Saturday 5 October 2013

King Of The Ring 1999

- Austin faces McMahons to see who can climb the corporate ladder and attain full control of WWF, the DX split is involved in KOTR as Chyna attempts to become Queen Of The Ring and Corporate Champ faces former Corporate Champion as Taker faces Rock.

- June 27th, 1999. Greensboro, North Carolina
- Attendance - 19,761
- Buyrate - 1.13

We see Shamrock beating up Shane McMahon on HeAt then Blackman attacking him and causing 'internal' injuries.

KOTR 1/4 Final - Hardcore Holly Vs. X-Pac
 Holly at the time had problems with Big Show whilst X-Pac was involved in the face DX Vs. heel DX. Nothing much happens reallly and it only goes around 4 minutes, lame ending aswell as Hardcore uses a chair for a blatant DQ. Post Match - Holly attacks X-Pacs neck. *1/2 - Not a good start, X-Pac though really was injured coming into the PPV.

KOTR 1/4 Final - Big Show Vs. Kane
 This really was the Brian Knobbs (pits), Kane busted out his enziguri. Ref Bump! as Show boots Korderas, Hardcore comes out with a chair but Kane Chokeslams him, so there was one high point then. Kane grabs Show around the throat, for a Chokeslam you ask, well no he just chokes him for what feels like forever then a chairshot finishes Big Show and Kane advances to the Semis. 1/2 - Awful match, the choke lasted forever leading to a long drawn out sucky ending. Why book a match this way? (I should note that Hardcore was feuding with Kane and Show at the time to show he belonged with the heavyweights or something, paying a Show a cool mil a year to feud with Hardcore, money well spent there)

KOTR 1/4 Final - Billy Gunn Vs. Ken Shamrock
 Remember Ken has internal injuries coming in thanks to Blackman who he was feuding with after his stint in The Union (20 Pat Points to anyone who can remember the other members without using google). Gunn was involved in something stupid, besides this tournament, on RAW is WAR Gunn teamed with Acolytes to face X-Pac/Kane/Road Dogg and he agreed to put the Tag belts on the line, even though he wasn't a champion (That is so WCW), he pinned X-Pac and claimed one of the Tag Belts, repeat after me .... Russo. Gunn's all over him until Ken attempts an Ankle Lock but then Gunn's on top again. Kicks to the midsection by Gunn make sense. The ref ends the match when Ken goes for a hurricanrana and is powerbombed, he's bleeding with internal injuries. *1/2 - 3 Matches in and 3 bad endings. Why were WWF trying to protect Shamrock in a loss, all he was doing was a Blackman feud for godsake.

KOTR 1/4 Final - Road Dogg Vs. Chyna (w/ HHH)
 Story is Road Dogg doesn't want to hit a woman, even though he isn't facing one, so the match is dragged out. HHH did get involved at times to earn his PPV cheque, he placed Chynas foot on the ropes when she was in a sleeper. Ref Bump! as Chyna knocks into him when Road Dogg kicks out of a roll up. HBK is in da house, he pulls HHH off the apron and ejects him from ringside as Road Dogg has decided he will hit Chyna now. Chyna lowblows Dogg but he no sells it and she is hurt, has he balls of steel? Well no he was just wearing a cup, nice continuity from HeAt where she lowblowed him. Pump Handle Slam gets Dogg 3. ** - Match was dragged out due to the storyline but i've bumped it 1/2 as crowd did make some noise when Dogg started fighting back and I like a loud crowd. Also JR says Chyna and Doggy Style, little did he know how right he'd be one day. (Psychic JR is a gimmick that would've drawn money .... 1 cent in fact)

Hardyz Vs. Edge/Christian
 Edge and Christian were in Brood with Gangrel at this time and Hardyz were with Michael Hayes, repeat after me Badstreet, Cameron NC. Christian gets stomped in Hardyz corner. Poetry In Motion connects. Christian goes to DDT Matt but is hit with a belly-to-belly as Matt blocks the DDT. Edge's in now and kicking some heavy duty booty he Spears Matt and Michael Hayes then debuts the Spear to block Poetry In Motion. Gangrel balls' up and spits blood in Edges eyes by accident leaving him easy prey for a Twist Of Fate, Hardyz win. **1/2 - Feeling generous as it's the first competent match of the night. This was probably the match the bookers etc. cared about the least as well.

Undertaker asks Michael Cole what happens if you rip the balls off a bull? Cole looks at the cameras and says 'find out next week on Animal Farm with Mark Callaway.'

Vince is in-ring now and says Shane can't compete, HBK comes out and says the match is on then Vince reveals that yes the match will happen but he'll have a suitable replacement.

1/2 Final - Billy Gunn Vs. Kane
 Gunn is scared to enter and i'm scared to watch. Kane's on top but it's just punches in and around the ring, he picks up the steps but Gunn dropkicks him. JR asks Lawler about legal rights to the name 'King', i'm guessing that's a reference to the 80s thing where 'King' Lawler tried to sue WWF over the use of 'King'. Fameasser is avoided with a powerslam. Ringside Gunn grabs a chair but Big Show strolls out and takes it from him then decides to hit Kane himself allowing Gunn a 3 count. Ref was down but I didn't see him go down, imaginary ref bumps now for gods sake. * - I don't know what to say anymore without repeating myself. Check any of the match notes from the 1/4 finals and stick them here. (Gunn goes through via injury caused by Blackman and Big Show KOing Kane this could've been built as heel gets comeuppance in the final)

1/2 Final - Road Dogg Vs. X-Pac
 Face DX collides, interesting tidbit this isn't their only PPV match, they would face off at SummerSlam 2000 in a subpar 5 minute match which X-Pac won. Funnily enough this is a subpar 5 minute match that X-Pac wins. He's wincing prematch with his neck. Back drop, snapmare and leg drop gets X-Pac a 2. Dogg does his dancing but X-Pac ducks the last punch then Dogg ducks a spin kick, I like that as it's like I know what you'll do before you do it', so there's one thing from this PPV I like, oh also Holly getting Chokeslammed. Road Dogg avoids Bronco Buster, X-Pac avoids Pump Handle Slam and hits an X-Factor for 3. ** - Short but they did more in the time they got than the rest of the KOTR matches combined.

WWF Title - Undertaker (c) (w/ Paul Bearer) Vs. The Rock
 Rock won a 3 way over Corporate Ministry duo 'Taker and HHH to earn this shot after Chyna screwed up. Man I love this version of Takers theme, if your keeping score Likes - 3 Dislikes - Innumerable so far. Right off the bat we get a Ref Bump! as Undertaker clobbers the ref for no reason, that was very WCWish, Rock Bottom by Rock but Paul Bearer hits the second ref for another  Ref Bump! that must be a record. Fighting down the entranceway now as that was required for Title matches in 1999 of course. Back in Rock crotches Taker to avoid Old School then spits water in his eyes, maybe it should've been HolyWater. Fighting through the crowd now as that was required in every WWF Title match of the late 90s. Back ringside and Rock swings a chair but Taker blocks it with the ringbell, like a new version of Rock, Paper, Scissors then Bearer throws his shoe into the game by hitting Rock with it, so - Bell > Chair > Shoe > Rock. DDT gets Taker 2. Rock fights out of a chinlock but then he's booted and chinlocked again. Rock avoids a Tombstone and gets his own 2 off a DDT. Ref Bump!! as Rock is whipped into him. Peoples Elbow connects but there's no ref. Bearer has an ether soaked rag but Rock uses it on Taker however this draws out HHH who Pedigrees Rock leaving him easy prey for a Tombstone by Undertaker for 3. *1/2 - Started dragging near the end, they just didn't click for my liking. It was the cliched WWF Title match, ref bump, fighting through crowd etc. If you like them then you might like this but I dont. Tidbit Time - I believe this Taker reign is the most watched ever ratings wise. 

We go backstage and see HHH being removed by orders of HBK as Vince says he was his partner tonight 'No shit sherlock' is HBKs reply, then Vince phones a replacement.

KOTR Final - Billy Gunn Vs. X-Pac
 As X-Pac's injured there could be a fairytale babyface fighting the odds win. Gunn attacks from the off and soon gets 2 off a bulldog. Dreaded chinlock is applied, though sarcasm aside it does make sense with X-Pacs neck. Fameasser gets 2 for Gunn and X-Factor gets 2 for Pac. Gunn gets crotched up top as X-Pac shouts 'come on you motherfucker' so Gunn responds with a Fameasser from the middle rope for 3. ** - Probably the best match of the tournament but that's really not saying much at all. This KOTR win nor the subsequent Rock feud did anything for Billy Gunn and he was put back in Outlaws in September as WWF gave up on his heel run. (and fans would pretty much give up on Outlaws soon after due to emergence of E&C/Hardyz then later the Dudleyz)

Ladder Match For Control Of WWF - Stone Cold Vs. Vince and Shane McMahon
 Jesus stick with me here, well Vince was face and seemed to be on Austins side after Undertaker started tormenting the McMahons, he kidnapped Stephanie at Backlash and tried to marry her but Vince got Stone Cold to save her, turned out Shane McMahon was behind and he helped Taker win the WWF Title at Over The Edge from Austin in a match Vince was ref for as well, then it came out that Taker was working for a higher power, who for a laugh should've been RVD work out why, anyway the HP turned out to be Vince McMahon who shouted it was me all along Austin upon his reveal, but Austin knew that as he'd revealed himself to Austin the week prior, the whole thing was stupid and too thought out is my point  (Another thing WCWish). Austin was made CEO by Linda McMahon which is why we're here tonight. Steve Blackman is Vinces partner until GTV reveals Shane is fine and HBK makes him wrestle tonight. Austin would get revenge on Blackman by Stunnering him at Unforgiven 2000, geez way to hold a grudge baldy. The entrance way has about 10 ladders set up then say 10 more lay across them making a little roof. Austin batters the McMahons, Shane climbs the makeshift ladder thing but Austin punches him down off them. Now McMahons are thrown into some of the set up ladders then Austin pulls a chain and they all fall on the McMahons. Ringside now and Austin coems off a ladder elbowing Shane through the Spanish Announce Table then Vince tips Austin onto JR/Kings table but it doesn't break. In ring now as the ladder is down so Shane gets on Vinces shoulders but Austin stops them winning. Stunners for the McMahons now Steve climbs the ladder unopposed but the greatest mystery in WWF history unfolds as the briefcase is raised from Austins grasp, now some say it was Bossman but that was never officially revealed. Shane tips the ladder when Vicne and Steve are on it then climbs the ladder and claims the briefcase. *1/2 - If this match happened today but with Cena there'd be uproar. Austin would have the last laugh, of course, as on RAW the next night he'd reveal he signed himself a new contract and gave himself a title shot that night, which he won Vs. Undertaker and that match I believe is the highest match/segment/quarter in WWF history.

