Friday 2 November 2012

Vengeance 2005

Can Big Dave get a 3rd straight PPV win over HHH?
- June 26th,  Las Vegas, Nevada

Intercontinental Tilte - Carlito (c) Vs. Shelton Benjamin
 Benjamin gets a quick 2 off a fireman carry. Benjamin knocks Carlito down so he takes his belt and starts to walk off but Benjamin stops him on the ramp. Snap suplex gets Benjamin 2. Nice athleticism by Benjamin when he leaps to the top rope. Carltio in control now and multiple body slams gets him 2, Benjamin gets a flash roll up for 2 but Carlito is soon in control again. Benjamin builds momentum and starts a comeback, he gets 2 off a springboard bulldog, but he stinger splashes into an exposed turnbuckle and Carlito gets the 3. ** Was ok, a little bit boring but not necessarily bad.

Victoria Vs. Christy Hemme
 Christy starts better but Victoria gets a hold on the match after she hotshots Christy. Christy seems to botch countering Widows Peak. Victoria misses a moonasult but gets the win by countering a sunset flip into a pin of her own. * As the right woman won. 

Kane Vs. Edge
- Lita was alligned with Kane but turned on him and joined Edge, is this heel Vs. heel?
 Kane hits a lot of punches in the corner, isn't that a DQ? Kane controls the match, Edge does manage to get a thumb to the eye but Kane is soon back in control. Spear on the outside by Edge. Edge has dominated since the spear, he hits Edge-O-Matic but Kane sits up. Kane heads up top but Edge dropkicks him in mid-air. Snitsky appears and Kane boots him, he then grabs Lita to a pop and gets booed when he puts her down, he then puts her head in a chair. A chokeslam to Edge ends it. *1/2 Kane/Edge don't really have chemistry. I didn't really like the match

Shawn Michaels Vs. Kurt Angle
- Re-Match from the 'Mania 21 classic.
 Pretty even start trading headlocks and takedowns, HBK gets an armdrag into an armbar who then escapes the ring when Angle attempts a single leg takedown. Sunset flip by HBK but Angle turms it into an ankle lock. On the outside now as Angle germans HBK onto the announce table. Angle has been in control for a while now wearing HBK down, Angle then hits a pretty sick powerbomb into the corner, HBK misses a charge into the corner and gets germaned. HBK heads up top but jumps into a release belly-to-belly by Angle who then continues to wear HBK down with a headlock and gets multiple 2s when HBKs shoulders hit the mat, but HBK eventually suplexes out of it. They trade punches which HBK gets the better of then does his forearm, kip up spot. HBK fires off a few moves then heads up top hits the elbow but when he goes to hit SCM Angle clotheslines him. Angle Slam gets 2. HBK gets Angle in a waistlock but Angle transitions it into a ankle lock. Ref Bump!! Angle ducks SCM and gets another ankle lock and everytime HBK tries to roll out of it Angle manages to keep it locked on. SCM gets 2, then Angle heads up top but on the way down HBK hits Sweet Chin Music for 3. ****1/2 Some people may not like this style of match, a psychology match wearing each other down instead of high spot flippy floppy stuff, but this was great, maybe not as good as their 'Mania 21 match but still fantastic.
In Ring Segment where Lillian Garcia proposes to Visera but Godfather reappears and lures him away with hoes, not the gardening variety.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) Vs. Christian Vs. Chris Jericho
 Three man stare down to start but soon Jericho and Christian beat on Cena. Y2J attacks Christian. Tomko trips Cena and is ejected from ringside the nChristian gets FUd over the top. Y2J is getting the better of Cena who dodges a Lionsault but Y2J lands on his feet. Cena DDTs out of a suplex on the outside. Christian mocks Cena but that spurs Cena on who dominates Christian but Y2J blocks the 5 knuckle shuffle. Tower of doom spot as Cena powerbombs Y2J as he superplexes Christian. Cena beats on both challengers and drop toe holds Christian who cracks heads with Y2J, that must've hurt, douible 5 knuckle shuffle. Reverse DDT gets Christian 2 on Cena, then Y2J locks the Walls on Cena but Christian rolls up Y2J for 2. FU to Christian ends it. *** Typical 3 way in that 1 rested as 2 fought, it was like three 1-on-1 matches, I did enjoy it however, the crowd being into it did help though.

