidhart by The Bulldogs but soon Tito is caught in the heel corner. Davey backdrops Jim but is then distracted allowing Jim a cheapshot. Dynamite, Bret in. Dyno hits a clothesline and a headbutt but soon after Bret is beating on him in the corner. Hart Foundation hit a move akin to Demolition Decapitation, Danny Davis enters to boos.  Dynamite has been playing face in peril but manages to get his knees up when Davis goes for a splash., hot tag to Tito who beats on Davis, as does Bulldog who does a jumping Tombstone, vertical suplex and Powerslam but Jim breaks the count. All men are brawling then Davey Boy gets flattened by Jimmy Harts microphone and Davis gets 3 at 8:52. ***1/2 - Good match, I've bumped it up 1/2 due to crowd. As it's WrestleMania i'd of prefered a Face win here, any other PPV and i'm fine with a heel win.

Mean Gene is with Bobby Heenan and Andre The Giant.

Butch Reed (w/ Slick) Vs. Koko B. Ware
 Koko B. Ware is always used as the example in the 'Anyone can be in HOF' argument. Ventura is back announcing as Bob Uecker and Mary Hart were with Gorilla during the last match. Shots by Reed but then he is dropkicked. Koko's down but stops Reeds offence with a hiptoss, punches and a dropkick. Reed does get 2 though off a small package and then 3 when he rolls through a Koko B. Ware crossbody at 3:39. Slick attacks Koko postmatch so Tito Santana comes to make the save and rip Slicks clothing. * - Nothing really happened.

Intercontinental Title - Randy Savage (c) (w/ Liz) Vs. Ricky Steamboat (w/ George Steele) 
 Here is the best WWF match of the 80s and possibly 'Mania history. Savage injured Steamboats throat with a ringbell, also George is obsessed with Liz or something. We get promos from the pair 'History beckons the Macho Man'. Savage bails ringside to move Liz. Couple of armdrags by Ricky, Savage misses a corner splash so Steamboat targets his arm. Savage elbows Rickys throat then knees it when he has Steamboat in the ring. Soon Randy is tied in the ropes allowing Ricky some freeshots. Armdrag by 'Boat as the pace picks up, he skins the cat when Randy tries to toss him but Savage clotheslines him over again. Double Axe Handle connects then Randy hits one in the ring, running elbow gets 2 as does a hotshot, suplex by Macho who is in control, Savage cuts short a Steamboat comeback and hits a gutwrench for 2. Ventura calls for a DQ when Savage is backdropped over, this is WrestleMania not Starrcade Jesse. Brainchop gets 3 but Savage's foot is on the rope, multiple chops follow, sunset flip gets 2 as does a jacknife cover. Savage took a swing at Dave Hebner then, speaking of Hebner he is down when Ricky is whipped into him, Ref Bump! Savage lands the Big Elbow but there's no referee, he goes ringside to get the bell but George Steele pushes him off, Savage goes for a scoopslam but Steamboat gets an inside cradle for 3 at 14:35. Savage has his head in his hands as he leaves. ***** - WWFs best match of the 80s, some may say ever. Ohhh Yeaaaah!!!!

Mean Gene interviews Jake 'The Snake' and Alice Cooper. We see Honky hitting Jake with a real guitar.

Jake 'The Snake' Roberts (w/ Alice Cooper) Vs. Honky Tonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart)
 Jake gets shots in before the bell rings, he probably was really pissed at Honky for the real guitar shot, HTM hasn't even got his Elvis attire off yet. Scoopslam on the outside, but when back in the ring HTM has the advantage at least until he is clotheslined. Ringside Honky whips Jake into the ringpost, Monsoon says when you're manager is out there they shouldn't help you up but didn't mind when Animal helped Steamboat hypocritical face comentator!! HTM has Roberts down in the ring but Shake, Rattle 'n' Roll is countered with a backdrop. Atomic drop and punches as Jake is coming back, DDT is signalled but Hart grabs his foot allowing HTM to roll him up for 3 at 7:03. Jake holds Jimmy postmatch, after swinging a guitar at HTM and throws him down as Alice throws Damian the snke at Jimmy. ** - Match was meh.

Gene Okerlund announces an, reportedly inlflated, crowd of 93,173.

Nikolai Volkoff/Iron Sheik (w/ Slick) Vs. Killer Bees
 Slick is still rocking the ripped attire, continuity. Nikolai sings his national anthem but 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan runs down to stop him. Just dawned on me Sheik was the last WWF Champion here and that reign ended in 1984. Killer Bees are in control, Volkoff is dumped ringside. Double hiptoss to Sheik, Brian B. Blair reminds me of the mulleted Finlay from mid 90s. Volkoff has Brunzell in the heels corner then has him in a bearhug, I thought Blair had blind tagged in. Couple of suplexes by Sheik for 2. Harley Race style knee by Brunzell, he tags out but the ref didn't see it. Camel Clutch is applied as Duggan chases Vokloff into the ring then mindlessly cracks Sheik with the 2-by-4 so his fellow faces lose by DQ, idiot. at 5:41 ** - What we got was okay but stupid ending.

Mean Gene interviews Andre and Heenan.

WWF Championship - Hulk Hogan (c) Vs. Andre The Giant (w/ Bobby Heenan)
  Video plays of the build to the match, they were friends then Andre ripped Hogans cross and vest off on Pipers Pit and demanded a title shot, when people talk of heel turns this isn't mentioned much but it did lead to the Match Of The Century. Gene gets a word with Hogan. Bob Uecker is ring announcer and Mary Hart is time keeper. Trash is hurled during Andres entrance. Gorilla fires off the 'Irresistable force meets the immovable object' line. Hogan goes for a slam early but falls and Andre seems to get 3. Clubbing blows by Andre who then slams Hogan twice. Booty bash and headbutt in the corner follow. Hogan fires shots off but Andre boots him down then a bearhug lasts a while, Hogan's powering up and he punches free, couple of shoulderblocks follow but Andre boots Hogan who falls ringside. Hogan removes a mat but when he goes for a piledriver he is backdropped, sort of. Crowd are pumped for the Hulk up, The Slam Heard Round The World as Andre is slammed! Legdrop follows for 3 at 12:00. *** - Technically it wasn't great but who cares, this is what Sports Entertainment is all about. You need to see this at least once, the Slam is a true WrestleMania moment.

27/60 - Under .500 but forget that. Every fan needs to see this WrestleMania at least once it is what 'Mania is all about. Thumbs right up.

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