Tuesday 29 January 2013

IYH 21: Unforgiven

April 26th, 1998. Greensboro, North Carolina.
Attendance - 21,427
Buyrate - 0.85
Opening video is all about the Inferno match.

Rock/D-Lo/Mark Henry Vs. Faarooq/Ken Shamrock/Steve Blackman

 This isn't just a thrown together team as it makes sense Faarooq was just usurped from Nation and Shamrock had feuded with Rock since January, Rock is IC Champion here. Faces do Nations pose, huh? 'Rocky Sucks' chant. This D-Lo is better than original Nations D-Lo where I believe he was un-named for a while but now he has a personality. Blackman arm drags D-Lo, Ken is in to a pop. Confusion in faces corner over who's tagging in. Battle of the 2 Nation originals as Faarooq Spinebusters D-Lo then whips him with a belt. Henry beats on Blackman then D-Lo Sky Highs him. Rock tags in when Faarooq is weakened. Henry powerslams Blackman who plays face in peril. Peoples Elbow minus pad removal or pin attempt. Nation beat on Steve for ages but it's getting no heat, D-Lo misses a moonsault. Faarooq is in and boom a Dominator to Rock gets 3 setting up a IC Match at Over The Edge which is here - (http://wwe-jan-may.blogspot.com/2013/01/iyh-22-over-edge.html) ** - Bit boring but Faarooq winning made sense to set up Over The Edge.

Stone Cold tells time keeper Mark Yeaton no funny business tonight.

European Title - Owen Hart Vs. HHH (c)
 Chyna is hanging in a cage above the ring so she doesn't interfere, why not just do a non-interference match? They'd been feuding for seemingly a year and a day. 'Playboy Needs Chyna' sign, was that guy a Terminator from the future sent to warn us? Owen gets HHH ringside and throws him into the cage which hasn't been risen yet. I spy a couple nWo signs, so they paid for WWF tickets so they could promote the WCW, fools. Harley Race knee by HHH. Suplex, kneedrop gets HHH 2 as Chyna tries to bend the bars, does she intend to leap to the ring? Sunset flip gets Owen 2. Can I hear HHH calling spots?? Facebuster gets Hunter another 2. Dragon Sleeper by HHH which he's used a couple of times here. Bridged german gets Owen 2, then a belly to belly followed by Enziguri gets him 2 again. Chyna bends the bars and hangs from the cage. SharpShooter is applied as Road Dogg lowers the cage so Chyna's now ringside. Owen Pedigrees HHH but X-Pac hits him with a fire extinguisher and HHH gets 3. **1/2 - Straight up 1-on-1 may of been better as the Chyna stuff was distracting, was the DX stuff booked to protect Owen or just so Russo could have his patented run ins? New life was breathed into this feud when Owen joined Nation after this.

NWA Tag Titles - New Midnight Express (c) (w/ Jim Cornette) Vs. Rock 'n' Roll Express
 Bombastic Bob is better known as Hardcore Holly and Bodacious Bart is Bart Gunn, my own self given nicknames aren't as bad as those. Robert Gibson knocks Bob ringside. Lawler - 'Panties aren't the best thing in the world but they're next to it'. Jim Cornette and Tim White square up to each other. Cornette trips Morton then two backbreakers get Bart 2 as does a powerslam. Cold tag to Gibson. Double dropkick to Bart but then Bob bulldogs Gibson for 3. ** - Not that bad to be fair but crowd were deader than me at a Cleveland Cavaliers game.

Evening Gown Match - Sable Vs. Luna
 Luna wins then is stripped under the ring.

Vince and Stooges are here. He talks for a while, am I watching a PPV or RAW is WAR? They're building Austin/Dude as Montreal 2.

WWF Tag Titles - NAO (c) Vs. LOD 2000 (w/ Sunny)
 This feud is still going?? cause the first few matches weren't dull enough. Doggs catchphrase entrance hasn't caught on yet and they bring out Dean Smith, UNC Tarheels coach, but it's a blow up doll. LOD won a battle royal at 'Mania 14. Double facebuster to NAO. Gunn is backdropped 'Oh Shit' he says. Shoulder breaker to Gunn, I dont think NAO have hit anything yet. Chinlock by Animal, that'll make it interesting. Gun stops Doomsday Device by chop blocking Animal. Spinning toe hold by Road Dogg as they work Animals leg, some psychology in this match will make me bump up the *s let's see if Animal sells it. Fame Asser connects for 2, as they dont make a big deal of it I guess it wasn't his finisher here. Backbody drop and leg whip by Animal, Hawk in he slams Dogg down, splash connects then Billy hits a very tame belt shot for 2. Hawk germans Dogg but both mens shoulders are down when ref counts 3 so NAO retain. *1/2 - Long and boring. I did appreciate the leg work by NAO. LOD were 10 years past usefulness here so why not just lose clean, Rumble had a crappy DQ and this had a Dusty finish.

Jeff Jarrett does a concert with Sawyer Brown, anybody?? until Steve Blackman attacks but he gets guitar shotted and figure foured.