World Heavyweight Championship - Hell In A Cell - Batista (c) Vs. Triple-H
- Will HHH do the job 3 PPVs in a row? also let me go on record saying Batista leaving Evolution was one of the best booked angles in a long time.
 Batista starts off better until HHH reverses and irish whip, he knocks Batista off the apron into the cell. HHH gets a tool box or something and gets a chain from it to whip Batista then choke him. Batista slams HHH into the turnbuckle then the cell, then does it again. HHH is cut but stops Batistas onslaught via a spinebuster. A steel chair wrapped in barbed wire to Batistas back by HHH. HHH is bleeding quite a bit and Batistas chair shot of his own doesn't help it, he then pushes it into HHHs face, like Cactus did with the 2-by-4 at Rumble 2000. HHH attempts to Pedigree Batista onto the chair but fails. Batista powerslams HHH onto the chair for 2, he gets the chain that HHH used but gets DDTd onto the chair and now Dave's cut aswell. Sledgehammer to the bonce gets HHH 2. HHH jumps off the top but Batista holds the sledgehammer up into HHHs face, Flair Flop by HHH. The steps are put in the ring by Batista but HHH Pedigrees him for 2, to a pop, he goes for a Pedigree on the steps but gets spinebustered on them and a Batista Bomb finishes it. **** Someone get the Guiness World Record people, HHH has lost 3 PPVs in a row, but seriously this is what a cell should be a bloody, hard hitting feud ender. Batista was drafted to Smackdown! not long after this.

16 / 30 - HBK/Angle II and Batista/HHH make this PPV recommended. Nothing else was bad bar the womens match but even then at least the right one went over. I enjoyed the PPV which I dont remember saying about another 2005 one, bar maybe 'Mania but haven't seen that in a while. Thumbs Up.

Monday 29 October 2012

Judgment Day 2005

- May PPVs generally suck and 2005 was a bad year in my opinion but hopefully this'll prove me wrong.

- May 22nd, Minneapolis, Minnesota

WWE Tag Team Titles - MNM (c) Vs. Hardcore Holly/Charlie Haas
- MNM are Joey Mercury, may be most known for shattering his nose at Armageddon 2006, Johnny Nirto would become John Morrison and Melina is a bit nutty.
 Keylock by Nitro to Haas who goes to hiptoss/armdrag Nitro through the ropes but he Nitro hits the ropes. Dropkick to Mercury by Hardcore. MNM work over Holly. Haas gets the tags and beats on MNM, suicide plancha onto them both. T-Bone to Mercury, but MNM hit the Snap Shot on Haas and it's over. *1/2 Didn't like it when Hardcore was in, Haas was okay when in there.

Big Show Vs. Carlito (w/ Matt Morgan)
 Carlito runs from Show to start. Show dominates by slapping and throwing Carlito around. Morgan attacks Show on the outside which allows Carlito to get a little offence. Ref Bump!! as Carlito is whipped into him, Show goes to Chokeslam Carlito but Morgan boots him and F-5s Show, Carlito wins. * The only good part was Morgans F-5.

Cruiserweight Championship - Paul London (c) Vs. Chavo Guerrero
 Chavo controls London to start then hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. London fires off a hurricanrana on Chavo then hits a dropsault to Chavos swede, he goes for a 450 Splash but Chavo gets his knees up. Chavo targets Londons ribs, quite a bit. Backdrop to London who lands on his feet and gets a heelkick for 2. London goes for like a Swanton on the outside but barely hits Chavo, London landed hard on that. Chavo gets back dropped off the top and London hits the 450 for 3. **1/2 Was ok but I wasn't drawn into it and the fans didn't seem to care, I hate deadish crowds. Bit dissapointing when you think who's in the match.

Kurt Angle Vs. Booker-T
- Angles angle here is he's a sex pest or something and going after sharmel.
 Booker beats on Angle from the get go. Match so far is mainly punch and kicks. Angle is hanging over the to rope as Booker Scissors Kicks him to the outside. Angles turn now to beat on Booker and gets 2 off a suplex. Booker misses a heel kick which enables Angle to get another 2 off a suplex. Spin kick by the Book man. Angle dodges Scissors Kick and Booker counters Angle Slam then gets a good nearfall off a Bookend. Germans by Angle then a belly-to-belly gets 2. Sloppy looking small package gets Book-A the 3. *1/2 Post Match - Angle gets handcuffed to the ropes, Sharmel beats on him and kicks him in the cueballs. I really didn't like this match, I found it boring and dragging, very dissapointed. due to the post match stuff I think Booker Vs. Angle is finished.

US Title Match - Orlando Jordan (c) Vs. Heidenreich
 Prematch - Heidenreich says he wants a friend and picks a girl from the audience, a plant. He says he wants a friend, it's like he's a beefed up Eugene, he reads a poem.
 Orlando beats on 'Reich. Belly-to-belly gets 'Reich 2. Highangled suplex by Jordan. Backbody drop snd big boot gets 'Reich 2. DDT wins it for Jordan. * * I'm in a good mood and to be honest it was better than I was expecting bearing in my mind who was in it.