 15.5 / 50 - God this sucked 10 matches and only one got **1/2, and that may not even be worth that to be honest may of just looked **1/2 compared to the rest. Billy's win led to nothing, HHH challenged WWF Champion to a match but that led to nothing as Austin won the belt the next night. Thankfully the next PPV Fully Loaded was better, for starters there wasn't 3 Billy Gunn matches. Austin still got his way as on RAW he revealed he added a stip to his contract earning him a title shot, Vince who won CEO here was fired after Fully Loaded only to return anyway, I believe thanks to Stone Cold. Avoid this one. (Editors Note - This may of set the record for ref bumps on PPV as well which would of made some semblance of sense had the ref strike been at the next PPV but it was 3 PPVs away) Arguably worst WWF/E PPV ever.

Monday 22 July 2013

WrestleMania X8 (18)

wwf-wrestlemania-x8-cover- March 17th 2002, Toronto, Canada.
- Attendance - 68,237
- Buyrate - 1.60 (Interestingly the same as Rumble of '02)

- Icon vs. Icon as Goldust faces Maven.

Intercontinental Title - William Regal (c) Vs. Rob Van Dam
 Regal has brass knucks but Van Dam kicks them away, an early 5 Star misses but Rob does gets a 2 as he counters a european uppercut to a backslide. Woah nice neckbreaker variant by Regal. Rolling Thunder is blocked and Regal gets a 2 off of a powerbomb as he is in control. Monkey flip by Van Dam, I think he was going for one moments earlier but miscommunication stopped it. Van Dam may be dead after a beautiful half nelson, german suplex by Regal man that was sweet, he gets more knucks from his trunks but is heel kicked and 5 Star Frogsplashed for 3 at 6:18. **1/2 - Styles Clash here *starts humming AJs old theme* It wasn't bad by any means but not really, really good either. Bumped it 1/2 for the neckbreaker and suplex.

European Title - DDP (c) Vs. Christian
 Christian was having temper tantrums, well he is Canadian *waits for cheap pop from American readers*, DDP tried to help him but Christian didn't dig that. Interesting tidbit DDP appeared at two 'Manias both of which were Toronto's. Whether it was WCW, WWF or Yoga I find DDP irritating (Not as much anymore). Christian attacks from the start but Page hits the first big moves a gutwrench rib-breaker. 10 corner punches by Page but Christian flapjacks him into the turnbuckle. Abdominal stretch by Christian, last time somebody submitted was 1921, haven't been able to use that joke for a few reviews now. Christian is thrown off the top, discus forearm and a spinning powerbomb gets DDP 2. Christian avoids a Diamond Cutter then reverse DDTs out of another one for 2, good nearfall there. Diamond Cutter does hit though at 6:10 for 3. **1/2 - Better than I thought it'd be that's for sure as DDP is DDP and I don't think Christian was really good as singles guy yet, crowd were into it aswell near the end (imagine that a crowd being drawn in through the work what a novel concept). Happily proved wrong I was. (Editors Note - I revoke my DDP cheap shot as I do like the guy now, though there were moments of hesitation or slight mistakes on recent viewings)

Coach catches up with The Rock.

Hardcore Title - Goldust Vs. Maven (c)
 Goldust attacks prebell, he lobs Maven into the barricade. He goes to slingshot him into a trashcan but misses, Maven dropkicks said trashcan in Goldust's mush. Golden shovel is retrieved and seesawed into Mavens ribs. Double trashcan lid shots then Spike Dudley runs down pinning Maven for 3 at 3:18. Post Match- He is chased through the crowd by Crash Holly, Goldust and maybe Maven. * - Just used to set up an ongoing thing that progresses through this Mania, you'll see soon.

Drowning Pool play over a video about HHH/Y2J but I don't care so Fast Forward time. After that we go backstage where Al Snow attempts to run down Crash and Spike, Hurricane Helms swings from camera left and pins Spike for the Hardcore Title.

Kurt Angle Vs. Kane
 Kurt is rocking his alternate black attire tonight. Masked Kanes last 'Mania appearance as he was only on HeAt at 19. Kurt attacks pre-bell with the ringbell then hits a german. He uses the ropes to avoid a Chokeslam. Belly-to-bell, clothesline and a belly to back suplex by Angle who has started the match better than Kane who hasn't had much offense so far. Sidewalk slam by Kane but Kurt soon strikes back with multiple germans for a 2 count. Big boot, back body drop as Kane is gathering momentum, Chokeslam but Kurt gets a rope break. Kurt avoids a Tombstone by pulling Kanes mask leading to an Angle Slam but it only gets 2. Ankle Lock is applied, the only move to make Kane submit at that time but he enziguris out of it. Kane heads up top but Kurt hits his running suplex off the top, he avoids a Chokeslam and gets 3 from a sloppy roll up at 10:39. *** - I enjoyed it, Kane to be fair brought his game aswell so Kurt didn't carry him to a good match. No real story to it though. (Editors Note - I can't remember there being much story to the whole angle either why were they wrestling?).

No DQ - Undertaker Vs. Ric Flair
 Not sure why Deadman wanted the match with Flair but when he said no Taker beat up Arn Anderson and David Flair so Ric accepted the match, he was also arrested and kicked off the WWF board. Short haired 'Mania debut for Taker. Ducks and punches by Naitch. Flair tries his corner flip, emphasis on tries. Punches to a seated lair busts him open. Flair is beaten down for a while then fires of some chops, is that his blood on the camera? Undertaker hits a superplex and I mean super as Flair looked to be about 30ft high. Flair's hair has gone like Guiles from Street Fighter, wasn't he portrayed as the main guy in the film, which is BS as Ryu is the main dude whilst Sagat is the best, Hadouken!. Old School is countered, I think Taker called Ric a 'piece of shit'. Ric misses a boot and is crotched over the top rope, Ric retrieves a lead pipe from Takers bike, WrestleMania does Cluedo, Taker gets busted by it. Figure Four is applied, Taker breaks it by grabbing Flairs throat. Chokeslam gets 2. Spinebuster out of nowhere by Arn Anderson, I mean literally out of nowhere. They try a Last Ride but Deadman cant get Flair up for it so he decides to go back to his roots and Tombstones Ric for 3 at 18:46. *** - Again I liked it more than I thought I would however I did feel it was dragging towards the end, but like I said I did enjoy it. Taker is 10-0 as of 2002.

Booker-T Vs. Edge
 This is the infamous Shower Endorsement feud. Edge got to endorse a hair product in Japan which Booker didn't like, I'm not making that up people. Edge gets a hometown pop, he was here in the audience for 'Mania 6 and now he's performing, nice little feel good story there. Spinkick gets Booker 2 then he clotheslines Edge to the outside. Alabama Slam by Booker who then heads up top but is, kind of, hurricanraned down, that could've gone seriously wrong for Booker there. Edge-a-matic gets 2 as does a spinning heel kick from the top. They both do a Spin-A-Rooni, Edge does one after getting 2 from a Spear. Edge-A-Cution, Impaler DDT, gets 3 at 6:30. ** - RAW match really, Edge must've been disappointed as this was his home town, I bet can't believe this happenin' in his own town.

Hurricane Helms gets cracked by a frying pan due to his sidekick Might Molly, she is the new Hardcore Champion. Robin wouldn't do that to Batman .... or would he?

Stone Cold Vs. Scott Hall (w/Kevin Nash)
 Welcome back to the midcard Steve, not seen you for a few years, his first generally pointless 'Mania match since WM 12. With these two in there i'd prefer a drinking contest. Oh jesus Nash is here with Hall. Stomps then Thesz Press by Steve who then attacks Nash ringside, probably injuring him. Irish whips with follow up clotheslines by Hall. Nash gets some cheap shots in. Stunner out of nowhere but Nash pulls the ref out. Austin Stunners the pair of fools. Outsiders Edge is avoided with a backdrop over the top. Hall gets 2 from a Stunner. Two Stunners to Hall, that is the most ridiculous Stunner bump i've ever seen get 3 at 9:51. *1/2 - That sucked the life out of  WrestleMania. Austin looked like a regular member of the roster for the first time in years. His heart wasn't in it I don't think. At the next PPV, which I would review had I not lost the VHS tape, Hall was demoted to facing Bradshaw .... maybe it's a good thing I lost the tape. (I've since read that Hall was supposed to win and this caused the brand split but Austin refused .... what a guy)

We get clips of Axxess.

WWF Tag Titles - Billy/Chuck (c) Vs. Dudleyz Vs. Hardyz Vs. APA
 Dudz have a live version of their theme which is a dud, Buh Buh does the air guitar. Just think 2 years later Bradshaw would be WWE Champion, scary isn't it. Bradshaw beats on the Champions but at 3:20 he is 3Dd out of the match. Hardyz come in fighting everyone then Dudleyz set up a table at ringside. Jeff Hardy slaps Stacey Keiblers behind then kisses her, she's with Dudleyz. Buh Buh and Billy Gunn hit Doomsday Device on Jeff who has been beaten down for a while. This match is starting to drag. Lukewarm tag to Matt, soon after D-Von goes for Wassssup but is pushed through the table he set up earlier at ringside. Buh Buh is Twist Of Fated and Swantoned out at 11:50ish. Gunn and Palumbo retain their titles the cheap way with a belt shot to Jeff at 13:50ish. *1/2 - Boring and it dragged especially in the middle part. These last two matches have marshed my mellow man.

Hogan tells Nash and Hall he doesn't want their help but they're all we do what we want, unfortunately that doesn't include to wrestle good matches.