Inferno Match - Undertaker Vs. Kane
 Lawler has marshmellows and a sausage. I haven't enough ink in my pen to recap the feud but you probably already know it. Corner splash then old school by Undertaker, he is thrown up by Kane and seems to land awkwardly, now Kane is in control. Powerslam and chairshot by Kane, Taker gets a side russian leg sweep but is soon Chokeslammed so he responds with one of his own but Kane sits up. Kane gets crotched when he goes up top and is superplexed. Kane is thrown over the flames leaving Taker in the ring, he goes to leave but Vader fights him down to ringside where Taker topes over flames onto them, nice pop for that. Kane is down via chairshots then Taker beats on Paul Bearer at the stage where Jeff Jarrett sang. Kane gets booted and his arm goes on fire. - *1/2 - They were limited to what they could do as they had to stay 8in ring for 90% of the match. This wasn't going to be a good wrestling match and always was going to be carried by the characters. I liked Takers tope which gives its rating a boost.

WWF Title - Dude Love Vs. Stone Cold (c)
 Austins 1st PPV defence. Foley had been Cactus Jack but after he got beat up by NAO and fans chanted for Austin he retired Jack, now the Dude is here, Owww Have Mercy.  Dude attacks from behind but Austin soon has the match in control. Dude is clotheslined and scoop slammed in the aisle then hip tossed off of Jarretts stage onto the concrete. They're back in the ring when Vince appears with Stooges and sits ringside which distracts Austin and Dude gets 2 off a roll up. Vince stares at time keeper Mark Yeaton, this Vince stuff is in danger of over shadowing the match. Austin is down in the aisle so Vince goes and trash talks him. Abdominal stretch by Dude as Vince tells Mark to ring the bell until Austin counters it to his own. Dude is suplexed on outside and his leg hits the steps. Back in ring as Dude toots up the band but Sweet Shin Music is blocked. Ref Bump!! as he is clotheslined. Mandible Claw/Love Handle to Austin but the ref's down. Austin smashes Vince with a chair KOing him. Stunner to Dude and Austin counts his own pin cause that's legal apparently. Post match Gerald Briscoe DQs Austin, setting up the rematch a month later. ***1/2 - More about Vince/Austin/Montreal than Dude/Austin, if Austin was allowed to count his own pin then why didn't Dude when he had the Mandible Claw? Was okay but their match a month later at Over The Edge was much better. (http://wwe-jan-may.blogspot.com/2013/01/iyh-22-over-edge.html)

13 / 30 - I wouldn't recommend this show from an in-ring standpoint. Reviewing it's bad but just watching it as a fan it could be okay as the characters drive the product. Thumbs slightly down for this one as the main event was bettered the following month.

IYH 22: Over The Edge

The PPV poster
- May 31st, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Attendance - 9,822
Buyrate - 0.65

LOD (w/ Droz, Sunny) Vs. DOA (w/ Chainz)
 'LOD' Chant. Not much happens until Animal headbutts 8-Ball downstairs. Skull sideslams Hawk, dreadful piledriver which Hawk no sells, not dreadful in a my god he dropped him on his head way but dreadful in a Hawks head was about 10ft off the mat way. LOD beat on Skull in the corner, aren't they face? Leg drop gets Hawk 2. Chainz, Droz fight on outside. 'LOD' Chant. Hawk gets beaten on. Animal and the other baldy are tagged in but the baldies switch, not that it matters as Animal gets 3 off a Powerslam. * Moving on.

Nation leader and IC Champion The Rock comes out to talk trash but he gets piledrivered 'on a chair' by Farrooq.
Steve Blackman Vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/ Tennessee Lee)
 I have a vague recollection of Blackman interupting Jarretts concert at the last PPV, also Jeff gave Blackman his first WWF loss. Jeff is in the country singer 'Aint I Great' phase. They fight outside then back in a german gets Steve 2. Jarrett is in tree of woe then chinlocked. Al Snow has joined spainsh announce team, Head has a sombrero on. Steve misses a diving headbutt, he goes for a vader bomb but Jeff gets his knees up. Spanish announcers say 'Hasta La Vista' to Snow. Lawler: 'An old country song, i'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy' Suplex, backbreaker, heel kick by Steve. Jeff tries to use one of Blackmans glow/Kendo/Whatever sticks but Steve stops him and uses them himself, but Tennessee Lee hits Steve with one and Jeff gets 3. ** -  Meh, not real good ut not real bad. JR/Lawler were brilliant on commentary at this time.

Marc Mero Vs. ?
 Sable picks his opponent and if they win then Sable is free from Mero but if Mero wins then Sable is fired. To cut a long story short Sable picks herself, Mero offers to take a dive but then cradles Sable for 3. UNR

Kaientai Vs. TAKA Michinoku/Bradshaw
 That is not a typo TAKA and Bradshaw were a team here and obviously this isn't the Kaientai most fans remember. Kaientai are Sho Funaki, Dick Togo and some other dude. Bradshaw presslams TAKA onto Kaientai at ringside. Bradshaw tags in so Kaientai scatter. TAKA is beaten down but Togo misses a corner splash so TAKA manages a tornado DDT then moonsaults Funaki on the outside, looks like TAKA hit the rail aswell, ouch!! Inverted Sky High to TAKA then a double underhook suplex gets 2 as does a snap powerslam. Swanton to TAKA who is then camel clutched, boston crabbed and dropkicked at the same time. Bradshaw in Powerbomb to Funaki, then Bradshaw busts out a TIGER SUPLEX!! *spits out Coca-Cola* why didn't he keep using that?? Togo finishes off TAKA with a senton bomb. **1/2 - Some nice moves in this match, Bradshaw was kind of pointless beyond the Tiger Suplex.

