Friday 19 October 2012

WrestleMania 25

- Houston, Texas

- This isn't the 25th anniversary as that would mean 'Mania started in 1984.
MITB - CM Punk v Mark Henry (w/ Tony Atlas) v MVP v Finlay (w/ Hornswoggle) v Shelton Benjamin v Kofi Kingston v Christian v Kane
Not doing play-by-play as that’s ridiculous in a MITB match so i’ll recap the spots i.e the good bits. Shelton Benjamin swantans onto virtually everybody off a ladder outside the ring (holy s--t chant for that). Great spot where Mark Henry holds a ladder up vertically and Kofi runs up it, so Henry moves the ladder catches Kofi and worlds strongest slams him. CM Punk is unprettiered off a horizontal ladder by Christian. Benjamin and MVP blow a spot (you f---ed up chant) then Benjamin powerbombs MVP over the top rope onto Henry and Atlas. Christian and Benjamin were on a ladder which they tip over but Christian lands a foot on the top rope and pushes himself back under the briefcase (the crowd want Christian to win). CM Punk kjicks Kane off a ladder for the win.*** I’ve seen better MITB matches, CM Punk winning did kick start the heel turn down the road.

25 Diva Battle Royal
Sucked, to crown the 1st miss WrestleMania. A man won, no not Chyna twas Santina. (Santino marella in drag) 0

Chris Jericho Vs. Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka & Ricky Steamboat (w/ Ric Flair)
Piper, Snuka are that slow I think they be moving back in time. Piper does the worse drop kick I’ve ever seen ( I threw better ones in my prime - wrestling in school with mates when I was about 12). Nice armdrags by Steamboat. Snuka is eliminated via Walls Of Jericho, Piper is gone via enziguri. Lovely crossbody by Steamboat. Steamboat skinned the cat (the move that I think ended his career) then back body drops Jericho over the top, near fall when Steamboat gets a small package. Jericho wins via a codebreaker. Post Match - Mickey Rourke drops Jericho, in a longer drawn out and not as good version of Tyson, Michaels from Mania 14). Piper, Snuka parts were awful but to be fair weren't that long. Steamboat looked good. **1/2

Extreme Rules - Jeff Hardy v Matt Hardy
This came about when Matt kaiboshed Jeffs title reign at the Rumble when he hit him with a chair. Michael Cole said ‘did you ever think you’d see this’ (I know Vengence 2001 wan’t that good but Cole you dont have to pretend it didn’t happen).
 Poetry In Motion by Jeff into the barricade. Jeff goes for a whisper in the wind but Matt hims with a chair in mid-air. Side effect onto a chair by Matt. Jeff puts a bin on Matts head and dropkicks him for a 2 count. Jeff misses a swanton so Matt hits a Twist Of Fate for 2. Jeff gets a superplex then hits Matt with a chair shot just like the one Matt did at the Royal Rumble. Jeff placed Matt on a table then put one on top of him like a sandwich then splashd through them off the top rope. Legdrop over a ladder by Jeff misses as Matt rolled out of the way, then Matt gets the 3 via a Twist Of Fate with Jeffs head in a chair. At times it felt almost like a hardcore match off Raw Is War from 1999, it was better than their Vengence 2001 match but that’s not saying much. Matt going over was a bit unexpected. **1/2

Intercontinental Title - JBL (C) V Rey Mysterio
First time IC titles been defended in 7 years or something. JBL cuts a heel promo, Rey comes out dressed as Joker and JR says something that some people may find offensive. JBL attacks Rey before the bell rings, then when the match officially starts Rey hits an enziguri, dropkick, 619 and a spalsh for the win in 21 seconds (according to Jerry Lawler). Cant really rate a 21 second match, not a fan of either wrestler though. *

It's time to kick 'Mania up a gear
Shawn Michaels v Undertaker
 Michaels enters on a podium coming down from the rafters basically a brilliant entrance he’s all in white to symbolise heaven I think. HBK uses his speed to dodge Takers punches and gets a few shots of his own. Takers been in control for a bit. Taker goes old school. Michaels works over Takers left knee then gets a figure four (pscychology), HBK reverses a chokeslam into a crossface, eventually Taker breaks the hold via a sideslam. Taker locks in Hells Gate but doesn’t get the win. Taker misses his leg drop off the apron spot. HBK goes for a croosbody to the outside and Taker just slaps him down and HBK lands with a THWACK!!. Undertaker goes for his Wrestlemania no hands tope (over the top rope dive) but HBK pulls the cameraman in the way and Taker just lands on his head (cameraman was meant to give him a safe landing I think), HBK tries to get the referee to count fast but Taker eventually gets back on a 9 count. Taker sidesteps Sweet Chin Music and dekivers a monster chokeslam for a cracking 2 count. HBK gets out of a Tombstone, then his SCM is blocked and Taker goes for a Chokeslam but HBK then does hit SCM for 2. Taker goes for Last Ride but HBK reverses into a victory roll but Taker lifts him up by the throat then does deliever a Last Ride for a 2 count. Taker misses a Macho Man elbow. Michaels skins the cat but on his way back in the ring Taker catches him and Tombstones him for possibly the best nearfall i’ve ever seen. Tombstone is reversed into a DDT by Michaels. Michaels does hit a Macho Man Elbow and follows that with SCM. They trade punches then Takers just like balls to this and boots HBK down, the finish comes when Michaels goes for a moonsault but Taker catches him mid flight and Tombstones him for the 3.Brilliant match, especially near the end with the near falls, I doubt anybody thought HBK would win and that’s the problem for me with Takers Mania matches. This is his best i’ve seen. ****1/2

Goodnight HBK.

HOFers are introduced and of course Stone Cold stays about 10 minutes longer than anyone else. 
WWE Championship  Triple-H (c) Vs. Randy Orton  
If I remember rightly (50% chance) this feud peaked befoe 'Mania, Orton attacked Vince, Shane and Steph McMahon.   HHH punches, kickes Orton alot to start, Orton RKOs HHH but misses the punt kick and gets pedigreed. HHH beats on Orton throws him into the ringpost throws him in the ring but Orton asks HHH to wait so Hunter kicks him. HHH focuses on Ortons head/neck area with kneedrops. Orton dominates for a bit but it's just punches and kickes until he gets a powerslam for 2. Ortons signature chinlock now applied. HHH goes for a pedigree but Orton slingsots him to get out of it. HHH hits a nice spinebuster. Pedigree is reversed into an inverted backbreaker by Orton. HHH comes off the top but Orton nails him with a nice dropkick, outside the ring now and Orton reverses the pedigree by backdropping HHH onto the announcers table but it doesn't break, he then does the draping DDT off the announce table. Orton with a lot of kicks to HHH. REF BUMP!! Orton RKOs HHH goes outside to get sledgehammer but on the way back in HHH punts him, sledgehammer shot by HHH followed by a pedigree gets the win.
Punch,  kick, punch, kick then vice versa does not make entertaining 'Mania main event crowd were silent through 90% of the match, Orton would win title next month at Backlash. **   
15.5 / 35 - Pretty poor Mania following the pretty good 'Mania 24. Do anything you can though to catch HBK Vs. Undertaker, arguably the best WrestleMania match ever.

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