Friday 12 October 2012

Over The Limit 2011

- Purchased this DVD recently so this review is from a first time watch.
- May PPVs are generally average to poor only Over The Edge 1998 and Judgment Day 2000 were okay off the top of my head, I have low expectations of this one coming into it hopefully it'll prove me wrong. (OTE 98 wasn't okay overall as the main event was admittedly fantastic, Dude/Austin, but the rest was poor-meh, I stand by Judgment Day 2000 though) 

 - May 22nd from Seattle, Washington
- Starts with In Memory Of Macho Man Randy Savage.

R-Truth Vs. Rey Mysterio
- I find it hard to watch most Rey matches believably as he's about 3 foot tall. (he's not really that small it's just his gimmick) 
 R-Truth cuts a heel promo to start. Truth lands punches until Rey low bridges him over the top followed by a nice hurricanrana off the apron. Rey is knocked off the apron when Truth bounces him off a turnbuckle. Rey starts to build momentum but Truth puts a stop to that with a front suplex. Rey gets 2 off a bulldog from the top and a crossbody gets another 2. A spinning elbow gets Truth his own 2 count. Truth pulls Rey off the apron and gets Reys leg stuck down the apron so Truth clotheslines him on the outside rolls him in the ring and hits a reverse STO for 3. **1/2 Truth getting a clean win over Rey was good as he headlined the next PPV Capital Punishment. Match wasn't bad but was average didnt get into 2nd gear. (Having someone win to build them for a more important match in the future, who'd of thunk it?)

Video of Zeke leaving The Corre , possibly the least memorable stable ever which segues us to ....
Intercontinental Title - Wade Barrett (c) Vs. Ezekiel Jackson
 Wade starts with punches but Zeke takes over after he throws Barrett down. Elbow drop gets Zeke 2 and he's been dominating for a while now. Wade throws Zeke shoulder first into the post twice and hits a top rope elbow, to boos, for 2. Wade goes for wasteland but Zeke fights out of it but Wade does get a 2 count off a pump handle slam. Repeated scoop slams by Zeke leads to a torture rack but Corre run in for the lame DQ. *1/2 Corre work over Zeke post match. Dont usually like two big men power matches and I didn't really like this one either, I also hate DQ endings.

Cant spell his WWE name but Joe Henning and David Otunga have been laid out by Big Show and Kane. (Michael McsillyDiamondCutter?)

Sin Cara Vs. Chavo Guerrero
-Cara botches more often than not seemingly and i've never liked Chavo so this should be fun.
 They counter head and wrist locks to start. Chavo gets knocked to outside and Cara hits a corkscrew over the top he then  handstands on the apron and head scissors Chavo, that was a nice spot. Moonsault gets Cara a 2 count. Chavo is now in control until Cara kicks him to the outside them hits a splash over the top rope. Cara hits a nice springboard hurricanrana then a handspring elbow (dont treat me like a woman, dont treat me like a man). Cara goes for some sort of headscissors or hurricanrana i'm not sure as Chavo just face plants and Cara gets the 3. ** Probably Caras best match to this point, which to be fair wasn't long (I don't think his forst coffee had even gone cold). Okay match but Cara cant punch or kick without flipping and flopping everywhere, finish was botched. WWE I think put Chavo with Cara based on mexican heritage (I mean as in Chavo's mexican so he *must* know and be profficent in Lucha style) the only problem was Chavo doesn't wrestle Lucha Libre he wrestles the WWE style.

Del Rios doing a promo about destiny but Big Show and Kane interupt which leads to....
WWE Tag Team Titles - Big Show & Kane (c) Vs. CM Punk & Mason Ryan
- Punk and Ryan are members of the New Nexus here, lasted longer than I thought.
 Ryan overpowers Kane then scoop slams him. CM Punk gets dominated by both Kane and Show for a while, he only turns the tide when he kicks Kane in the bonce during a chokeslam. CM Punk takes out Kanes knees which makes sense and Ryan powerslams him. Kane suplexes Ryan and both go to tag out but Punk stops Show tagging in by stopping Kane, he then heads up top points to the heavens but misses a Macho Man Elbow. Big Show dominates Ryan then clotheslines both challengers down and Punk is knocked over the top so Mason Ryan gets double chokeslammed and the champions retain. **1/2 Show, Kane just punched and kicked, Ryan did about 4 moves and Punk was mainly dominated by the champions. (and it still got **1/2? My comments sound like I didn't like it, granted **!/2 is hardly a barnburner but sounds like I would of given it less)

Divas Title - Brie Bella (c) (w/ Nikki) Vs. Kelly Kelly
- I dont care for the divas division. (Blunt and to the point)
 Kelly does a headscissors version of the tarantula. Brie works Kellys arm. Kelly gets 2 off a bulldog, the twins switch Nikki throws Kelly neck first into the ropes thens hits X-Factor like move for the 3. * Moving on.