Intercontinental Title - The Rock (c) Vs. Faarooq
 Rocky doesn't appear at first due to a neck injury from Faarooqs earlier piledriver but Commissioner Slaughter threatens to strip him then he appears with a neck brace, which Faarooq takes off him and hits him with then a couple of clotheslines. Rock is soon in control Peoples Elbow gets 2. 'Goldberg F*ckin Sucks' sign in crowd. Rock gets 2 off a DDT. Spinebuster by Faarooq and the ref counts 3 but Rocks foot was on the rope, fans dont care anyway. Rock wins via Flair pin, double leg takedown and feet on ropes. * - Booooooooring. This should've been a big blow off match as Faarooq was usurped from Nation by Rock but instead we got this. At least it was short.

Mask Vs. Mask - Kane Vs. Vader
 This should just be one-on-one normal match, why would Vader care about losing a match that doesn't completely cover his face anyway? This is Earl Hebners first match since night before 'Mania 14. Punches etc. by Kane then Vader splashes him down and gets shots to back of Kanes head, probably stiff knowing Vader. Kane hits his top rope clothesline then a boot and clothesline get Vader down as fans chant 'Vader'. Snapmare into a neck vice by Kane. Chokeslam then Vader rolls ringside where he hits Kane with a wrench, continuity by WWF there. Vader misses a moonsault and a Tombstone is academic. ** - Average match. The continuity I mentioned was that Kane had attacked Vader with a wrench, possibly at No Way Out Of Texas. Post match Vader calls himself a fat piece of shit.

Mad Dog Vachon and The Crusher are in the ring being celebrated when Lawler attacks them, ripping off Vachons fake leg but he is soon cleared out by Crusher. I read that lawler said this was done on the spot.

HHH/NAO Vs. D-Lo/Kama/Owen Hart
 Continuation of DX/Nation feud also HHH/Owen were rivals and Owen joined Nation. HHH is European Champion. In case anyone doesn't know Kama is The Godfather. 'Owen sucks' chant. D-Lo/Road Dogg start but not much happens, Owen in but knocked straight down, gorilla presslam by Billy Gunn. Heel kick connects but SharpShooter is avoided. HHH gets a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for 2. 'Free Flair' sign, wrong company bub, though WCW probably did watch WWF PPVs. Drop toe hold by HHH as Road Dogg does Shake Rattle 'n' Roll knee drop to D-Lo who is the only original nation member left. Owen gets 2 off a piledriver as Road Dogg plays face in peril. Sky High by D-Lo. Nation are using the clap hands to sound like a tag strategy. HHH breaks up a SharpShooter then JR brings up the enziguri to HBK that 'KOd' him, that was good acting by HBK and Owen. D-Lo gets 2 off a moonsault then lukewarm tag to Billy but soon all 6 men are brawling. D-Lo is spike piledrivered by HHH, Billy onto the European Title but Owen Pedigrees HHH onto it and D-Lo gets 3 *spits out 7up as HHH lost to Pedigree*. **1/2 - I like multi-man tag matches but this was meh, and a bit to long as the heats segment on Dogg lasted a while and going by the crowd didn't really work, did like HHH losing to his own finisher though as finally Owen gets a measure of revenge on HHH.

WWF Title Match - Stone Cold (c) Vs. Dude Love
Patterson made it No DQ to favor Dude Love.
 I love the over the top intros for this match for Guest Ring Announcer Pat Patterson, Guest Time Keeper Gerald Brisco and Special Referee Vince McMahon. Undertaker comes ringside to keep Vince in check. Just dawned on me that only a month later Mick Foley comes flying off the Cell in a little known match with Taker. Dude gets a quick 2 off a shoulder charge. Dudes new teeth come out so Austin stomps a mudhole in them and tosses them into crowd, Lawler 'Dude Love has lost his smile'. Austin is whipped into steps as Dude is slowly taking control. Swinging neck breaker to Dude proceded by clotheslines. Mandible Claw/Love Handle is countered and Dude gets his head twisted in ropes. Patterson announces it is No DQ. Dude is clotheslined hard on the concrete. Neckbreaker in aisle way as Patterson announces it is Falls Count Anywhere then a backslide in the aisle gets 2. Austin is backdropped onto a car that is part of the set. Dude sunset flips off a car for 2. Austin is cut  and suplexed on the floor. Cactus Elbow on concrete but Austin avoids it. Back in ring as Patterson trips Austin so Dude is in control. Double Arm DDT on a chair gets 2. Dude gets levelled with a chairshot but Vince refuses to count. Dude accidentally CREAMS Vince with the chair knocking him into the year 3000. Stunner but Patterson pulls the new ref out so Taker chokeslams him through a table, ditto Gerald brisco. Stunner for Dude and Austin uses Vinces hand to count the fall. **** 1/2 - Very entertaining, not much wrestling but this is what WWFs Sports Entertainment is all about.

15.5 / 35 - Undercard was boring but main event rocked, which sums up most 98/99 PPVs. From a review standpoint it's not good but to just sit and watch it it's allright, possibly through nostalgia though. Dude/Austin is on Mick Foleys DVD. Mild recommendation but dont go out of your way to find it. In UK this PPV comes with IYH 21: Unforgiven in the Tagged Classics series, that review will be up soon.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Judgment Day 2006

- May PPVs generally suck and on paper this looks dreadful.

