Monday 29 October 2012

Judgment Day 2005

- May PPVs generally suck and 2005 was a bad year in my opinion but hopefully this'll prove me wrong.

- May 22nd, Minneapolis, Minnesota

WWE Tag Team Titles - MNM (c) Vs. Hardcore Holly/Charlie Haas
- MNM are Joey Mercury, may be most known for shattering his nose at Armageddon 2006, Johnny Nirto would become John Morrison and Melina is a bit nutty.
 Keylock by Nitro to Haas who goes to hiptoss/armdrag Nitro through the ropes but he Nitro hits the ropes. Dropkick to Mercury by Hardcore. MNM work over Holly. Haas gets the tags and beats on MNM, suicide plancha onto them both. T-Bone to Mercury, but MNM hit the Snap Shot on Haas and it's over. *1/2 Didn't like it when Hardcore was in, Haas was okay when in there.

Big Show Vs. Carlito (w/ Matt Morgan)
 Carlito runs from Show to start. Show dominates by slapping and throwing Carlito around. Morgan attacks Show on the outside which allows Carlito to get a little offence. Ref Bump!! as Carlito is whipped into him, Show goes to Chokeslam Carlito but Morgan boots him and F-5s Show, Carlito wins. * The only good part was Morgans F-5.

Cruiserweight Championship - Paul London (c) Vs. Chavo Guerrero
 Chavo controls London to start then hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. London fires off a hurricanrana on Chavo then hits a dropsault to Chavos swede, he goes for a 450 Splash but Chavo gets his knees up. Chavo targets Londons ribs, quite a bit. Backdrop to London who lands on his feet and gets a heelkick for 2. London goes for like a Swanton on the outside but barely hits Chavo, London landed hard on that. Chavo gets back dropped off the top and London hits the 450 for 3. **1/2 Was ok but I wasn't drawn into it and the fans didn't seem to care, I hate deadish crowds. Bit dissapointing when you think who's in the match.

Kurt Angle Vs. Booker-T
- Angles angle here is he's a sex pest or something and going after sharmel.
 Booker beats on Angle from the get go. Match so far is mainly punch and kicks. Angle is hanging over the to rope as Booker Scissors Kicks him to the outside. Angles turn now to beat on Booker and gets 2 off a suplex. Booker misses a heel kick which enables Angle to get another 2 off a suplex. Spin kick by the Book man. Angle dodges Scissors Kick and Booker counters Angle Slam then gets a good nearfall off a Bookend. Germans by Angle then a belly-to-belly gets 2. Sloppy looking small package gets Book-A the 3. *1/2 Post Match - Angle gets handcuffed to the ropes, Sharmel beats on him and kicks him in the cueballs. I really didn't like this match, I found it boring and dragging, very dissapointed. due to the post match stuff I think Booker Vs. Angle is finished.

US Title Match - Orlando Jordan (c) Vs. Heidenreich
 Prematch - Heidenreich says he wants a friend and picks a girl from the audience, a plant. He says he wants a friend, it's like he's a beefed up Eugene, he reads a poem.
 Orlando beats on 'Reich. Belly-to-belly gets 'Reich 2. Highangled suplex by Jordan. Backbody drop snd big boot gets 'Reich 2. DDT wins it for Jordan. * * I'm in a good mood and to be honest it was better than I was expecting bearing in my mind who was in it.

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Mysterio
- Story is Eddie can't beat Rey. They were tag team champions until MNM dethroned them. They had a match at Wrestlemania 21, whilst still champions, but if I remember right, I was slightly disappointed with it.
 Quick start trading punches. Eddie slams Rey into the announce table twice. Eddie has dominated for awhile now and gets 2 off a forceful belly-to-back suplex. Abdominal stretch, which no ones tapped to since 1969. Rey starts a comeback but Eddie stops it with an inverted powerbomb, a kind of powerbomb/flapjack. Nice sequence where Rey monkey flips Eddie, but then gets backdropped over the top, Rey lands on the apron shoulderblocks Eddie down and gets 2 off a springboard headbutt. Eddie kicks the crap out of Rey on the outside, he sets up for a suplex on the steps but Rey gets out of it and hits 619 around the post. Rey starts another comeback and gets 2 off a crossbody. Eddie hits a superplex and attempts multiple pins, he then goes for 3 Amigos but Rey counters one, it looked slightly botched or at least sloppy. Chavo interferes to distract the ref, Rey goes for 619 but Eddie hits him with a chair for the DQ. *** Disppointing considering what they're capable of. It kind of dragged and I just didn't like it much but i'm not sure why specifically if you know what I mean. DQ ending did annoy me though.

WWE Championship - I Quit - John Cena (c) Vs. JBL
- The 3rd I Quit/Submissions match of Cenas I've reviewed, I hated the others so is 3rd time a charm.
JBL DDTs Cena and goes for a pin, huh? They fight in the crowd. Nothing note worthy has happened yet beyond JBL going for the pin. JBL gets back dropped through an announce table. Chairshot to Cena and he's busted bad. Clotheslines to the busted up Cena, JBL then tries to choke him with his own chain. JBL calls Cena a 'Punk ass bitch' and gets slapped. Cenas face is covered in blood, he looks like WolfPac Sting. Cenas hits some of his usual moves then FUs JBL, a suplex onto JBLs limo but JBL manages to get a neckbreaker. JBL goes for a chokeout again, with a cord this time but JBL gets put headfirst through a conveniently placed TV and now he's busted open. JBL gets bounced off the limo door then Cena rips it off. JBL chokes Cena but he gets hit with a microphone and falls off this structure through a table. Cena walks over with a pole or something and JBL just says 'I Quit'. *** It was okay considering who was in it, but you can hide peoples limitations in No DQ matches. I didn't like the ending though with JBL just quitting on the spot.

14.5 / 35 - Another poor May PPV. I gave Eddie/Rey *** but it was a disappointing match for them, same applies to Booker/Angle. Main event was ok for what it was, but is in no way a PPV saver. Thumbs down for Judgment Day 2005.

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