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Mysterio
- Story is Eddie can't beat Rey. They were tag team champions until MNM dethroned them. They had a match at Wrestlemania 21, whilst still champions, but if I remember right, I was slightly disappointed with it.
 Quick start trading punches. Eddie slams Rey into the announce table twice. Eddie has dominated for awhile now and gets 2 off a forceful belly-to-back suplex. Abdominal stretch, which no ones tapped to since 1969. Rey starts a comeback but Eddie stops it with an inverted powerbomb, a kind of powerbomb/flapjack. Nice sequence where Rey monkey flips Eddie, but then gets backdropped over the top, Rey lands on the apron shoulderblocks Eddie down and gets 2 off a springboard headbutt. Eddie kicks the crap out of Rey on the outside, he sets up for a suplex on the steps but Rey gets out of it and hits 619 around the post. Rey starts another comeback and gets 2 off a crossbody. Eddie hits a superplex and attempts multiple pins, he then goes for 3 Amigos but Rey counters one, it looked slightly botched or at least sloppy. Chavo interferes to distract the ref, Rey goes for 619 but Eddie hits him with a chair for the DQ. *** Disppointing considering what they're capable of. It kind of dragged and I just didn't like it much but i'm not sure why specifically if you know what I mean. DQ ending did annoy me though.

WWE Championship - I Quit - John Cena (c) Vs. JBL
- The 3rd I Quit/Submissions match of Cenas I've reviewed, I hated the others so is 3rd time a charm.
JBL DDTs Cena and goes for a pin, huh? They fight in the crowd. Nothing note worthy has happened yet beyond JBL going for the pin. JBL gets back dropped through an announce table. Chairshot to Cena and he's busted bad. Clotheslines to the busted up Cena, JBL then tries to choke him with his own chain. JBL calls Cena a 'Punk ass bitch' and gets slapped. Cenas face is covered in blood, he looks like WolfPac Sting. Cenas hits some of his usual moves then FUs JBL, a suplex onto JBLs limo but JBL manages to get a neckbreaker. JBL goes for a chokeout again, with a cord this time but JBL gets put headfirst through a conveniently placed TV and now he's busted open. JBL gets bounced off the limo door then Cena rips it off. JBL chokes Cena but he gets hit with a microphone and falls off this structure through a table. Cena walks over with a pole or something and JBL just says 'I Quit'. *** It was okay considering who was in it, but you can hide peoples limitations in No DQ matches. I didn't like the ending though with JBL just quitting on the spot.

14.5 / 35 - Another poor May PPV. I gave Eddie/Rey *** but it was a disappointing match for them, same applies to Booker/Angle. Main event was ok for what it was, but is in no way a PPV saver. Thumbs down for Judgment Day 2005.

Friday 19 October 2012

WrestleMania 25

- Houston, Texas

- This isn't the 25th anniversary as that would mean 'Mania started in 1984.
MITB - CM Punk v Mark Henry (w/ Tony Atlas) v MVP v Finlay (w/ Hornswoggle) v Shelton Benjamin v Kofi Kingston v Christian v Kane
Not doing play-by-play as that’s ridiculous in a MITB match so i’ll recap the spots i.e the good bits. Shelton Benjamin swantans onto virtually everybody off a ladder outside the ring (holy s--t chant for that). Great spot where Mark Henry holds a ladder up vertically and Kofi runs up it, so Henry moves the ladder catches Kofi and worlds strongest slams him. CM Punk is unprettiered off a horizontal ladder by Christian. Benjamin and MVP blow a spot (you f---ed up chant) then Benjamin powerbombs MVP over the top rope onto Henry and Atlas. Christian and Benjamin were on a ladder which they tip over but Christian lands a foot on the top rope and pushes himself back under the briefcase (the crowd want Christian to win). CM Punk kjicks Kane off a ladder for the win.*** I’ve seen better MITB matches, CM Punk winning did kick start the heel turn down the road.

25 Diva Battle Royal
Sucked, to crown the 1st miss WrestleMania. A man won, no not Chyna twas Santina. (Santino marella in drag) 0

Chris Jericho Vs. Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka & Ricky Steamboat (w/ Ric Flair)
Piper, Snuka are that slow I think they be moving back in time. Piper does the worse drop kick I’ve ever seen ( I threw better ones in my prime - wrestling in school with mates when I was about 12). Nice armdrags by Steamboat. Snuka is eliminated via Walls Of Jericho, Piper is gone via enziguri. Lovely crossbody by Steamboat. Steamboat skinned the cat (the move that I think ended his career) then back body drops Jericho over the top, near fall when Steamboat gets a small package. Jericho wins via a codebreaker. Post Match - Mickey Rourke drops Jericho, in a longer drawn out and not as good version of Tyson, Michaels from Mania 14). Piper, Snuka parts were awful but to be fair weren't that long. Steamboat looked good. **1/2