- May 21st, Phoenix, Arizona
Attendance - 14,000
Buys - 238,000 (That was hard to find so may be questionable)

WWE Tag Team Titles - MNM (W/ Melina) (c) Vs. Paul London/ Brian Kendrick
 Nitro does some poseing. armdrag into an armbar by London followed by a double hiptoss to Mercury. MNM on the outside and Kendrick leaps onto them. Heat building time as MNM beat on London. Springboard dropkick by Kendrick but he soon gets SnapShotted but London breaks the count. Now Kendrick's getting beat on, he does manage to get a small package but the referee is distracted. Hot tag to London, oklahoma roll but Mercury kicks out. London dropkicks Nitro and moonsaults Mercury in one move, nice nice. Mercury knocks into Nitro and London gets a roll up for 3, the titles and a pop. Post Match - MNM fight and Melina sides with Nitro. Was that an attempt to turn Mercury face? Teddy Long gets knocked down in the fracas. *** - I give it *** for the slightly  surprising title change and it was alright.  

Chris Benoit Vs. Finlay
 They lock up and go under the bottom ropes whilst still locking up. Finlay blocks Sharpshooter and counters a Benoit side headlock into a pin attempt. Chops by Benoit but Finlay drop toe holds him. Old school style so far but the fans haven't turned on it. Germans by Benoit but Finlay avoids the headbutt. Finlay gets a chair but Benoit baseball slides into him then does hit the headbutt for 2. Finlay has been doing submissions that you rarely see in WWE or TNA. Benoit starts a comeback but Finlay cuts him off. Germans by Benoit then a nenziguri, Finlay goes ringside so Benoit germans him on the outside. 3 Amigos by Benoit. Finlay gets some shots in but Benoit locks in a Crossface and Finlay taps. **** I enjoyed this match but I cant put my finger on why, if you know  what I mean.The start was slow, a observation not a complaint. This style wrestling usually gets boring chants but these fans didn't mind, these two probably loved wrestling each other.

Jillian Vs. Melina
 Thesz press by Jillian, then throws her into the barricade. Melina starts to take control then locks in a body scissors. Jillian gets a roll up for 3. ** - I think it's worth 2 based on my expectations of it.

CruiserWeight Title - Gregory Helms (c) Vs. Super Crazy
- If you dont know Gregory Helms he was the Hurricane.
 Crazy gets 2s off some quick pin attempts. Ref wont let Crazy jump over the top so he jumps over the ref 'ECW' chant. Helms gets some offence now, 2 off a neckbreaker. 'Super Crazy' chant. Helms gets the double underhooks then knees Crazy in the perm. Crazy now starts a comeback of his own, tilt-a-whirl backbbreaker and a standing moonsault gets 2. Helms misses a shining wizard and Crazy gets another 2 off a heel kick. Crazy goes for a hurricanrana but is powerbombed for 3. **1/2 - Okay match nothing stood out but also nothing was bad to be fair.

Melina slaps Teddy Long so he fires Nitro and Melina.

Mark Henry Vs. Kurt Angle
Angle will dictate wether this is good or not.
 Angle attacks from the bell he does a sunset flip so Henry tries to sit on him. Kurt gets a single leg takedown then starts to work the leg. Mark Henry gets a foot back in the match, when he does a camel clutch you see Angles mouthpiece which says Revenge, did any play WCW/nWo Revenge. German to Henry, the straps come down so Kurt means business, Angle Slam gets 2. Henrys Worlds Strongest Slam gets 2. Anklelock is applied but Henry squashes Kurt into the ringpost and Henry wins via countout. ** Henry had most of the offence which tells you all you need to know, bit boring.

King Of The Ring Final - Bobby Lashley Vs. Booker T
- They show former King Of The Rings but skip Mabel, Billy Gunn and others.
 Clothesline, suplex and armbar by Lashley. Thumb to the eye by Booker who now gets offence until he is clotheslined. Booker calls for a Scissor Kick but gets clotheslined. Sharmel stops Lashley hitting a spear and Booker gets 2 off a BookEnd. Powerslam almost gets Lashley the win, he charges but gets heel kicked, Scissor Kick gets Booker 2. Finlay hits Lasley with a Shilleleigh and a Scissor Kick gets Booker 3. *1/2 - Lasleys offence was basic and I wasn't drawn into the match. Book-As win was slightly surprising. This leads to him becoming WHC in the next month or so.

Undertaker Vs. The Great Khali
- Undertaker facing a big giant who can barely move, is it the 90s again?
 Taker dodges punches and gets his own. Everytime Taker gets punches Khali throws him to otutside. Khali counters Old School and Michael Cole says nobody has ever doen that, idiot. Khali uses Mortal Kombat offence to control the match, punch, punch, kick, headbutt etc. Brain Chop but Taker kicks out. Khali is tied in the ropes but soon hits Brain Chop and gets 3 with one foot. * - Taker puts somebody over and of all people it's Khali!!!! Closest you'll see to a taker squash. Why not put Orton in 05 or Angle in '00 (Fully Loaded, Survivor Series) over.

World Heavyweight Title - Rey Mysterio (c) Vs. JBL
 JBL beats on Rey until he gets a drop toe hold but JBL leaves ring to avoid 619. Rey does 10 Corner punche spot and lowblows JBL when ref is distracted. JBL gets a foot in the match and does the 3 amigos, the move Chavo still does today for a cheap pop. Rey is cut. Clotheslines by JBL who's dominated for a while now. Big or Mini boot I suppose gets JBL 2. God this is boring. Moonsault gets Rey 2. Ref Bump! as JBL puts him in the way of 619. JBL hits a Powerbomb and 2nd ref counts 2. Ref Bump!! JBL gets a chair but Rey kicks it in his face, a 619 and FrogSplash, for a cheap pop get 3. *1/2 - JBL dominated say 80% of the match and his offence isn't particularly exciting, I hated Reys title reign.