The Rock Vs. 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan
 Don't let the Hollywood fool you he is the face here the crowd goes wild and during the match he plays up to them, all about Hogan you see. This is the true main event really and everyone knew but not everyone could accept it which is why it aint top billing, these days this would headline 'Mania. Hogan shoves Rock from a tie up as crowd pops, flip these Toronto jabronis off Rock please. Hogan is almost punched over the top but he fails to get over so rolls under the ropes. Rock Bottom is avoided as Hogan is again taking control. Abdominal stretch is applied, last time that won a match was what 1972? Ref Bump! as Rock is knocked into him. Sharpshooter is applied and Hogan is tapping but there's no ref. Rock Bottom by Hulk gets 2. They take turns whipping each other with Hogans belt. Rock Bottom gets 2, now he's Hulking Up, meant to be a heel though remember, Big Boot and Leg Drop only get 2 though. Rock hits two Rock Bottoms and a Peoples Elbow for 3 at 16:19. Post match Hogan and Rock shake hands which brings Hall, Nash out where they attack Hogan but Rock makes the save. Then Hogan poses for the fans. Is this crowd the reason Hogan got the belt at Backlash a month later? ***1/2 - People think wrestling is just about in-ring but for me WWE is also about the spectacle and story as well. So this match gets *** yes work wise it wasn't very good but there's more to it than that, same reason I gave Andre/Hogan *** for WM III, diss Hogan all you want but he knew how to work a crowd better than anybody.

Big Show is at WWF New York, have to pay him his $1,000,000 a year for something I suppose.

Womens Title - Jazz (c) Vs. Lita Vs. Trish Stratus
 Poor ladies but then again the women are used as crowd breathers a lot you know the matches after the big ones so the crowd can recover. Trish is rocking Canadian attire. Hmmm Brunette Vs. Blonde Vs. Redhead. Jazz boston crabs Trish then double chicken wings Lita, did Hogan/Rock overrun as they seem to be rushing here as I don't think Wally West could keep up. Trish chick kicks and bulldogs Lita but Jazz breaks the pin. Lita backdrops Trish who does a corkscrew landing. Twist Of Fate to Jazz, Trish is now thrown into the ringpost and her knee gets stuck, that could've been serious. Jazz gets 3 with a Fisherman's suplex at 6:15 on Lita. *1/2 - Not very good and the crowd was suffering from post big match syndrome.

Christian is leaving in a taxi but is rolled up by Maven for 3 then Maven takes his taxi as well.

Undisputed Title - Chris Jericho (c) (w/ Stephanie McMahon) Vs. Triple-H
 Really it's about HHH Vs. Steph and Jericho along with the Undisputed Title(s) are irrelevant. Some group butcher HHHs theme with a live version. Hunters left leg is bandaged. Last PPV appearance of my fave WWF Title unless HHH didn't have the Undisputed title at Backlash as I honestly cant remember. High knee but Hunter but it hurts his knee then Jericho is thrown off the top into the barricade. Chop block by Jericho but now HHH is targeting Jerichos knee with several elbows, he applies a Figure Four but Stephanie breaks it. Jericho hits a missile dropkick then wraps Hunters leg around the ringpost. More knee work by Jericho leads to a ringpost Figure Four. This feels like it's gone at least a half hour but we've just hit the 10 minute mark. HHH is backdropped through the announce table. Lionsault gets 2 but HHH fights out of a Walls attempt but Y2J does apply it after countering a Pedigree. This must be the most heat less main event (or at least a Top 5). HHH Pedigrees Steph thus waking the crowd up. JR says at some point ' The greatest show of intestinal fortitude' I guess he was talking to us fans for sitting through this. Pedigree ends it at 18:40. ** - Jericho had a sound psychology strategy but it was boring. Fans didn't care for it though to be fair that may be due to Hogan/Rock which should've main evented here.

24 / 55 - Was going relatively good until we hit Austin/Hall then it was downhill from there with the only bump up being Hogan/Rock. This is a 'Mania of two halves with the first half being okay then second being poor. Thumbs in the middle here but it's by no means a must see WrestleMania.

Friday 5 July 2013

WrestleMania 14

5 - Shawn Michaels vs Steve Austin WWE Championship Match WrestleMania XIV Winner - Steve Austin- Boston, Massachussetts. March  , 1998.
Attendance - 19,028
Buys - 730,000.

Opening video focuses on Austin/HBK and Taker/Kane. They do one about tradition leaving WrestleMania, that one is my top Mania video package.

15 Team Battle Royal
 13 teams get a jobber entrance as they're in ring before the show. A secret team enters and it's LOD, there's your winners. (Editor's Note - Unprofessional to not mention the others but I honestly can't remember them now I think Nation had two teams in there and the Bob/Bart version of ME were in the final two as well)

Light Heavyweight Title - TAKA Michinoku (c) Vs. Aguila
 How can you be a Light Heavyweight? This is the only LH Title match in 'Mania history. Headscissors, heel kick and asai moonsault by Aguila, who I believe is Essa Rios. Springboard crossbody by TAKA. Snapmare followed by a couple of dropkicks gets TAKA 2. Step up armdrag off the top by Aguila then a corkscrew plancha. Lawler 'I'm not biased I hate them both equally.' Moonsault gets Aguila 2. Hurricanrana off the top by the challenger. TAKA misses a moonsault allowing Aguila a la magistral for another 2. Michinoku Driver gets 3 at 5:47. **1/2 - Short but i'll bump it up 1/2 as some moves were impressive, no psychology at all though. Mexico Vs. Japan on American soil.

The Rock is interviewed by J/Gennifer Flowers about how he'd run America. This heel Rock is my favorite Rock persona. (Hold your horses son, Corporate Rock is the fave though there wasn't much difference, if any)

European Title - Triple-H (c) vs. Owen Hart
 Chyna is handcuffed to Sgt. Slaughter, he was commissoner. When Owen returned in Nov 97 I feel he should've had a run with HBK but instead he became HHHs bitch. My sister is here and she said is that two boys when HHH, Chyna appeared. Back drop, clothesline by Owen who according to my sister has funny music, she should hear his Jazzy mid 90s one. HHH rakes the eyes to avoid the Sharpshooter. Facebuster is followed by a corner beatdown as HHH is taking control. Harley Race knee gets 2, as does a DDT. HHH targets Owens ankle, which had been in a cast priot to the PPV. Owen's cut on his nose as he fights back, missile dropkick and a spinning heel kick get 2. Enziguri connects but Owen cant follow up as his ankle is hurt. Powerbomb by Hunter to block a hurricanrana. Pedigree and Sharpshooter are both avoided. Sharpshooter is now applied but Chyna helps HHH get a ropebreak. Chyna now throws powder in Slaughters eyes, lowblows Owen allowing HHH a Pedigree for 3 at 11:28. *** - Had to watch twice due to sister distracting me. No resting in the match, I hate when there's about 4 chinlocks as it ruins the pace. Bit disappointed in a heel win as it's Mania. HHHs last show as DX underling as he'd become leader 24hrs later. Probably their best match against each other here. (Editor's Note - Owen would be HHH's biyatch for the spring and I think Owen only picked up one meaningful win in a 6 way between Nation/DX when he Pedigreed HHH)

Marc Mero/Sable Vs. TAFKA Goldust/Luna
 Sable is now married to Brock Lesnar, I demand a Mero Vs. Lesnar match. Meros first, and last WrestleMania in-ring appearance. Headscissors, clotheslien by Mero so Goldust tags out but Luna doesn't want in so is chased by Sable, she soon super kicks Goldust. Crossbody gets Mero 2. Sable takes down Luna as fans pop. Goldust DDTs out of a TKO. Mero avoids Curtain Call, moonsault gets 2 as does a toprope hurricanrana. TKO connects but Luna breaks the count. SableBomb gets 2 as Luna fights back but she is TKOd for 3 at 9:11. **1/2 - To be fair it was better than I expected as majority was Mero, Goldust. Fans liked Sable and I like a good crowd so i've bumped it up 1/2. (I may of slightly underrated this one, due to expectations and the actual match we got it could be ad least a *** affair)

Intercontinental Title - The Rock (c) Vs. Ken Shamrock
 Kama, D-Lo and Mark Henry accompany Rock to 'Rocky Sucks' chants. 2 weeks prior Rock hit Ken with a wicked chairshot. Ken starts off on fi-yah so Rock bails but is caught in the aisle. Clotheslines, heel kick by Ken but he's soon whipped into the steps. Peoples Elbow, not yet what it would become, connects but soon they're ringside where Ken regains control. Chair shot by Rock when the ref is down, powerslam gets Ken 2. Ankle Lock is applied and Rock taps at 4:48. Post match Ken clears the Nation, reapplies the Ankle Lock which brings Faarooq out but he refuses to help Rock. Ken attacks some refs and is DQd post match so Rock retains. * - Da hell was that? (Editor's Note - A Dusty finish does not belong on a WrestleMania PPV a 'B' show fine but not 'Mania, akin to Owen/HHH in that Ken wouldn't get the IC strap from Rock but would beat him for the KOTR title)

WWF Tag Titles - Dumpster Match - Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie Vs. New Age Outlaws (c)
 Remember when NAO dumped Cactus/Charlie off the stage in a dumpster. Charlie is Terry Funk.My disc is playing up now so I cant accurately time matches. Heard recently Foley was set to win the Tag Belts at WM 13 but Bret put the kaibosh on that, any truth to it? NAO are probably the best thrown together jobber team there's ever been. First and last 'Mania where NAO team up (Editors Note - They teamed with Kane at WM XXX which transpired after this original review). Cactus hits his running knee on Dogg against the dumpster. Billy knocks Dogg away when Cactus goes for a somersault so he just bangs into the dumpster, then he is russian leg sweeped into it. The lid is shut on the challengers repeatedly but a double Mandible Claw stops the Outlaws winning. Cactus Elbow with a baking tray connects, then he pulls out a ladder. Crazy bump, awesome visual, as Gunn and cactus are knocked off the ladder into the dumpster. Charlie is powerbombed into the dumpster, another great camera angle there. NAO fight Cactus to backstage where Gunn is Double Arm DDTd onto a pallet leading to the Outlaws being forklifted into a dumpster. New champions at 10:00. **1/2 - Enjoyable hard hitting rubbish. On RAW is WAR the next night the result was voided as it wasn't the designated dumpster, also the rematch led to NAO joining DX and was the catalyst for Foleys heel turn and Dude Love appearing. (.... again, he had been around the WWF in 1997)