Extreme Rules - Jeff Hardy v Matt Hardy
This came about when Matt kaiboshed Jeffs title reign at the Rumble when he hit him with a chair. Michael Cole said ‘did you ever think you’d see this’ (I know Vengence 2001 wan’t that good but Cole you dont have to pretend it didn’t happen).
 Poetry In Motion by Jeff into the barricade. Jeff goes for a whisper in the wind but Matt hims with a chair in mid-air. Side effect onto a chair by Matt. Jeff puts a bin on Matts head and dropkicks him for a 2 count. Jeff misses a swanton so Matt hits a Twist Of Fate for 2. Jeff gets a superplex then hits Matt with a chair shot just like the one Matt did at the Royal Rumble. Jeff placed Matt on a table then put one on top of him like a sandwich then splashd through them off the top rope. Legdrop over a ladder by Jeff misses as Matt rolled out of the way, then Matt gets the 3 via a Twist Of Fate with Jeffs head in a chair. At times it felt almost like a hardcore match off Raw Is War from 1999, it was better than their Vengence 2001 match but that’s not saying much. Matt going over was a bit unexpected. **1/2

Intercontinental Title - JBL (C) V Rey Mysterio
First time IC titles been defended in 7 years or something. JBL cuts a heel promo, Rey comes out dressed as Joker and JR says something that some people may find offensive. JBL attacks Rey before the bell rings, then when the match officially starts Rey hits an enziguri, dropkick, 619 and a spalsh for the win in 21 seconds (according to Jerry Lawler). Cant really rate a 21 second match, not a fan of either wrestler though. *

It's time to kick 'Mania up a gear
Shawn Michaels v Undertaker
 Michaels enters on a podium coming down from the rafters basically a brilliant entrance he’s all in white to symbolise heaven I think. HBK uses his speed to dodge Takers punches and gets a few shots of his own. Takers been in control for a bit. Taker goes old school. Michaels works over Takers left knee then gets a figure four (pscychology), HBK reverses a chokeslam into a crossface, eventually Taker breaks the hold via a sideslam. Taker locks in Hells Gate but doesn’t get the win. Taker misses his leg drop off the apron spot. HBK goes for a croosbody to the outside and Taker just slaps him down and HBK lands with a THWACK!!. Undertaker goes for his Wrestlemania no hands tope (over the top rope dive) but HBK pulls the cameraman in the way and Taker just lands on his head (cameraman was meant to give him a safe landing I think), HBK tries to get the referee to count fast but Taker eventually gets back on a 9 count. Taker sidesteps Sweet Chin Music and dekivers a monster chokeslam for a cracking 2 count. HBK gets out of a Tombstone, then his SCM is blocked and Taker goes for a Chokeslam but HBK then does hit SCM for 2. Taker goes for Last Ride but HBK reverses into a victory roll but Taker lifts him up by the throat then does deliever a Last Ride for a 2 count. Taker misses a Macho Man elbow. Michaels skins the cat but on his way back in the ring Taker catches him and Tombstones him for possibly the best nearfall i’ve ever seen. Tombstone is reversed into a DDT by Michaels. Michaels does hit a Macho Man Elbow and follows that with SCM. They trade punches then Takers just like balls to this and boots HBK down, the finish comes when Michaels goes for a moonsault but Taker catches him mid flight and Tombstones him for the 3.Brilliant match, especially near the end with the near falls, I doubt anybody thought HBK would win and that’s the problem for me with Takers Mania matches. This is his best i’ve seen. ****1/2

Goodnight HBK.

HOFers are introduced and of course Stone Cold stays about 10 minutes longer than anyone else. 
WWE Championship  Triple-H (c) Vs. Randy Orton  
If I remember rightly (50% chance) this feud peaked befoe 'Mania, Orton attacked Vince, Shane and Steph McMahon.   HHH punches, kickes Orton alot to start, Orton RKOs HHH but misses the punt kick and gets pedigreed. HHH beats on Orton throws him into the ringpost throws him in the ring but Orton asks HHH to wait so Hunter kicks him. HHH focuses on Ortons head/neck area with kneedrops. Orton dominates for a bit but it's just punches and kickes until he gets a powerslam for 2. Ortons signature chinlock now applied. HHH goes for a pedigree but Orton slingsots him to get out of it. HHH hits a nice spinebuster. Pedigree is reversed into an inverted backbreaker by Orton. HHH comes off the top but Orton nails him with a nice dropkick, outside the ring now and Orton reverses the pedigree by backdropping HHH onto the announcers table but it doesn't break, he then does the draping DDT off the announce table. Orton with a lot of kicks to HHH. REF BUMP!! Orton RKOs HHH goes outside to get sledgehammer but on the way back in HHH punts him, sledgehammer shot by HHH followed by a pedigree gets the win.
Punch,  kick, punch, kick then vice versa does not make entertaining 'Mania main event crowd were silent through 90% of the match, Orton would win title next month at Backlash. **   
15.5 / 35 - Pretty poor Mania following the pretty good 'Mania 24. Do anything you can though to catch HBK Vs. Undertaker, arguably the best WrestleMania match ever.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Extreme Rules 2009

Got the DVD recently for £4 so this is a 1st time view.