17 / 40 - The last 3 matches drag this PPV from surprisingly good to mediocre, though mediocre is good for a May PPV. London/Kendrick winning was surprising as was MNM breaking up and Nitro, Melina firing. Seeing Taker get squashed is worth a look for curiosity. Thumbs in the middle here. Just as much good as bad.

Over The Edge 1999

- This isn't a review it's just a general recap in case anyway wants to know the matches that took place. This PPV wasn't released commercially as Owen Hart died during the PPV in a tragic accident, thankfully you dont see the accident as a promo is playing on screen at the time, again I'm not rating matches as I doubt many wanted to wrestle after Owens accident which occurs after the 2nd match. RIP Owen Hart. I was going to skip this PPV but in case anyone wants to know the matches that occured then here they are. So no star ratings or my thoughts on wether the PPV should of been stopped or not following the accident.

- May 23rd, Kansas City, Missouri

WWF Tag Team Titles - X-Pac/Kane (c) Vs. D'Lo/Mark Henry
 D'Lo starts better V. X-Pac. Armdrag and multiple crotch chops by X-Pac. D'Lo dodges Bronco Buster. mark Henry in, workrate out. Kane throws a dropkick and I almost spit my coffee out. Kane no sells D'Los punches then there's some nice kicks by X-Pac but the heels are soon in control. Kane breaks the pin after D'Lo hits his running powerbomb. Kane scoop slams Henry, Kane has done some moves here that he doesn't normally do. Kane launches himself onto the challengers. Bronco buster to D'Lo but Henry squashes X-Pac. Big Chokeslam to Henry ends it.

Hardcore Title - Hardcore Holly Vs. Al Snow (c)
 Backdrop by Snow. Holly fails to work a fire extinguisher then they go through the crowd to the backstage area. Nothing note worthy happens as they fight back through the crowd. Snow stands on Hollys nuts then gets a table. Delayed Falcon Arrow, then known as Holly-Caust, that's nice isn't it. Snow Plow gets 2, Mr. Snow that's his name that name again is Mr. Snow. Al gets DDTd on a chair for 2. Al powerbombs Holly through a table for 3. P

They show a graphic of Blue Blazer Vs. Godfather then a video package but then they go to an interview conducted earlier with Blue Blazer as JR utters the dreaded 'We got big problems out here' The cameras come back and focus on the crowd and JR who reveals that Owen Hart has fallen from the ceiling as he was meant to make a superhero like entrance. He says it's not part of the show but in a way that you know he's telling the truth, and it really isn't an angle. Then we go to a video for the Val/Nicole Bass Vs. Jarrett/Debra match. Jerry Lawler returns to the booth and says 'no .... it doesn't look good'

Jeff Jarrett and Debra are interviewed though you can tell they dont want to be. 'Owen you're in our prayers brother' 'We love you'. I read that Owen passed them on the stretcher here but that may just be a sick rumour.

Jeff Jarrett/Debra Vs. Val Venis/Nicole Bass
 Val gets his states mixed up in his pre-match promo. Nicole is the most manly in the match, she debuted at 'Mania 15 with Sable. Double underhook suplex by Val but Jeff gets a swinging neckbreaker. Venis gets 2 off a pwerslam. Debra gets some shots on Nicole. Knees to the ribs sets up Vals side russian leg sweep. Jeff hits the Stroke but Nicole breaks the count. Val suplexes Jeff then hits The Money Shot for 3.

Vince is loaded into an ambulance, Mideon injured him on HEAT (Kayfabe)

Billy Gunn Vs. Road Dogg
 Part of Billys heel push as he'd left DX by attacking X-Pac. He'd win King Of The Ring next month. Road Dogg says he's praying for Owen and segues from his interview to 'Oh You Didn't Know'. I think this si the debut of 'I'm An Ass Man' theme. Fighting on outside. Corner beatdown by Gunn but Dogg soon clotheslines him over. Chinlock by Gunn then a powerslam. Camel Clutch in a way by Gunn, Dogg fights out but gets neckbreakered. Sleeper by Gunn. Billy hits Dogg with the time keepers hammer, Lawler:'Is that a hammer lock?' He hits Dogg woth some tape then gets Fame Asser for 3.

Corporate Ministry Vs. The Union
 CM is the Acolytes, Viscera and Big Bossman, while the Union is Mankind, Ken Shamrock, Test, Big Show. This is elimination rules. Viscera powerslams Test for 2. Test boots Bradshaw but he is soon eliminated via Clothesline From Hell (4-3). Hurricanrana by Ken then Bradshaw taps to Ankle Lock (3-3). Anklelock to Faarooq but Bossman helps him make ropes.  Ken attacks the ref and is DQd. (3-2). Show Chokeslams Faarooq for 3 (2-2). Show and Bossman are 5/6 months away from their dreadful feud. Nothing happens for a while. Show slams Viscera and they fight up the aisle for a double countout (1-1). Double Arm DDT to Bossman then a Mandible claw ends it.

Now the saddest part on WWF PPV- Jim Ross: 'Earlier tonight here in Kansas City, tragedy befell the World Wrestling Federation and all of us. Owen Hart was set to make an entrance from the ceiling, and he fell from the ceiling. I have the unfortunate responsibility to let everyone know that Owen Hart has died. Owen Hart has tragically died from that accident here tonight.' Then there's silence and a shot of the crowd which leads to a video package for Rock/HHH.