The Streak Count Down 
7-0 - The Undertaker vs Kane - Wrestlemania 14 (1998)

Undertaker Vs. Kane
 This is a big differnece between WCW and WWF for me, the OTT characters. Can you imagine Kane or Taker in WCW doing all their magic mumbo jumbo. In July 97 Bearer referenced Kane then at Badd Blood in October he debuted. Deadman vowed to never fight Kane, they were even homies at one point but at Rumble 98 Kane tried to burn Deadman in a casket, that's against the Bro Code I think it's after Bros Before Hoes. Also Kane set a cameraman or something on fire, I guess Taker has feelings for them guys if that's what you do to annoy him. Pete Rose is in da house!!! until he is Tombstoned I guess Kane is a Red Sox fan, Undertaker vows to win the match for Pete. Druids hold up fire sticks like a guard of honour as Taker enters. Kane no sells to start but it fits with the character/persona so I dont find it irritating. Kane places Taker in a tree of woe, I thought he was going for an early Tombstone as Kane is dominant so far. Taker sits on Kane in electric chair position then is dropped off, that didn't look smooth. Ref is distracted so Kane gets some ringsteps shots in, surely though the ref would hear them, Paul Bearer gets some shots in. Kane is still dominant whilst no selling the odd punch. Chokeslam is proceeded by the dreaded chinlock, does Jack Doan still work for WWE? These two look like real life Mortal Kombat characters, another chinlock is applied, is Kane Krazy or just Kasual? Taker goes for his no hands tope but crashes through a table as Kane moves, ha Hugo Savinovich fell in slow motion. Kane counters a Tombstone into his own for 2. Kane is finally dropped via clothesline, Chokeslam then a Tombstone gets 2 as does a second by Undertaker but soon a 3rd Tombstone gets 3 at 16:48. ** - Match was never going to be great, but it got Kane across as a monster. Deadman used Ali's 'let your opponent tire themselves' strategy (Editors Note - I believe this to be Rope a Dope). Damn that chinlock though Kane!


WWF Title - Shawn Michaels (c) Vs. Stone Cold
 Stone Cold hadn't fully recovered from SummerSlam 97, never really did actually, and Michaels has his famous back problems so this match may not be up to HBKs usual standard as both are limited. The special enforcer is Mike Tyson who had sided with DX in the 'Mania run up. Tyson was set to referee Macho/Hogan in 90 so his appearance here is 8 years in the making. HBK dedicates the match to Earl Hebner who was in intensive care. Austins pop is massive. HBK comes down the locker room area as we see Undertaker looking on menacingly #ILieICheatISteal. Is this the last winged eagle appearance? (May of been on RAW is WAR the next night to do the change over to a new era but this was definately it's last PPV) Ducks and punches by HBK but Austin soon has him and backdrops him over onto HHH, speaking of Hunter he and Chyna are barred from ringside and Austin throws him into the band area as he's leaving. HBK/Austin fight in the aisle in a look into what Austins WWF Title matches would become. HBK does a turnbuckle flip thus worsening his back. Michaels avoids a Stunner, you can see the pain etched on his face as his back must be killing. Austin is backdropped over the guardrail, Michaels looks like he can barely walk. Michaels gets punches in from a mount position then flips off Boston. HBK attacks Austins knee as the match is becoming more HBK styled now. Tyson puts Austin back in the ring where he gets chopblocked, figure four is applied. Ref gets sandwiched in the corner. Austin is beating on HBK, he manages to kip up, elbow drop connects but Austin ducks the follow up SCM, HBK counters a Stunner but Austin grabs his foot to stop SCM, spins him around and Stunner gets 3 at 20:00, giving him his first WWF Title and sending HBK to his initial retirement. Post Match - HBK is all 'why you count 3 Tyson/' so Mike drops HBK, pretty much a mirror image of Macho/Hogan/Buster from 1990. ***1/2 - Bumped rating up for HBK managing to do the match, you could see his pain. Austin era begins and in a way wrestling wouldn't be the same again.

17 / 35 - The big hit ratings wise was Rock/Ken. This is a rare review in that I did it within 24hrs, usually I'll review a PPV over 3 days or so. I enjoyed the PPV so i'll give it a thumbs up also Ken/Rock stuff only goes about 5 mins.  Difference is notable aswell as this 'Mania flows like a PPV and isn't broken up by multiple backstage segments, only lasted 2hrs 45 where as today they go about 6 hours.  Pats Seal Of Approval.

Friday 7 June 2013

ECW One Night Stand 2006

- June 11th 2006 , NYC, New York.
Attendance - 2,460.
Buys - 304,000 was the figure I found.

- I bought ECW ONS 1005 (That must be the oldest PPV ever) from a second hand shop but they put 2006 and ECW Barely Legal in instead. Oh well I'm not like a John Smiths.

Cold opening as Heyman comes out, says it's ECWs re-birth etc. blah, blah. I really liked ECWs theme.

Taz Vs. Jerry Lawler
 Lawler slaps Joey Styles on his way to the ring, good on you King. No actual match here just Taz chokes out Jerry in about 20 seconds after Styles jumped on his back. Good to see Taz on the card, he couldn't take a bump due to his neck I think.

Randy Orton Vs. Kurt Angle
 Orton has pyro, he may also receive a record amount of middle fingers. Fans dont mind Angle as he's reppin' ECW, he nearly signed with them in what '96? 'F--k him up Angle f--k him up' chant. Orton bails to a 'pussy' chant. Kurt shoots for a takedown going for an Ankle Lock but Orton bails again. 'Break his ankle', 'Angle's gonna kill you' and 'fuck you Orton' chants. Headlock takedown by Angle. Orton bails again but when back in Kurt gets an amateur style takedown and slaps Orton a bit, ha! Kurt is all over Randy with takedowns but he soon misses a corner charge allowing Orton some shots in. Nice casual eye poke by Orton. 'You cant wrestle' chant which I find ironic as they'd cheer Sandman etc. Randy elbows out of a waist lock then he provokes a 'boring' chant via a chinlock. Angle hits a release german after they trade european uppercuts, Kurt follows up with 3 Germans but Orton armdrags out of an Angle Slam. The straps are down!! Angle Slam gets 2.  The Ankle Lock is applied but Orton rolls through it and manages a 2 off his backbreaker variation. RKO is avoided, Kurt rolls through a crossbody for 2. RKO is avoided again then an Ankle Lock is countered to a pinning predicament for 2 but Kurt soon locks in another Ankle Lock for the submission at 15:08. Post Match Orton demands 2 referees help him to the back. ***1/2 - Enjoyed it more than I thought I would as Orton does have a tendency to bore me. I've bumped it up 1/2 due to crowd. (Orton really played up to what ECW fans would hate as well)

Tony Mamaluke/Little Guido (w/ Big Guido) Vs. Super Crazy/Tajiri
 Little Guido may be better known as Nunzio, when Crazy came out I thought it was Diego Maradona.'Welcome Back' chant for Tajiri. Crazy and Mamaluke do some mat wrestling. 'Nacho Libre' chant, flapjack facebuster by Crazy is followed up with a moonsault. Tajiri goes for a tilt-a-whirl but Guido locks in an armbar. FBI are both placed in tree of we then dropkicked by the Mexapan connection. Crazy moonsaults the FBI on the outside but Big Guido attacks him. Nice submission now by Mamaluke then he does a camel clutch as Guido dropkicks Crazy. Spinning heel kick by Tajiri gets 2, he hits a handspring elbow then a kick sends Guido back to Italy I think. Double Tarantula by the Mexapan connection then they take out Big Guido. Crazy is knocked into the fans. Double Muscle Buster style move on Tajiri gets 3 at 12:24. Post match Big Show comes down and cleans house. *** - I enjoyed this, no real down period with some nice kicks and submissions. Was just set up for Big Show though.

JBL cuts his usual long winded, boring promo. 'You Suck Richard (I improvised) chant.

World Heavyweight Title - Extreme Rules - Sabu Vs. Rey Mysterio (c)
 Rey has ECW on the back of his mask, no one likes a suck up Rey, he is booed (Can he go anywhere these days without boos raining down on him?). 'Fuck him up Sabu' chant. Rey starts better so Sabu gets a chair, poetry in motion but he is soon drop toe holded, that sounds silly, onto the chair. Sabu launches a chair at Rey then sets a table between the apron and barricade, you know there cant be many other matches were Sabu is the bigger man. Rey is between the ropes and Sabu leg drops him for 2. Sabu may be homicidal, genocidal, suicidal but he did wear glittery pants. Sabu is stood on a table so Rey hits his Seated Senton through it, Sabu is holding his shoulder. Springboard leg drop gets Rey 2. Triple jump moonsault gets Sabu 2. Atomic Arabian Facebuster, did I make that up?, misses, Rey goes for a Seated Senton but hits a chair, speaking of chairs Sabu throws one like a missile into Reys head. Nice springboard DDT by Sabu puts Rey through the table set between the apron and barricade, EMTs come down and one says the match is over, Boooooooo at 9:08. **1/2 - Good for the time they had, I really liked the DDT but hate the no contest ending. (No contest on an ECW show of all things, if you want to book someone to lose but not lose the belt then simply don't book it or make it non-title and job Rey out)

Mick Foley/Edge/Lita Vs. Terry Funk/Tommy Dreamer/Beulah
 'You sold out' chant at Mick 'You're right I did sell out .... MSG'. He says he did love ECW when it was ran by a visionary .... Stephanie McMahon. Edge brings the Hardcore Belt, I believe Tommy Dreamer was the last person to officially hold it. Jesus gotta sit through a Dreamer match, calling him useless is an insult to actual useless things. Regular tag match rules. Edge cant get the advantage over Tommy so tags Foley in. Funk throws a chair over his head hitting Mick, various weapon shots to the heels follow. Edge cracks Tommy with a ladder and sets it in the corner but gets hip tossed onto it. Random thought but did Women ever go to ECW? Lita low blows Tommy 'she's a crack whore' chant. Mick and Edge get plywood covered in barbed wire, they suplex it onto Dreamer then try again but Funk trips them. Foley pushes the barbed wire board onto Funk then places some around his arm and hits Funk who's shouting 'my eye, my eye'. Hey there's a lady. Terry has gone backstage, real or kayfabe i'm not sure but Dreamer's now 2-on-1 so I dont care. Mandible Claw to Beulah then to Dreamer who is Speared. Funk returns, eye bandaged, and has a 2-by-4 in barbed wire. The faces clean house, the 2-by-4 is set alight. Mick is knocked through the plywood then Edge pushes Funk in the barbed wire plywood as well. Catfight as Styles screeches more than usual, Dreamer Driver to Lita but Edge does a barbed wire assisted Edge-A-Cution and Spears Beulah for a Rated R pin at 18:45. *** 1/2 - Entertaining rubbish really. Glad Foley/Edge won.