World Heavyweight Title - Randy Orton (c) Vs. Christian
- Christian won the WHC title at Extreme Rules but lost it 2 days later, 5 in WWE Universe. He is not yet a full blown heel.
 Chrisitan goes for a quick pin off a roll up then hits a missile dropkick for 2. Orton fires back with a nice standing dropkick and gets a 2 of his own off a superplex. Christian responds with a 2 count of his own when he counters an uppercut into a backslide. Nice spinebuster by Christian then they trade punches until Christian gets the upper hand and hits a reverse DDT. Christian gets out of the draping DDT but Orton then connects with his back breaker variation for another 2 count. Orton locks in a nice and impressive submission which is like a inverted Walls Of Jericho, he should use that more often, Christian breaks it by getting to the ropes. Nice call back to their Smackdown! match where Christian pump fakes a cross body and Orton instinctivly goes for an RKO (that's how Christian lost the title to Orton), so he kicks Orton then hits a crossbody. Christian pushes out of an RKO but when he goes for a spear Orton snap powerslams him. Orton goes for a punt but stops himself so Christian spears him for 2. They trade counters of each others finishers until Christian flips out of a back suplex into an RKO, Orton retains. **** Was ok at first but definitely picked up as it neared the end when the nearfalls started which makes sense as a match should build to the finish. Liked Christians pump fake crossbody and Ortons innovative submission move. These two have great matches and had other good/great matches over the summer.
Christians heel turn didn't happen here.

Kiss My Foot Match - Jerry "The King" Lawler Vs. Michael Cole
- This should've ended at WrestleMania
 Cole has a doctors note saying he can't wrestle but the ref rips it up. Jerry tears Michaels pants then dropkicks him, but soon Cole bangs Jerrys head off the ring steps then takes his shoe and sock off. Jerry throws Cole through the Cole Mine then wins the match via a middle rope fist drop. * More angle than match. Post match Eve moonsaults Cole and JR pours BBQ over him, Cole leaves up the ramp but Bret Hart makes a surprise appearence and drags him to the ring, locks on the sharpshooter as Jerry puts his foot in Coles mouth.

 Bret Hart and Michael Cole
WWE Title - John Cena (c) Vs. The Miz (w/ Alex Riley)
- WWEs booked itself in a corner here as Cena will never Quit so the only way Miz can win is if they do like they did in the Mankind V Rock I Quit from Rumble 1999.
 This is basically a handicap match. Cena dominates them both to start and AAs Miz then A-Ri attacks Cena with a briefcase. They both hit Cena with TV monitors. Cena fights back until he is whipped into the ring steps which A-Ri then uses on Cenas shoulder. Kendo shots to Cenas ribs, after the first one it looked like he was gong to drop an F-Bomb, Miz then repeatedly whips Cena with a leather strap. Cena starts a no sell comeback until he is hit with a chair. He starts another comeback until he is reversed DDTd. Miz sets a chair in the ropes and Skull Crushing Finales Cena into it, it looked botched though as Mizs foot hit the chair. Miz tells a kid in the crowd to get Cena to quit but he says no. chairshot to Cenas noggin then he "says" I Quit. Miz is new WWE Champion .... until the ref finds a cell phone and realises the I Quit voice was a pre-recording, hey they did do a take on the Rumble '99 match, it is restarted by the ref. No sell time as Cena AAs A-Ri through announce table then starts whipping Miz, chases him up the ramp and locks in STFU for the win. ** God that was boring, the result never being in doubt didn't help, it gets 2 stars as seeing Cena get beat up for 20 mins was fun even if he did no sell it in the end, ending made Miz look like a wuss. The finish played into the A-Ri and Miz split and they had a match the following month, then A-Ri seemingly disappeared. (Chuck Cunningham of WWE)

Miz beat on Cena for about 20mins but still lost
15 / 35 Overall.  7 matches on the card and only one was over 3 stars and whilst that match was good it can't save this PPV. I had low expectations coming in but this didn't even surpass them. Wasn't neccesarily a bad watch but from a wrestling stand point not good. Though it isn't as bad as Judgment Day 2003, possibly the worst May PPV bar Over The Edge '99 but let's not get into that.

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