The Rock Vs. HHH
 Rock's got an arm cast on and is attacked by HHH in a prematch interview, Mankind tries to make save but is hit with a pipe. 1 year late this would be the main event in an Iron Man match also HHH is in Corporate Ministry. HHH demands a countout victory but Rock appears. Rock starts better and throws HHH ringside where he does 'spanish' commentary  he also says 'Owen The Rock loves ya'. HHH gets the cas toff., then hits Rock with it. HHH chokes The Rock. Samoan drop gets Rock 2. Harley Race high knee by HHH Chyna attacks Rocks arm. Armbar takedown by HHH who focuses on the arm. HHH beats on Rock, Earl Hebner stops him using a chair so HHH punches him for the DQ. They fight postmatch and HHH is busted.

WWF Title - Stone Cold (c) Vs. Undertaker
 Shane McMahon is special ref, Vince, the other ref is injured so Pat Patterson takes his place but Undertaker chokeslams him. During Austins entrance you can see Taker look at where Owen fell. Austin stomps Taker but he soon blocks a kick and works Austins knee. Not much happens then Taker is whipped into ring steps. Armbar by Taker then they're soon fighting in the crowd. Austin avoids a Tombstone then Paul Bearer hits SCSA with his shoe. Fighting down the aisle where Taker is thrown on a stretcher. Elbow drop by Austin but Shane stops his count at 2. Chairshot by Austin then Gerald Brisco counts 2. Vince is here, Stunner but Shane stops Vince counting 3. Shane pushes Vince into Austin and Taker gets a rollup which Shane fast counts for 3. New Champion but the ending looked horrible.

 I'm not saying weather the PPV should of been stopped but if you think it should of been, then when? Do they stop it after the fall or after JR announces his passing? I've read somewhere it may be a book or internet that Owen died sooner than JRs announcement. If Vince had stopped it could the PPV companies or whoever sue him? It doesn't matter though as at the end of the day Martha Hart lost her husband and Oje and Athena lost their father to this tragic accident. Thank You Owen for the memories. RIP.

Friday 11 January 2013

WrestleMania 15

here's the card in Picture form
- March 28th 1999, Philadelphia, PA.

- Buys:  800,000
- Attendance:  20,276

Boyz II Men sing 'America The Beautiful'

Opening video is narated by Freddie Blassie, I liked it.

Hardcore Title - Al Snow Vs. Hardcore Holly Vs. Billy Gunn (c)
 Russo decided to swerve the fans, cause that's what matters right, right? You see Billy Gunn had been challenging for the IC Title for 2 months at least, ditto Road Dogg for the Hardcore Title but Russo decided to have them win the other belt.  Snow whips Billy into the steps and he does an almost comical cartwheel style bump over them. Holly suplexes Al on the outside. Snow attacks with a hockey stick thus starting a Flyers chant, I would make a joke but dont follow NHL enough. (They're from Philly how good can they be?) Poetry in motion to Gunn but Al misses one on Holly. Gunn takes out Holly with a chair then Fame Assers Snow on it but Holly gets the 3 and the title. *1/2 No kind of synchronicity, I may of made that up (nope I believe it's a Police album, though anything of there's beyond EBYT is not for me, white reggae me thinks not) in the moves if you now what I mean. It wasn't very good. (Not watched this for awhile as i'm not a sadomasochist but I think what I mean is either there's little linking the big moves ie a spot fest or they just all seemed off and not hitting things smoothly) 

Tag Titles - Owen Hart/Jeff Jarrett (c) Vs. D'Lo Brown/Test
 I write this on the day i'm also typing Over The Edge recap, sad that only 2 months after this Owen passed away. Test and D'Lo won a battle royal on HEAT so had to be partners cause you know that's easier than boking an actual tag team (Or even than booking an actual team though beyond NAO and Shamrock/Bossman, involved in other matches, who could they of used?).  Owens 10th 'Mania according to Michael Cole, so that could be wrong. Gutwrench Powerbomb by Test but Owen soon gets an enziguri followed by Sharpshooter but D'Lo breaks it up. Spinning heel kick takes down Brown but he soon is in control of the champions, Sky High on Jeff gets 2. D'Lo goes to powerbomb Jeff but Owen dropkicks him and the momentum takes Jeff into a Jacknife roll up for 3. *1/2 - Too short to mean anything, what they did was okay but thy should of got more time, it was a tag title match after all. (Editors Note - A tag title match that featured a team thrown together on HeAt so perhaps I shouldn't of been surprised by the time constraint)

Brawl For All - Bart Gunn Vs. Butterbean
 WWF did a Brawl For All tournament that was a shoot, Dr. Death, JRs project, was expected to win and go on to be a challenger for Austin but as plans do they went awry as Bart Gunn beat Dr. Death and would win the tournament, so as punishment for daring to win he gets Butterbean. Butterbean knocks Bart Gunn from - East Coast to West Coast, USA to Japan, 1999 to 2099, you get the point, sick Knock Out.