Balls Mahoney Vs. Masato Tanaka
 Tanaka's shoulder is taped. Balls starts better but Tanaka gets the first 2 off a crossbody. Multiple punches by Balls ala Road Dogg. Pescado by Tanaka but I dont think he lands it right. Dueling chairshots then at 5:03 Balls gets the W with one of the sickest chairshots i've ever seen, Tanaka may of been knocked back to Japan. * - Nothing match which I guess describes most Balls matches.

Eugene comes out, as he's stupid he fits in with the crowd, ha-ha. Sandman comes out and canes him.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) Vs. RVD
 Crowd is rabid but is it love for RVD or hatred for Cena? (A little from Column A, a little from coloumn B) He throws his shirt in the crowd but they repeatedly throw it back, a guy with a Pass around his neck wipes his ass with it, was he security? Cena gets 1 off a suplex. 'You cant wrestle chant' which Tazz agrees with. RVD hits his stepover kick sending cena ringside. Sloppyish looking powerslam by Cena after they'd traded punches 'same old shit' chant. Cena controls on the outside until Van Dam hits a moonsault off the steps, Van Dam jumps onto the guardrail so Cena pushes him into the crowd where they're brawling now. 'Fuck him up Van Dam' chant. Back inring Van Dam hits his chair dropkick in the corner, chair assisted Roling Thunder gets 2. Cena blocks the split legged moonsault with his knees. DDT onto a chair gets Cena 2 then he places the chair between the ropes and slingshots RVD through it. He hits his suplex/slam thing and the 5 knuckle shuffle but RVD avoids the FU. STFU is applied but RVD gets a ropebreak, in an extreme rules match? A table is placed in the corner and Cena clotheslines the ref. Nick Patrick counts 2 after Cena hits RVD with the ring steps. RVD is FUd over the top but a dude in a motorbike helmet comes out and Spears Cena through the corner table, it's Edge. 'Thank you Edge' chant and Heyman counts 3 after a 5 Star Frog Splash at 20:35. ***1/2 - Match was around *** but I've bumped it up as the crowd was good. I kind of wish Cena had won just to hear the crowd reaction.

17 / 30 - 4 maches of the 6 got ***+ so that's recommendable, in a way i'd reccomend seeing Ball/Tanaka for the chair shot. Sabu/Rey almost broke through *** but it was short and I didn't like the ending. Recommended PPV thumbs up.

Saturday 25 May 2013

IYH 13: Final Four

- Chattonooga, Tennessee.  February 16th 1997
Attendance: 6,339
Buyrate: 0.50

- WrestleMania 13 was allegedly set to have HBK Vs. Bret but Michaels didn't fancy that and luckily for him, wink,wink nudge, nudge his knee got injured and he 'lost his smile' so the WWF Title is defended in a fatal four way tonight and Psycho Sid gets a shot on RAW tomorrow, I think that RAW's on YouTube.

'Wildman' Marc Mero (w/ Sable) Vs. Leif Cassidy
 Leif Cassidy is already in the ring *cough* jobber *cough*, he would one day lead the J.O.B Squad as Al Snow. Couple of armdrags by Mero then an armbar after a fireman carry takedown. Cassidy is now ringside and distracted by Sable so Mero axe handles him, back in a springboard legdrop gets 2. Dropkick to the knee/thigh by Cassidy and he starts working the leg, I dig psychology and this stops Meros high flying moves. Leg submissions soon follow until Mero gets a rope break, about 10 fans are into this. Enziguri by Mero then Cassidy goes for the leg again, Figure Four is applied, I imagine Naitch is beetroot red and ranting somewhere. Sable slaps Cassidy ringside, DQ anyone? he goes for her but Mero hits a plancha and also seemingly forgot Cassidys legwork making 80% of this match pointless, nice work Marc. Wildting/Marvelocity/Shooting Star Press gets 3 at 9:29. ** - It was okay, I like psychology but it does help when the recipient sells it which is why this is stuck on **.

We see HBK 'losing his smile' on RAW is WAR then back live Psycho Sid talks/shouts with Kevin Kelly.

Flask Funk/Bart Gunn/Goldust Vs. Faarooq/Crush/Savio Vega
 For newer fans Faarooq is the man who occasionally shouts 'DAMN!', Goldust is the Twitter Blocker and the rest are irrelevant though Flash Funk better known as 2 Cold Scorpio was good at times. Flash Funk is a pimp seemingly from the Year 3000 going by his attire, I demand a Godfather Vs. Flash Funk match! This is the Nation Of Domination that were rapped to the ring by PG-13, the best Nation theme. Hey there's the as yet unamed D-Lo Brown. The faces, who must be the most mismatched team ever, clear the ring early then Funk jumps onto the Nation. Back in Funk this time jumps into a Spinebuster by Faarooq. Vega is in but he is hurricanraned off the top rope. Bart comes in and throws Funk onto The Nation but they simploy catch him and rough him up, great partner you are Bart. Faarooq trashtalks Funk who has been playing face in peril the whole match. Spike piledriver gets 2. Funk backflips over a double clothesline and tags Bart in who powerslams Faarooq for 2. All 6 are in and brawling now, Bulldog to Faarooq but Crush legdrops Bart and The Nation get 3 at 6:41. * - Too short to mean much really, but if you like seeing 2 Cold Scorpio getting beat on then this is *****.

Stone Cold says he has beat Vader, Bret and 'Taker before as he eliminated them from the Royal Rumble.

IC Title - Rocky Maivia (c) Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
 Rocky, simply The Rock these days, won the IC Title off of Hunter on Thusday Night RAW prior to this. Weird watching these in 1997 knowing that in 3 years tey'd wrestle an hour. Drop toe hold by Hunter then he slaps Rocky. They trade counters until Rock hiptosses HHH and, kind of, does a dropkick. Rock slaps HHH like he slapped him. Backdrop then an armdrag by Rock, it's Rocky Steamboat! but his offence is stopped when HHH throws him over the top. Guillitine elbow by HHH, JR says about WWFs future being young, I guess as a thinly veiled shot at WCW, of course Rock just headlined the last two 'Manias. Hunter has been on top since he dumped Rock over the top. Harley Race knee gets 2. Small package gets Rock 2, a call back to their previous match as that's how Rocky won the IC belt. JR plugs Western Union, were they WWF sponsors? Rock is fighting back now, crossbody gets 2, he starts 10 corner punches but HHH drops him onto the turnbuckle, messy floatover DDT gets 2. Facebuster followed by a neckbreaker but here's Goldust to distratc HHH allowing Rocky to hit a bridged german for 3 at 12:31ish (Stopwatch issues). Postmatch Marlena is ringside with Goldust when she is grabbed by a 'fan'. She would soon be known as Chyna. **1/2 - The match was good, not a patch on the 2000 ones but to be honest they probably did more actual wrestling here. Better than I thought it'd be, HHH did a good job as the fans hated Rocky around this time.

Vader has his say about the main event.

WWF Tag Titles - Owen Hart/Bulldog (c) Vs. Doug Furnas/Phil Lafon
 As I write this yesterday was the 14th anniversary of Owens untimely passing, RIP Owen, Bulldog passed away 11 years ago. Owen has his Slammy with him. There was tension as Owen eliminated Bulldog from the 97 Rumble then blamed Austin. Armdrag into an armbar by Doug on Owen after a nice wrestling exchange. Monkey flip turned to a mount by Owen but Lafon soon has him down in a leglock. Bulldog in and Lafon gets 2 off a heel kick but he's then beaten down by the heels. Lafon rolls through a crossbody for 2, Owen responds with a gutwrench and a backbreaker. Bulldog does a kind of flip for some reason, is he running for Tennessee senate and trying to impress them? Lafon is still playing face-in-peril. Suplex and crossbody combo by the champs for 2. Lafon gets an inside cradle but Bulldog pulls him so Owen has the pin but Furnas pulls it back. Heel miscommunication as Owen heel kicks Bulldog, then seconds later slaps him as they argue so Bulldog clotheslines him then comes back to stop Owen being pinned. Northern lights suplex by Lafon for 2. All 4 are fighting now, the faces double up Owen endind in a DDT then legdrop for 2. Enziguri by Hart gets him a breather. Bulldog in and sets Lafon up for a Powerslam but Owen hits Lafon with the Slammy for a blatant DQ at 10:29. Post match Bulldog throws his belt down as he aint happy with Owen then my god HE BREAKS OWENS SLAMMY!! he should put him in Sharpshooter. Bulldog seemed set for a face turn but the reemergence of the Hart Foundation stopped that. ***1/2 - Entertaining, I enjoyed the petty squabbling between the champions.