- Jume 7th, 2009 from New Orleans, Louisiana.

US Championship - Kofi Kingston (c) Vs. William Regal Vs. MVP Vs. Matt Hardy
- What's so Extreme about a 4 way, also Kofi won the title 6 days before on RAW so that may give the ending away here.
 Kingston planchas onto MVP and Hardy. Kingston leapfrogs MVP twice and whilst they dont botch it, it reminded me off Rick Steiner Vs. Barry Windham botch which is my all time fav. Regakl with a top rope double underhook suplex to Kofi but it looked botched as MVP was meant to suplex Regal aswell but mistimed it. Matt tries a pin on all 3 guys one after the other. Kofi boom drops Regal who's lay on top of Matt. MVP hits a nice belly to belly release on Kofi, then Regal hits a nice suplex on Matt but gets hit by Kofis Trouble In Paradise and Kofi retains the title. ** Was rushed but that's the booking fault not the wrestlers, could've been better with more time to space out the big moves.

Intercontinental Title - No DQ- Rey Mysterio (c) Vs. Chris Jericho
- In WWE Universe Kevin Nash unmasking Rey in WCW 1999 didnt exist.
Jericho starts up at the merchandise stand and walks to ring cutting a promo on Rey, stopping on occasion to tell fans to not touch him. Nice spot where Rey handsprings over the steps and kicks them back into Jericho. Rey also gets a hurricanrana on the outside. Jericho is in control of the match for a bit and counters a victory roll by Rey into his own for 2. Rey counters the Walls Of Jericho into an inside cradle. jericho goes to unmask Rey but he gets away. Nice move where Jericho counters a 619 into what i can only describe as an aeroplane spin backbreaker, another nice spot where Jericho hits Codebreaker when Rey attempts a springboard splash. Jericho brings a chair into the ring but it gets dropkicked into his face. Jericho again attempts Walls Of Jericho by countering a hurricanrana but Rey hits him with the chair, he tries to follow up with 619 but Jericho umasks him when he comes through the ropes which allows Jericho to get a roll up and become NEW Intercontinental Champion for the 9th time. ***1/2 Enjoyed the match and I would maybe of give it more stars had they used the No DQ rule but they only did once or twice, they should've utilised it more.
Jericho with IC title and Reys mask.
Samoan Strap Match - CM Punk Vs. Umaga
- May be wrong but I think this was Umagas'last WWE match, CM Punk has Money In The Bank.
 They have to touch all 4 corners in a row to win. Umaga gets to two corners but Punk hits his high knee/ corner bulldog combo. Umaga gets Punk down with a samoan drop then starts whipping him. Punk hits a springboard clothesline and tries to follow up with a GTS but Umaga gets off and nails a spinning heel kick. Punk hits the knee/ bulldog combo again then gets to three corners but Umaga pulls him with the chain and hits a Boss Man Slm type move. Punk again hits three corners but when Umaga tries to stop him hitting the fourth and final one Punk GTSs him and touches the last corner. ** Didn't really like it, was okay for a strap match but that's like saying you're okay for the Cleveland Cavs, it dont mean anything. If anyone can name a good strap match bar Big Van Vader Vs. Sting you win 10 Pat points.

ECW Title - Hardcore Rules - Christian (c) Vs. Jack Swagger Vs. Tommy Dreamer
- Can't stand Tommy Dreamer.
 Tommy has a singapore cane and Christian has a trashcan lid and they take turns hitting Swagger. Christian keeps hitting Tommy until he gets suplexed. Dreamer comes off the apron with a swanton onto both opponents whilst holding a trashcan. Jack gets tied up in the tree of woe and Christian dropkicks a trashcan into his face, like RVD used to do with the chair. Jack recovers and works over Christian with a kendo stick then hits a belly-to-belly for 2. Jack counters a Crossbody attempt by Christian by holding a trashcan up. The Tower Of Doom spot, a move that is seemingly required in a triple threat, is Jack superplexing Tommy onto trashcans as Christian powerbombs him. The finish comes when Jack puts Christian up in the electric chir and drops him onto an exposed turnbuckle, goes to finish him with a gut wrench powerbomb but Dreamer DDTs him for the 3. ** Was ok nothing special. If Dreamer had lost he would've "retired" *sniggers* but unfortunatly he won. Also I may call this match 'TrashCanMania' as it was nearly involved in every move. If dustbin men want the rights to 'TrashCanMania' then I want 1 million pounds or dollars.