Winner Referees the main event - 'Big Show' Paul Wight Vs. Mankind
 Mankind tries to knock down Show but gets booted down. Chest slaps by Show then a side Russian leg sweep as Show is in control. Mandible Claw is countered with a headbutt. Mankind gets 3 more Claws in the end including a blatant low blow, DQ? Show eventually counters by falling backwards thus squashing mankind. Show uses a chair but this wasn't announced as No DQ so what's going on here. Big Show chokeslams Mankind through 2 chairs to get DQd. * Mick was to broken down to give Show the monster treatment a la Kane at Survivor Series 97. Hated the finish and the match really. Big Show turns face post match, despite only being in the company since February 14th, by punching Vince McMahon who slaps him for losing. (Turn #1 of 3,478 and that's just covering 1999)

Intercontinental Title - Road Dogg (c) Vs. Ken Shamrock Vs. Goldust Vs. Val Venis
 If you've been reading my RAW is WAR recaps (http://RAWisWAR1999.blogspot.com) you'll know that Ken Shamrock was fighting with Val, Goldust and Billy at various times due to his sister Ryan but as I said before Billy won Hardcore title so he's not here now, that wacky Russo.  This is elimination rules but only 2 in the ring at the same time.  Ken and Road Dogg, but nothing happens. Goldust spinebusters Ken who then tags Venis. Val counters Curtain Call and gets 2 of a spinebuster. Top rope bulldog gets Val 2 as does a Fisherman Suplex. Ken DDTs Goldust then Val gives Dogg one, that sounds wrong. Shake Rattle 'N' Roll to Val then a Pump Handle Slam, Ken follows with an Ankle Lock. Val and Ken fight outside causing a BS double Countout, so the main feud has been eliminated from the match, okayyyy. Ryan Shamrock trips Goldust who powerslams Dogg but he counters into his own pin and Dogg retains the gold. ** The very definition of meh.

HHH Vs. Kane
 A chicken attacks Kane and it's revealed to be Pete Rose so he gets Tombstoned, on to the actual match now. HHH attacks from behind. HHH is in control until Kane takes him off the steps and crotches him on the barricade. Kane has some sustained offence now and controls the match until HHH pulls him off the top rope. Facebuster then Harley Race Knee by HHH, doesn't he usually do them the other way around. Tombstone and pedigree are countered. This match feels like it's been on for an hour. Kane is clotheslined over the top but he counters a Pedigree on the ring steps. Chokeslam to HHH but Chyna turns on Kane and hits him with a chair causing a DQ. *1/2 - Boooooring. How did this HHH become the HHH who has a fantastic 2000?? So Chyna's re-joined DX ....

Vince had Big Show arrested and says he'll referee the main event.

Womens Title - Sable (c) Vs. Tori
 God the PPVs getting worse. Tori seems to have taken Giant Gonzalezs wardrobe. Fighting on outside, Sable does a crossbody off the apron but she seemed to almost miss. Clothesline by Tori. They try a bridged counter stuff but Tori falls, then they botch a sableBomb counter as Tori more or less land s on her arse. A man enters the ring, by god it's a woman. She press slams Tori and a Sable Bomb finishes. 1/2 -Moving On (Up .... gotta show Heather Small some love)

European Title - Shane McMahon (c) Vs. X-Pac
 Shane won the european title on a RAW is WAR in a tag match. Test is with Shane, just a few months later they will be feuding. The Stooges (Patterson and Brisco) jump X-Pac but that doesn't end well. Shane leapfrogs X-Pac then celebrates so X-Pac heel kicks him, he avoids the Bronco Buster though. Test rams X-Pac nuts first into the turnbuckle, I think that's more than we he did in his own match, and high 5s the Mean Street Posse who are ringside, not sure if Pete Gas and Rodney were named yet. Shane misses the Silver Spoon Elbow but lowblows X-Pac instead. Crossbody over the top by X-Pac then he fights Mean Street Posse. X-Pac dropkicks Shane when he's up top then superplexes him but Test stops the count. A belt shot to X-Pac gets 2. Shane misses a bronco buster then X-Pac does one to Test. X-Factor to Shane but Chyna distracts the ref as HHH Pedigrees X-Pac, Shane wins. *** The first entertaining match of the night, I like X-Pac and Shane is surprisingly good for a non worker. What I do like is the double swerve, earlier it looked like Chyna had rejoined HHH and DX when in actually it was HHH who had joined Chyna in The Corporation. (Not long after Shane would retire the Euro belt then Mideon would find it around July, if that RAW was filmed in the same building as Shane retired it then that's great continuity if however it wasn't then why was it still being carried around, we need answers dammit!)

Hell In A Cell - Undertaker Vs. Bossman
 If you think HIACs make a match interesting then how wrong you are. This is the WORST CELL EVER. When WWE released the HIAC DVD this wasn't on it and it's not cause of the post match stuff as that could be cut out.  They trade punches, a neckbreaker by Bossman. Deadman sits up and rams Bossman into the Cell. Bossman handcuffs Deadman to the Cell then hits him with his nightstick, the cuffs snap when Taker falls. Takers cut, barely. Chair shot by Taker who throws Bossman into the Cell and he's cut. They trade punches again then Taker just hits Bossman in the nuts and is soon followed by a Tombstone. * Praise the (dark) lord, is it safe to come out behind the sofa yet?? I don't get why this was here anyway they didn't need a HIAC to cell the PPV, misspelling was intentional, as they had Austin/Rock. Post match The Brood repel (I'm assuming I meant rappel, that may still be wrong, they did a Sting)  from the ceiling, give Taker a noose and he hangs Bossman, pretty cool visual if not you know promoting hanging.