WWF Title - Stone Cold Vs. Vader vs. Undertaker Vs. Bret Hart
 Bret talks with Kevin Kelly before his entrance. You're eliminated by pin, submission are being thrown over the top ala Royal Rumble. Vader/Deadman and Austin/Bret pair off to start. Clothesline sends Vader down, Old School to Austin as Taker goes for everyone. Taker boots a chair into Vaders fave busting his eye open, that must have something to do with when his eye popped out in Japan. Austin jawbreakers out of a Bret sleeper as Vader is Chokeslammed. Vaders eye is bad, he hits Bret with a chair as Austin has Deadman down, he goes for a piledriver in the aisle but is backdropped. They've rotated again as Taker is now fughting Bret as Austin bounces Vader off he ring steps then multiple belt shots. Taker clotheslines Bret then Vader drags him out and they fight in the crowd. Vader does the Sharpshooter! In the ring Austin thesz presses Vader but Bret soon piledrives him for 2. Undertaker avoids a Vader moonsult. Bret and Vader are trading punches until Bret just kicks him in the nuts. Stone Cold is gone at 18:16ish as Bret dumps him over the top. Vader removes his mask as Bearer, here with Vader, hits Taker with the urn. Bret superplexes Vader then locks in the Sharpshooter but Taker breaks it up. Austin's back and he attacks Bret. Vader's setting up for a Vader Bomb but Taker lowblows him and dumps him over the top at 22:30. Taker Chokeslams Bret and calls for Tombstone but Austin stops that but when Taker goes for him Bret dumps Taker out with a clothesline for the WWF Title at 24:04. Post match Psycho Sid comes out for a staredown. ****1/2 - I really enjoyed this kick ass brawl. Not a classic but i'd call it a forgotten gem. Bret would drop the WWF Title 24hrs later on RAW is WAR to Psycho Sid, the 1st WWF Title change on RAW.

13.5 / 25 - Opener was good, I only gave it ** due to the non selling, 6 man was short and inoffensive, Rock/HHH was okay and the final 2 matches were very good. I would recommend this PPV, a very good one for an IYH. Thumbs up.

Friday 10 May 2013

WrestleMania III

- March 29th, 1987,  Detroit, Michigan.
- Attendance - 93,173
-Buyrate - 10.2

- When I think of WrestleMania this is the one I think of.

Vinnie Mac welcomes us to WrestleMania then Aretha Franklin sings 'America The Beautiful'

Can-Am Connection Vs. Bob Orton jr./Don Muraco (w/ Mr. Fuji)
 Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura on commentary. Rick Martel and Tom Zenk are the Can-Am Connection. Zenk shoulderblocks Muraco down, hiptoss then a double monkeyflip sends him flying. Orton in and hits a shoulderblock but then is scoop slammed. Can-Am are in control. Heel miscommunication as Don drops Bob, Martel works Ortons arm. Muraco hits a neckbreaker after Bob cheapshots Zenk. Muraco is whipped and does the Flair Flip then he's double dropkicked and a crossbody by Martel finishes him at 5:36. ** - Average but fun opener.

Video package for Hercules Vs. Bily Jack Hayes, then Hercules and Bobby Heenan 'It's Billy Jerk' are interviewed by Mean Gene.
Hercules (w/ Bobby Heenan) Vs. Billy Jack Hayes
 Billy reminds me of Dr. Death, RIP, also going by his attire I guess he's from Oregon. Knees by Hercules but he is soon presslammed then chopped but he hits a clothesline out of the corner to stop the onslaught. Suplex gets Hercules a 2, he himself stopping the count. Billy sells the back by being unable to do a suplex and Hercules is again in control, crowd boos, he goes for a Full Nelson* but cant lock his fingers and Billy pumps up and they do a double clothesline spot. Atomic drop by Hayes, he again sells the back, now he is in control of Hercules, he locks in the Full Nelson on the outside and both are counted out.  Postmatch Hercules bops Billy with a chain busting him open. ** - Okay for a powermatch but I dont like countouts. * I forgot to say the match was based around the Full Nelson move.

King Kong Bundy/Little Tokyo/Lord Littlebrook Vs. Hillbilly Jim/Haiti Kid/Little Beaver
 Bob Uecker is with Gorilla and Jesse on announcing. I'm slightly feared of midgets and there's 4 in this match, I dont like reviewing the odd match of theirs that pop up but that's very rare, Rumble 98 was the ;ast I think. KKB has gone from 'Mania 2s maine event to this. Little Tokyo looks like Antonio Inoki. The midgets run around, and soon Little Beaver is caught in the heel corner. Hillbilly gets Bundy down with a clothesline. Corner splash by Bundy, Little Beaver keeps interfering so Bundy slams him and hits an elbow drop for the DQ, wrestlers couldnt touch the midgets, at 4:08. * - Lest I never see this again.

Loser Must Bow - King Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan, Fabulous Moolah) Vs. Junkyard Dog
 Jerry Lawler was going to sue WWF or something over the King title, Harley coming out to Lawlers music wouldn't of helped matters. King Of The Ring at the time was only a house show attraction, only in 93 was it added to PPV. Prematch with het interviews from all involved. Bobbys jacket is sparkling like nobodys business. Something almost surreal about seeing Race in the WWF. JYD blocks punches but Heenan grabs his foot, Harley dumps him ringside but misses a diving headbutt, crazy. Abdominal stretch by JYD but Race hiptosses out of it but then misses another headbutt. JYD hits headbutts on all fours but Heenan distracts him allowing Race to hit a belly-to-belly for 3 at 3:21. * No time to do much. JYD hits Race with a chair instaed of bowing, sore loser.

Vinnie Mac interviews Hulk Hogan, funniest line - Hogan: 'Hulkamania is the purest truth'

Rougeau Brothers Vs. Dream Team (w/ Dino Bravo and Johnny Valiant)
 Brutus Beefacke and Greg Valentine, was Dream Team name a joke? Mean Gene interviews Dream Team. Raymond atomic drops Brutus then he is double dropkicked. Raymond crossbodys Greg for 2 but Greg ducks when another is attempted allowing Dream Team some offence. Figure Four by Valentine as Heenan joins commentary. Raymond cleans Gregs clock, Jacque, I think that's how you spell it, hits a seated senton on Greg as Raymond holds him up but Dino Bravo cheapshots Ray and Greg gets 3 at 4:03. Dream Team leave without Beefcake and really who blames them. ** - Okay formulaic tag but again it was short.

'Hair Match' Rowdy Roddy Piper Vs. Adrian Adonis (w/ Jimmy Hart)
 Roddys 'retirement match' .... he headlined WCW Starrcade 9 years later. Adonis is interviewed by Mean Gene. Roddy doesn't come down on the machine like the others have, instead he walks the aisle.  Nice pop for Piper. Roddy whips Adonis then gets Hart, Piper is now whipped with a belt. Adonis, who has a body ala Dusty Rhodes, does the Flair Flip. Hogan style chestrakes by Adonis followed by a clothesline as he has taken control. Jimmy squirts something in Roddys eyes allowing Adonis to apply a sleeper but he lets go to early thinking he's won, Brutus Beefcaker comes down and revives Piper, thus turning face, and he bops Jimmy and applies a sleeper to Adonis for the win at 6:07. Brutus starts shaving Adonis, I guess that's where 'The Barber' comes from. **1/2 - Entertaining given the time they had, crowd were certainly into it.

Hart Foundation/Danny Davis (w/ Jimmy Hart) Vs. British Bulldogs/Tito Santana (w/ Matilda)
 Jesse Ventura leaves the booth for this. Harts are tag champions, Danny Davis is a ref who made Bulldogs and Tito Santana lose there titles. Jesse leaves with Matilda, who went for Jimmy Hart, he may of turned her into a coat. Bulldogs dump Davis onto the Harts. Double headbutt to Jim Neidhart by The Bulldogs but soon Tito is caught in the heel corner. Davey backdrops Jim but is then distracted allowing Jim a cheapshot. Dynamite, Bret in. Dyno hits a clothesline and a headbutt but soon after Bret is beating on him in the corner. Hart Foundation hit a move akin to Demolition Decapitation, Danny Davis enters to boos.  Dynamite has been playing face in peril but manages to get his knees up when Davis goes for a splash., hot tag to Tito who beats on Davis, as does Bulldog who does a jumping Tombstone, vertical suplex and Powerslam but Jim breaks the count. All men are brawling then Davey Boy gets flattened by Jimmy Harts microphone and Davis gets 3 at 8:52. ***1/2 - Good match, I've bumped it up 1/2 due to crowd. As it's WrestleMania i'd of prefered a Face win here, any other PPV and i'm fine with a heel win.

Mean Gene is with Bobby Heenan and Andre The Giant.

Butch Reed (w/ Slick) Vs. Koko B. Ware
 Koko B. Ware is always used as the example in the 'Anyone can be in HOF' argument. Ventura is back announcing as Bob Uecker and Mary Hart were with Gorilla during the last match. Shots by Reed but then he is dropkicked. Koko's down but stops Reeds offence with a hiptoss, punches and a dropkick. Reed does get 2 though off a small package and then 3 when he rolls through a Koko B. Ware crossbody at 3:39. Slick attacks Koko postmatch so Tito Santana comes to make the save and rip Slicks clothing. * - Nothing really happened.

Intercontinental Title - Randy Savage (c) (w/ Liz) Vs. Ricky Steamboat (w/ George Steele) 
 Here is the best WWF match of the 80s and possibly 'Mania history. Savage injured Steamboats throat with a ringbell, also George is obsessed with Liz or something. We get promos from the pair 'History beckons the Macho Man'. Savage bails ringside to move Liz. Couple of armdrags by Ricky, Savage misses a corner splash so Steamboat targets his arm. Savage elbows Rickys throat then knees it when he has Steamboat in the ring. Soon Randy is tied in the ropes allowing Ricky some freeshots. Armdrag by 'Boat as the pace picks up, he skins the cat when Randy tries to toss him but Savage clotheslines him over again. Double Axe Handle connects then Randy hits one in the ring, running elbow gets 2 as does a hotshot, suplex by Macho who is in control, Savage cuts short a Steamboat comeback and hits a gutwrench for 2. Ventura calls for a DQ when Savage is backdropped over, this is WrestleMania not Starrcade Jesse. Brainchop gets 3 but Savage's foot is on the rope, multiple chops follow, sunset flip gets 2 as does a jacknife cover. Savage took a swing at Dave Hebner then, speaking of Hebner he is down when Ricky is whipped into him, Ref Bump! Savage lands the Big Elbow but there's no referee, he goes ringside to get the bell but George Steele pushes him off, Savage goes for a scoopslam but Steamboat gets an inside cradle for 3 at 14:35. Savage has his head in his hands as he leaves. ***** - WWFs best match of the 80s, some may say ever. Ohhh Yeaaaah!!!!

Mean Gene interviews Jake 'The Snake' and Alice Cooper. We see Honky hitting Jake with a real guitar.