Hogpen Match Santina Marella Vs. Vickie Guerrero (w/ Chavo)
- The only other hogpen match I can think of is HHH Vs. a Godwinn in about 1996, the attitude era equivalent was Syrup, Mud match etc.
 All i'll say is I hope a pig wasn't hurt when Chavo was thrown into the pen. Santina pins Vickie for the win.
Vickie gets slobby stuff thrown on her.

WWE Championship - Steel Cage - Randy Orton (c) Vs. Batista
- Orton bores me to tears, at least he's heel here which suits him better than fac for me.
 Orton tries to escape straight away. Suplex gets Batista 2, and he's been dominant from the start. Orton tries to get out the door after he hit his backbreaker variation. Orton gets back into the match but Batista stops that via a Spinebuster. Orton goes for the punt but misses and gets Batista Bombed, match over. * Hm, I expected a kickout. That was short, only about 7 mins. I'd guess Batista or Orton, probably Batista was injured. Not that good possibly due to it's shortness.

Submission Match - John Cena Vs. Big Show
- The last review I did, Over The Limit 2011( also had Cena in an I Quit match, and I believe this will suffer the same problems that one did, in that Cena quitting is not believable. Though let's see if Show is buried like Miz was.
 The selling point is that Cena can't look in the STFU, though if you look at most of his STFUs he doesn't lock it in on anyone. Cena gets some kicks in but Show catches one and clotheslines him down. Show throws Cena off a bulldog, already Cena acts like he's out of it, then gets a few punches on Show but bounces off him when he tries a shoulderblock. Cena gets a sleeper, which is almost working on me, but Show snapmares out of it. Show now hits Cena with a flapjack/powerbomb style move. The match has been punck, punch, kick which is fine if you're playing Mortal Kombat but not wrestling a Submissions match. Show misses a Vader Bomb but Cena fails to body slam him and Show falls on top. Show puts Cena in an abdominal stretch, which I dont think anyones tapped from since 1965. Cena DDTs Show, my god an actual move. Show locks in a bear hug to continue his one man attempt to showcase the most boring submissions. AA to Show. KO Punck to Cena. Cena hits a top rope legdrop, how he's never injured himself badly on that is beyond me. Cena puts Shows leg in the ropes then does a crossface for the win. * I tap out from ever watching that again. Slow, boring, punch, punck, match yet it got given nearly 20 minutes. Ending never in doubt, was a question of not IF Cena would win but with what move would Cena win.
Shows main submission was this hug thing.

World Heavyweight Championship - Ladder - Edge (c) Vs. Jeff Hardy
- 2 of the 6 men who took part in 4 great, possibly classic Ladder/TLC matches in an 18 month span, meet one-on-one.
 About 100 ladders scattered around. Jeff gets a ladder but it backfires as Edge baseball slides it into him. A spot looks like it gets botched as Jeff lands awkwardly on a ladder. Edge does a sensible move by hitting Jeffs legs between a ladder which will restrict his climbing ability. Nasty looking move where Jeff places a ladder upside down and front suplexes Edge into it, that looked like it hurt. Jeff climbs a ridiculous sized ladder to swanton Edge but he moves so in a well timedd spot Jeff lets the ladder tip over then clings to the title on the way down, but Edge manages to pull him down. Whisper In The Wind connects from i'd say 3/4 up a ladder. Sick spot where they fight on a ladder outside the ring and both fall through a ladder that is placed between the apron and the barricade, that must've killed their ribs, back etc. Back in the ring. Jeff climbs a ladder whilst edge climbs one in the corner and in a well timed and executed move, Edge leaps to spear Jeff but he counters into a Twist Of Fate in mid air. Edge climbs the ladder and is close to winning when Jeff pulls him through a rung and his lower body goes right through, which enables jeff to win the World Heavyweight Championship. **** Some new spots which is hard to do in a ladder match in 2009. The fall through the ladder was sick. Some people may bemoan the lack of selling e.g when both went through the aformentioned ladder but were soon back in the ring, but as it was one-on-one they had to do that to keep the match moving, as in tag matches others could wrestle while they rest.

Jeff ends PPV as WHC .... Swerve, CM Punk soon appears

World Heavyweight Championship - Jeff Hardy (c) Vs. CM Punk
 CM Punk cashes in his MITB contract and two GTSs later,CM Punk is the new World Heavyweight Champion.