Jake 'The Snake' Roberts (w/ Alice Cooper) Vs. Honky Tonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart)
 Jake gets shots in before the bell rings, he probably was really pissed at Honky for the real guitar shot, HTM hasn't even got his Elvis attire off yet. Scoopslam on the outside, but when back in the ring HTM has the advantage at least until he is clotheslined. Ringside Honky whips Jake into the ringpost, Monsoon says when you're manager is out there they shouldn't help you up but didn't mind when Animal helped Steamboat hypocritical face comentator!! HTM has Roberts down in the ring but Shake, Rattle 'n' Roll is countered with a backdrop. Atomic drop and punches as Jake is coming back, DDT is signalled but Hart grabs his foot allowing HTM to roll him up for 3 at 7:03. Jake holds Jimmy postmatch, after swinging a guitar at HTM and throws him down as Alice throws Damian the snke at Jimmy. ** - Match was meh.

Gene Okerlund announces an, reportedly inlflated, crowd of 93,173.

Nikolai Volkoff/Iron Sheik (w/ Slick) Vs. Killer Bees
 Slick is still rocking the ripped attire, continuity. Nikolai sings his national anthem but 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan runs down to stop him. Just dawned on me Sheik was the last WWF Champion here and that reign ended in 1984. Killer Bees are in control, Volkoff is dumped ringside. Double hiptoss to Sheik, Brian B. Blair reminds me of the mulleted Finlay from mid 90s. Volkoff has Brunzell in the heels corner then has him in a bearhug, I thought Blair had blind tagged in. Couple of suplexes by Sheik for 2. Harley Race style knee by Brunzell, he tags out but the ref didn't see it. Camel Clutch is applied as Duggan chases Vokloff into the ring then mindlessly cracks Sheik with the 2-by-4 so his fellow faces lose by DQ, idiot. at 5:41 ** - What we got was okay but stupid ending.

Mean Gene interviews Andre and Heenan.

WWF Championship - Hulk Hogan (c) Vs. Andre The Giant (w/ Bobby Heenan)
  Video plays of the build to the match, they were friends then Andre ripped Hogans cross and vest off on Pipers Pit and demanded a title shot, when people talk of heel turns this isn't mentioned much but it did lead to the Match Of The Century. Gene gets a word with Hogan. Bob Uecker is ring announcer and Mary Hart is time keeper. Trash is hurled during Andres entrance. Gorilla fires off the 'Irresistable force meets the immovable object' line. Hogan goes for a slam early but falls and Andre seems to get 3. Clubbing blows by Andre who then slams Hogan twice. Booty bash and headbutt in the corner follow. Hogan fires shots off but Andre boots him down then a bearhug lasts a while, Hogan's powering up and he punches free, couple of shoulderblocks follow but Andre boots Hogan who falls ringside. Hogan removes a mat but when he goes for a piledriver he is backdropped, sort of. Crowd are pumped for the Hulk up, The Slam Heard Round The World as Andre is slammed! Legdrop follows for 3 at 12:00. *** - Technically it wasn't great but who cares, this is what Sports Entertainment is all about. You need to see this at least once, the Slam is a true WrestleMania moment.

27/60 - Under .500 but forget that. Every fan needs to see this WrestleMania at least once it is what 'Mania is all about. Thumbs right up.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

No Way Out 2000

- Goodbye Cactus and thank you ..... see you in 4 weeks.

 February 27th, 2000. Hartford, Connecticut.
Attendance: 12,551
Buyrate: 1.20 (480,000 approx)

Intercontinental Title Match - Chris Jericho (c) (w/Chyna) Vs. Kurt Angle
 Kurt is European Champion, I think he beat Venis but it's not on the line here, Chyna gets her own entrance for a reason P-Dawg cant comprehend. 'Y2J' Chant. Jericho starts off better, he backdrops Angle over the top and hits his 2nd rope dropkick when Angle's on the apron. On outside Angle whips Jericho but he jumps onto the steps and moonsaults Angle. Back in now as Angle starts taking control but Jericho gets a double underhook backbreaker, chinlock by Angle Boooo. Kurt targets the arm/shoulder. Flying forearm gets Jericho 2, then he goes all WCW as he hits a double powerbomb when Angle goes for a hurricanrana. Angle Slam gets 2, that was kind of out of nowhere. The Walls are applied but Kurt gets a rope break. It ends when Jericho goes for a Lionsault but Angle hits him with the belt when he lands and gets 3 at 10:13. **1/2 - Was alright, I didn't really like the cheap finish though I suppose it fits with Angles character. Kurt is 2nd or 3rd EuroContinental Champion after Jeff Jarrett and possibly D-Lo Brown. 

WWF Tag Titles - NAO (c) Vs. Dudleyz
 Dogg knocks Buh Buhs glasses off but he responds with a Bubba Bomb, Waaaaasup Drop, as yet unnamed (was it ever officially named?), connects. Dogg sunset flips D-Von for 2 but D-Von is soon on top. Road Dogg has been isolated now as Dudleyz use frequent tags. Road Dogg manages a superplex, tag to Billy who cleans house Fame Asser to D-Von but Buh Buh pulls Gunn out and hits his shoulder with a pipe, 3D to Road Dogg gets 3 at 5:19. *1/2 - Wasn't much beyond Dogg being beaten on but it did make sense as Gunn had a legitimate shoulder injury coming in so couldn't do much, also explains why Buh Buh hit his shoulder and not his bonce. (Gunn would return Oct/Nov time as 'The One' Billy Gunn)

Mark Henry Vs. Viscera
 Viscera splashed Mae Young to set this up. Henry gets clubbing blows but then they knock each other down, spinning heel kick by Viscera, not yet a Big Daddy, then he dumps Henry over the top. Lawler: 'I think Mae remembers Eve when she was a rib.' Viscera dominates at ringside 'Boring' chant. Samoan drop by Viscera, crowd makes some noise when Mae appears, Viscera goes to splash her but Henry scoop slams him for 3 at 3:47. *1/2 - At least it was short but do it on RAW/SMACKDOWN! or Heat. 

'Vivian' interviews Jericho who says he'll stop Angle celebrating.

Hardyz (w/ Terri) Vs. Edge/Christian
 APA are here as Terri bought protection from Dudleyz. Jeff misses Whisper In The Wind, as yet uunnamed Double leg drop to Christian, then a Poetry In Motion gets 2 after Christian has been isolated. Hardyz are playing subtle heels here. Christian gets out of a razors edge hitting a neckbreaker on Matt. Edge in, a roll up gets 2 on Jeff after a hotshot. Now Edge/Christian are playing it heel as Jeff is isolated. Dragon sleeper to Jeff but he Twist Of Fates out of it. Edge gets 2 off a piledriver. Hurricanrana by Jeff then he attempts another but is powerbombed, Christian in now as Jeff is still face-in-peril. Jeff almost gets a tag but is spinebustered, he does however dropkick Edge out of midair, Matt in and he cleans house. Edge victory rolls Matt as Jeff crossbodys Christian and the ref counts both. Legdrop, splash to Christian, I wasn't sure Matt would reach. Edge Spears Jeff as he goes for poetry in motion. Terri pushes Jeff off the top then slaps Matt who is Unprettiered/Kill Switch for 3 at 15:16. Post match Faarooq nearly breaks Jeffs neck with a funked up Dominatior. ***1/2 - Not as good as I remembered but still very good. Crowd wasn't dead but were on life support. Got better near the end but see they didn't need TLC to have good matches.

Jeff may be out cold. #BotchedDominator
Big Bossman Vs. Tazz
 This is more segment than match, by that I mean it's only here to put Tazz over as someone who can take a beatdown and get back up. It ended at 00:48 as Bossman was DQd but post match Bossman and Albert beat him down but he gets up until they break a nightstick on his head. Should've booked Tazz as someone who came down kicked some ass, choked you out then left ala Rumble 2000. * For the nightstick breaking spot.

No Holds Barred - Kane (w/ Paul Bearer) Vs. X-Pac (w/ Tori)
 In '99 these were a team, Champions even but in October (ish) DX reformed and X-Pac rejoined full time then Tori left Kane aswell in late 99, or possibly early 2000 but I think it was Dec 99. They had a cage match at Armageddon. Kane no sells some punches then hits a Tilt-A-Whirl backbreaker so X-Pac tries to leave. They're fighting near the entrance where X-Pac is thrown around for a bit, they come back ringside via the crowd. X-Pac gets Kane down with a ringbell then goes to hit him with a chair but Bearer attacks him to a pop then chases Tori around. Back in X-Pac does his corner kicks, Bronco Buster. Bit of psychology as X-Pac targets the knee, he avoids a Tombstone, lowblow then an X-Factor but Kane more or less shrugs it off. Chokeslam to X-Pac then Tori jumps on Kanes back so he Tombstones her. X-Pac dropkicks the stairs into Kane and pins him under them for 3 at 7:48. **1/2 - Not exactly a big blowoff to the feud. No Holds Barred so I wanted them to use weapons more or something just make it brutal, X-Pac targeting the knee though was sensible psychology.

Too Cool/Rikishi Vs. Radicalz (w. Eddie Guerrero)
 Eddies arm is in a sling, Saturn is the only un colour co-ordinated Radical, then again he was the odd one out. Eddie has a pipe but Rikishi hit him with it. Missile dropkick, enziguri then Grandmaster boogies. II Cool double team Benoit then Scotty moonwalks and tags 'Kishi. Stinkface for Benoit he goes for a Rikishi Driver, Greetings From Asbury Park for my WCW fans out there, but Dean dropkicks his taped ankle which is now targeted. Scotty bulldogs Saturn but Dean cancels the Worm. Lawler asks JR if his hair is like Scottys under his hat, he should've put a wig on and revealed it, speaking of Scotty he's playing face in peril as radicalz have isolated him using frequent tags, hurricanrana by Perry. Rikishi in and he runs corner to corner, which irritates me, Rikishi Driver and The Worm to Saturn. Dean chopblocks 'kishis ankle twice. Oh the goggles are on, Hip Hop Drop to Perry but Benoit hits Diving Headbutt on Sexay. Dean works 'Kishis ankle but is sonn Rikishi Drivered and Banzai Dropped for 3 at 12:43. ***1/2 - Radicalz lose PPV debut, to go with the TV losses. I liked how Radicalz isolated Scotty using frequent tags, I like that strategy/psychology. Had 'Kishi sold the ankle I may of busted it up to ****.