15.5 / 40 - Ouch! that's bad but the PPV was bookended by two good/great matches in Y2J/Rey and Edge/Jeff but god the middle sucked. Orton/Batista was to short to be good, but probably wouldn't of been much better anyway, Cena/Show was doomed from the start and Hog Pen got 0/5. IC and WHC were good the rest ranged from terrible to poor. Dont buy the DVD instead YouTube the two good matches.

Friday 12 October 2012

Over The Limit 2011

- Purchased this DVD recently so this review is from a first time watch.
- May PPVs are generally average to poor only Over The Edge 1998 and Judgment Day 2000 were okay off the top of my head, I have low expectations of this one coming into it hopefully it'll prove me wrong. (OTE 98 wasn't okay overall as the main event was admittedly fantastic, Dude/Austin, but the rest was poor-meh, I stand by Judgment Day 2000 though) 

 - May 22nd from Seattle, Washington
- Starts with In Memory Of Macho Man Randy Savage.

R-Truth Vs. Rey Mysterio
- I find it hard to watch most Rey matches believably as he's about 3 foot tall. (he's not really that small it's just his gimmick) 
 R-Truth cuts a heel promo to start. Truth lands punches until Rey low bridges him over the top followed by a nice hurricanrana off the apron. Rey is knocked off the apron when Truth bounces him off a turnbuckle. Rey starts to build momentum but Truth puts a stop to that with a front suplex. Rey gets 2 off a bulldog from the top and a crossbody gets another 2. A spinning elbow gets Truth his own 2 count. Truth pulls Rey off the apron and gets Reys leg stuck down the apron so Truth clotheslines him on the outside rolls him in the ring and hits a reverse STO for 3. **1/2 Truth getting a clean win over Rey was good as he headlined the next PPV Capital Punishment. Match wasn't bad but was average didnt get into 2nd gear. (Having someone win to build them for a more important match in the future, who'd of thunk it?)

Video of Zeke leaving The Corre , possibly the least memorable stable ever which segues us to ....
Intercontinental Title - Wade Barrett (c) Vs. Ezekiel Jackson
 Wade starts with punches but Zeke takes over after he throws Barrett down. Elbow drop gets Zeke 2 and he's been dominating for a while now. Wade throws Zeke shoulder first into the post twice and hits a top rope elbow, to boos, for 2. Wade goes for wasteland but Zeke fights out of it but Wade does get a 2 count off a pump handle slam. Repeated scoop slams by Zeke leads to a torture rack but Corre run in for the lame DQ. *1/2 Corre work over Zeke post match. Dont usually like two big men power matches and I didn't really like this one either, I also hate DQ endings.

Cant spell his WWE name but Joe Henning and David Otunga have been laid out by Big Show and Kane. (Michael McsillyDiamondCutter?)

Sin Cara Vs. Chavo Guerrero
-Cara botches more often than not seemingly and i've never liked Chavo so this should be fun.
 They counter head and wrist locks to start. Chavo gets knocked to outside and Cara hits a corkscrew over the top he then  handstands on the apron and head scissors Chavo, that was a nice spot. Moonsault gets Cara a 2 count. Chavo is now in control until Cara kicks him to the outside them hits a splash over the top rope. Cara hits a nice springboard hurricanrana then a handspring elbow (dont treat me like a woman, dont treat me like a man). Cara goes for some sort of headscissors or hurricanrana i'm not sure as Chavo just face plants and Cara gets the 3. ** Probably Caras best match to this point, which to be fair wasn't long (I don't think his forst coffee had even gone cold). Okay match but Cara cant punch or kick without flipping and flopping everywhere, finish was botched. WWE I think put Chavo with Cara based on mexican heritage (I mean as in Chavo's mexican so he *must* know and be profficent in Lucha style) the only problem was Chavo doesn't wrestle Lucha Libre he wrestles the WWE style.

Del Rios doing a promo about destiny but Big Show and Kane interupt which leads to....
WWE Tag Team Titles - Big Show & Kane (c) Vs. CM Punk & Mason Ryan
- Punk and Ryan are members of the New Nexus here, lasted longer than I thought.
 Ryan overpowers Kane then scoop slams him. CM Punk gets dominated by both Kane and Show for a while, he only turns the tide when he kicks Kane in the bonce during a chokeslam. CM Punk takes out Kanes knees which makes sense and Ryan powerslams him. Kane suplexes Ryan and both go to tag out but Punk stops Show tagging in by stopping Kane, he then heads up top points to the heavens but misses a Macho Man Elbow. Big Show dominates Ryan then clotheslines both challengers down and Punk is knocked over the top so Mason Ryan gets double chokeslammed and the champions retain. **1/2 Show, Kane just punched and kicked, Ryan did about 4 moves and Punk was mainly dominated by the champions. (and it still got **1/2? My comments sound like I didn't like it, granted **!/2 is hardly a barnburner but sounds like I would of given it less)

Divas Title - Brie Bella (c) (w/ Nikki) Vs. Kelly Kelly
- I dont care for the divas division. (Blunt and to the point)
 Kelly does a headscissors version of the tarantula. Brie works Kellys arm. Kelly gets 2 off a bulldog, the twins switch Nikki throws Kelly neck first into the ropes thens hits X-Factor like move for the 3. * Moving on.