Winner Goes To WrestleMania - Big Show Vs. The Rock
 Show won the Rumble so this match is pointless, well it turned out to be anyway. This PPV marks Shows first full calender WWF year  *opens a Party Popper* Pop for Rock who slaps Show, floatover DDT gets an early 2, he goes for a Rock Bottom but Show knocks him ringside where they fight in the crowd but it's just punches then they're back in the ring. Rock starts a comeback until Show powerslams him thus regaining control. Side russian legsweep and a DDT both get Rock 2 then Show gets a 2 of his own off a sidewalk slam. Ref Bump!! Show ChokeSlams Rock, Tim White starts counting but Earl Hebner pulls him out. Pop for Shane-Os return but as Rock goes for Peoples Elbow Shane strikes with a chair allowing Show the 3 at 9:27. **1/2  Passable match but there wasn't much beyond punches, I like unexpected endings and Shows W was certainly that.

Career Vs. Title - WWF Championship - Hell In A Cell - Triple-H (c) Vs. Cactus Jack
 Coming off my favorite match we have the feud ender (I mean the Rumble street fight not Rock/Show). HHH/Foley was a great feud from Mankinds firing to his re-hiring and ass kicking which led to Cactus Jacks return to the MSG Street Fight to this. The Cell door is locked as Cactus had threatened to come flying off the roof. Cactus is in control to start but a HHH lowblow allows Hunter a breather. Facebuster by HHH but he's soon backdropped over the top, ringside Cactus does his whipped into steps spot then HHH launches them into Cactus' head, chairshots follow and a DDT gets Hunter 2. Cactus gets his own 2 off a Double Arm DDT to the chair. HHH throws Cavtus into the Cell walls but a Pedigree on the steps is avoided with a slingshot into the Cell, now HHH is cut. A chair assisted Cactus Elbow connects, now Cactus throws the steps at HHH but he ducks however the steps break the Cell wall allowing them to go outisde, piledriver on the announce table that doesn't break, now Cactus has the Barbed Wire 2-By-4, Hunter heads up the Cell, Cactus goes in pursuit but HHH manages to knock him down through the announce table, that seemed tame comopared to King Of The Ring. Cactus tries, and fails, to throw a chair up the Cell, why would he want to arm HHH anyway? Now they're  both on top where Hunter attacks with the 2-By-4 until he's lowblowed, HHH falls onto a corner panel whcih breaks slightly, if that had of gone through HHH would've landed on the mats outside so they're lucky another doesn't break when Cactus suplexes HHH. The 2-By-4 is set on fire, HHH is hit in the head but when Cactus goes for a piledriver on it HHH backdrops him throught the Cell and the ring, it's Cactus Splat would've been a good joke had he landed with a SPLAT ala KOTR 1998, HHH climbs down kicks Cactus' arm then in a horror film like moment he is up but is Pedigreed for 3 at 23:59. ***1/2 - At the time I was really sad Cactus was gone but watching it 13 years later all the emotion is gone via Micks comebacks, hell he was TNA Champion in 2009. To be honest it wasn't as great as I remembered but still good.

21.5 / 40 - 3 Good matches so this is recommended. The bad wasn't so bad as NAO/Dudz was rightfully a squash, Tazz/Bossman was more a segment and Viscera/Henry was short. Recommended PPV.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

No Way Out 2007

- February 18th, LA, California
- No title match as it's RAW Vs. SMACKDOWN! main event.
Attendance - 14,000
Buys - 218,000 buys
MVP/MnM Vs. Hardyz/Benoit
- Mercury is wearing a facemask due to his nose being knocked from coast to coast at Armageddon. Benoit was US Champion at this time.  MVP scoop slams Matt but misses an elbow drop. Nitro snapmares Jeff into a headlock. Jeff is beat on in the heels corner but he soon manages to hit Whisper In The Wind to Nitro and tag in Matt, Side Effect gets 2 on Nitro. Now Matt plays face-in-peril and is beaten on by heels. Suplex to Mercury then a tag to Benoit, double german to MnM, Poetry In Motion, Side Effect, Swanton and Diving Headbutt to Mercury but MVP breaks the pin, then a Crossface to MVP is broken up by Nitro but a Crossface to Mercury ends it. **1/2 - Was ok, not fantastic but there wasn't anything bad.

CruiserWeight Title Open -
 2 Men start then when one's eliminated he is replaced. A turmoil match basically.
Scotty 2 Hotty Vs. Davari
 Davari goes for quick pins but is soon bulldogged and The Worm gets 3.
Scotty 2 Hotty Vs. Gregory Helms (c)
 Helms beats on Hotty. Helms stops The Worm and hits a type of Codebreaker for 3.
Gregory Helms (c) Vs. Funaki
 Crossbody by Funaki but Helms rolls through it for 3.
Gregory Helms (c) Vs. Shannon Moore
 My God 3 Count Explodes!! Headscissors by Moore on the outside. Backbreaker gets Helms 2. Double underhook suplex off the top by Helms followed by that Codebreaker style move gets 3.
Gregory Helms (c) Vs. Jimmy Wang Yang
 Standing moonsault by jimmy who soon locks in a funky submission. Jimmy misses a moonsault and gets clotheslined by Helms. Hurricanrana gets Jimmy the slightly surprising 3.
Jimmy Wang Yang Vs. Jamie Noble
 So we're guaranteed a new champion then. Neckbreaker gets Noble 2. Jimmy misses a charge and hits the post. Atomic drop, clothesline and spinning heel kick gets 2 for Jimmy, he soon pushes Noble off the top and hits a moonsault for 3.
Jimmy Wang Yang Vs. Chavo Guerrero
 Chavo beats on the weakened Jimmy until he gets heel kicked. Chavo is thrown over the top then splashed. 3 Amigos by Chavo. Top rope huricanrana by Jimmy but he misses a corkscrew so Chavo hits a Frogsplash for 3 snd the Championship. **1/2 - The good was the last 3 'matches' the bad was the rest. As the match progressed I was kind of thinkin' I'd rather see Gregory Vs. Wang Yang 1-on-1 until 'Open Invitational' rules allowed a Chavo win, Boooo.

Finlay (w/Hornswoggle) Vs. Boogeyman (w/Little Boogeyman)
 Firemans carry takedown by Boogeyman who is in control early. Little Boogeyman eats worms then Hornswoggle squares up to him so Finlay kicks Little Boogeyman then carries on beating him up. Boogeyman comes from under the ring. Boogeyman Boogeys up and beats on Finlay, clothesline then Little Boogey splash. Shilleleigh to Little Boogeyman by Finaly for 3. 1/2 - That was like a 10 minute acid trip.

King Booker Vs. Kane
 They trade punches and chops then a backbreaker, big boot and clothesline over the top by Kane. Missile dropkick by Booker. Kane goes for a top rope clothesline but Booker heel kicks him. Flying forearm gets Booker 2. Booker goes for a suplex but Kane suplexes him. Booker misses the Scissors Kick. Kane dominates Booker hits top rope clothesline and gets the ChokeSlam for 3. ** Bit boring as 80% of the match was punches but i'm feeling generous.

WWE Tag Titles - London/Kenderick (c) Vs. Deuce/Domino (w/ Cherry)
 Deuce and Domino may aswell of been called Kenicky and whatever John Travoltas Grease character was. Double hiptoss by the champions who are dominating Domino. Backbreaker by Deuce to London. Domino in now as London is playing face-in-peril, Deuce throws London into the turnbuckle in a scoop slam position. The beat down continues until London dodges D and D like I dodge Bowser when I have no coins on Mario then gets the tag to Kenderick who beats on challengers, backslide on Deuce gets 2. Deuce 'N' Domino go for Doomsday Device but Kendrick ducks the clothesline and rolls up Domino. **1/2 - Was okay. I liked the Kendrick/London team.

ECW Title - Bobby Lashley (c) Vs. Kennedy
 Kennedy attacks on the ramp as Cole has almost lost his voice. Lashley throws Kennedy across the ring nut Kennedy is soon in control. Clothesline by Lashley then a delayed suplex. Torture Rack by lashley until Kennedy rakes his eyes. Kennedy does a submission that is Figure Four-esque then targets Lashleys knee, a DDT gets 2. Kenton Bomb but Lashley gets his knees up. T-Bone by Lashley, the 10 or so people interested in this match boo Lashley and cheer Kennedy. Ref Bump! possibly the stupidest ever as Kennedy falls into him, chairshot to Bobby but Bobby then hits Ken with a chair and is DQd. *  - God that was possibly the most boring one ever, Kennedys leg work was okay but didn't lead to anything, bad DQ ending aswell.

Miz hosts a Diva Invitational, you know what i'm not gonna recap it. It ends with Ashley promoting her playboy shoot. I saw her recently in a mag she looks about 60, what happened there?

Batista/Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels/John Cena
 At WrestleMania it'll be Taker/Batista for the WHC and HBK/Cena for the WWE Title but tonight they team up. HBK/Cena are Tag Champions.  Batista has the advantage over Cena until he misses a corner charge. Taker/HBK in as Deadman works the arm then goes Old School. He tries it on Cena but it is blocked and Taker is superplexed. Michaels is gorilla press slammed over the top by Deadman. Michaels has been beat on for awhile now. Multiple clotheslines gets Batista 2 but he gets DDTd and Cena tags in. Top rope leg drop to Batista, i'm surprised Cenas never injured himself with that, 4 Knuckle Shuffle but Taker stops the FU. HBK clips Batistas knee when he goes to Batista Bomb Cena. Batista has been beat on for a bit and is now cut. STFU by Cena but Taker breaks it up. HBK hits the elbow then toots up the band but Batista gets a Bossman Slam. Spine buster to Michaels, ChokeSlam to Cena but then Batista swerves, expectedly, and Spinebusters Taker. A Sweet Chin Music and FU ends Undertaker. *** - Definatly got better nearer the end, I was expecting this to be worse than it was.

PPV Poster
14 / 35 - Was dragged down by Finlay/Boogeyman, the Cruiserweight may of had more had it not been turmoil and the rest was average I mean hell only 1 match got *** the majority got **1/2 which tells you how average this PPV was.