World Heavyweight Title - Randy Orton (c) Vs. Christian
- Christian won the WHC title at Extreme Rules but lost it 2 days later, 5 in WWE Universe. He is not yet a full blown heel.
 Chrisitan goes for a quick pin off a roll up then hits a missile dropkick for 2. Orton fires back with a nice standing dropkick and gets a 2 of his own off a superplex. Christian responds with a 2 count of his own when he counters an uppercut into a backslide. Nice spinebuster by Christian then they trade punches until Christian gets the upper hand and hits a reverse DDT. Christian gets out of the draping DDT but Orton then connects with his back breaker variation for another 2 count. Orton locks in a nice and impressive submission which is like a inverted Walls Of Jericho, he should use that more often, Christian breaks it by getting to the ropes. Nice call back to their Smackdown! match where Christian pump fakes a cross body and Orton instinctivly goes for an RKO (that's how Christian lost the title to Orton), so he kicks Orton then hits a crossbody. Christian pushes out of an RKO but when he goes for a spear Orton snap powerslams him. Orton goes for a punt but stops himself so Christian spears him for 2. They trade counters of each others finishers until Christian flips out of a back suplex into an RKO, Orton retains. **** Was ok at first but definitely picked up as it neared the end when the nearfalls started which makes sense as a match should build to the finish. Liked Christians pump fake crossbody and Ortons innovative submission move. These two have great matches and had other good/great matches over the summer.
Christians heel turn didn't happen here.

Kiss My Foot Match - Jerry "The King" Lawler Vs. Michael Cole
- This should've ended at WrestleMania
 Cole has a doctors note saying he can't wrestle but the ref rips it up. Jerry tears Michaels pants then dropkicks him, but soon Cole bangs Jerrys head off the ring steps then takes his shoe and sock off. Jerry throws Cole through the Cole Mine then wins the match via a middle rope fist drop. * More angle than match. Post match Eve moonsaults Cole and JR pours BBQ over him, Cole leaves up the ramp but Bret Hart makes a surprise appearence and drags him to the ring, locks on the sharpshooter as Jerry puts his foot in Coles mouth.

 Bret Hart and Michael Cole
WWE Title - John Cena (c) Vs. The Miz (w/ Alex Riley)
- WWEs booked itself in a corner here as Cena will never Quit so the only way Miz can win is if they do like they did in the Mankind V Rock I Quit from Rumble 1999.
 This is basically a handicap match. Cena dominates them both to start and AAs Miz then A-Ri attacks Cena with a briefcase. They both hit Cena with TV monitors. Cena fights back until he is whipped into the ring steps which A-Ri then uses on Cenas shoulder. Kendo shots to Cenas ribs, after the first one it looked like he was gong to drop an F-Bomb, Miz then repeatedly whips Cena with a leather strap. Cena starts a no sell comeback until he is hit with a chair. He starts another comeback until he is reversed DDTd. Miz sets a chair in the ropes and Skull Crushing Finales Cena into it, it looked botched though as Mizs foot hit the chair. Miz tells a kid in the crowd to get Cena to quit but he says no. chairshot to Cenas noggin then he "says" I Quit. Miz is new WWE Champion .... until the ref finds a cell phone and realises the I Quit voice was a pre-recording, hey they did do a take on the Rumble '99 match, it is restarted by the ref. No sell time as Cena AAs A-Ri through announce table then starts whipping Miz, chases him up the ramp and locks in STFU for the win. ** God that was boring, the result never being in doubt didn't help, it gets 2 stars as seeing Cena get beat up for 20 mins was fun even if he did no sell it in the end, ending made Miz look like a wuss. The finish played into the A-Ri and Miz split and they had a match the following month, then A-Ri seemingly disappeared. (Chuck Cunningham of WWE)

Miz beat on Cena for about 20mins but still lost
15 / 35 Overall.  7 matches on the card and only one was over 3 stars and whilst that match was good it can't save this PPV. I had low expectations coming in but this didn't even surpass them. Wasn't neccesarily a bad watch but from a wrestling stand point not good. Though it isn't as bad as Judgment Day 2003, possibly the worst May PPV bar Over The Edge '99 but let's not get into that.