WWF Championship - No DQ - The Rock (c) Vs. Stone Cold
 JR replaces Cole on commentary then Vince comes down to referee but here's Commissioner Michaels, who tells Vince he ain't refereeing. The champion coming out first annoys me. Austin comes out in a shirt which Rock chokes him with. Fighting in crowd and Rock chokes Austin with a cable. Fighting at the entrance now where Rock backdrops Austin who hits his knee on part of the set. They make it to the announce table where Austin elbow s Rock through the table on the second attempt. Rock Bottom out of nowhere gets 2. Ref Bump! Mike Chioda takes a sick chairshot for a referee. Rock a voids Stunner then attacks Austins knee with a chair ala HHH at SummerSlam 99. Ref Bump!! when Rock Rock Bottoms Tim White. Stunner gets 2, Vince is here Ref bump!!! as he takes out the Earl Hebner and joins Rock in kicking Stone Cold. Mankind is here and takes out Vince. Rock Bottom but the Corporate Elbow misses, a 3rd Rock Bottom is avoided and a Stunner gets 3. ***1/2 - I give it the 1/2 as the crowd liked it. Felt like the main event of a B show not WrestleMania but I guess that could be said of the whole PPV. Typical Austin post SummerSlam 97 brawl.

16 / 45 - Not very good. It wasn't bad from a botch perspective, bar the women, it was just boring. X-Pac/Shane was a pleasant surprise, at the time. Nothing is must see here though and unless you're a completionist I'd avoid this WrestleMania.

(Thumbs way, way down, it's funny how arguably WWF/E's two biggest years 99 and 00 produced two substandard Manias)

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Royal Rumble 1998

- January 18th, San Jose, California

TAFKA Goldust (w/ Luna) Vs. Vader
- TAFKA is The Artist Formerley Known As, he was dressing in weird things during this time, he was a baby once also I think it's fair to say WWF Vader wasn't as good as WCW or Japan Vader.
 Corner splash by Vader then Goldust goes ringside. Vader is in control until Luna distratcts him allowing Goldust to get some offence. Outside Vader is thrown into ringsteps and Luna chokes him. Goldust does 10 corner punches then kisses Vader who responds by clotheslining him about 1080'. Suplex and splash gets Vader 2, he goes for Vader Bomb but is lowblowed. Luna tries to stop another VaderBomb by going on Vaders back but he does it with her on him and gets 3. ** I wasn't feeling it, but I did like the ending. It wasn't bad per se but I wasn't drawn in, ya dig.

Battalion, Tatantula, El Torito Vs. Max Mini, Nova, Mosaic
 Wasn't going to review this as I dont watch Lucha Libre or whatever so dont like reviewing it, however my Fast Foward and Skip buttons are playing up so I may aswell. They're ll midgets, the clues in Maxs name. Armdrag then headscissors by Nova. Armdrag then another by Max Mini. El Torito press slams Mosaic, yet more armdrags. Nova does an armdrag from a springboard, then some more. Max Mini gets beat on by Tarantula, I think. They all do leaps to ringside. Max Mini pins either El Torito or Tarantula. Do they only teach armdrags or something?? The best part was Sunny who was special ref and still good looking in 98.

Nation think they've found Stone Cold but there's only a foam finger there.

Intercontinental Title - The Rock (c) Vs. Ken Shamrock
- Ken had gone through members of the Nation in the weeks prior to this, on one RAW he teamed with Mark Henry but he turned on him thus joining the Nation. Shamrock actually headlined the last PPV (DX: IYH) Vs. HBK for the WWF Title.
 Rock isn't quite 'The Great One' yet. Rock stalls, they lock up twice but nothing comes of them. Ken punches Rock who ends up about halway down the aisle. Rock gets a corner clothesline in but Shamrock soon fires punches off at him but Rock goes to the eyes. Ken gets 2 off a fisherman suplex, Rock responds with a 2 of his own off a Floatover DDT. Chinlock by Rock but Ken gets a release overhead belly-to-belly. Okay my DVD screws up and jumps here to Rock hitting Ken with brass knucks, he puts them in Kens tights, for 2. Ken gets 3 off a belly-to-belly but Rock tells referee Ken has brass knuckles in his pants, the ref finds them and reverses the decision meaning Rock retains the title via DQ. ** - Not bad but a bit boring. When my DVD jumped I dont think there was much that I missed as it seemed to be nearing the end anyway. The problem was WWF wanted to keep Ken strong but also keep the title on Rock, which begs the quedtion why book Rock v Shamrock? They would do this style of finish at Wrestlemania 14 aswell.

Los Boriquas attack 8 Ball or Skull believing him to be Stone Cold.

WWF Tag Titles - LOD Vs. NAO
- LOD were abot 10 years past their usefulness here. NAO and DX beat up LOD on RAW is WAR and shaved Hawks head or something, NAO didn't join DX though until the post 'Mania RAW when HBK was gone.
 NAO attack LOD from behind but Road Dogg gets powerbombed so they bail. Neckbreaker by Hawk then Billy tags in but he is dominated aswell. Animal powerslams both Outlaws but is soon whipped into the steps a 'Liver Quiver' to quote JR. Hawk hits the turnbuckle and falls ringside where Road Dogg handcuffs him to the post. Double clothesline by Animal who then powerslams Billy but Road Dogg hits him with a chair for the lame DQ. * Neither team had exiting offence. LOD dominated but i'm writing this 1 minute after the match ended and I cant really remember what happened, un-memorable, crap and a lame DQ.

Royal Rumble Match - It's weird this not being main-event.
 #1 Cactus Jack, #2 Chainsaw Charlie (Terry Funk) who brings a Chainsaw in, at least he's true to the gimmick, Cactus brings chairs that they duel with then willingly give each other chair shots which is stupid. #3 Tom Brandi but he is tossed straightaway, Cactus suplexes Charlie through 2 setup chairs. #4 The Rock who gets a trashcan put over his head as Cactus and Charlie hit him, just 1 year later Rock and Cactus would face off for WWF title at the Rumble. #5 Mosh meh until #6 Phineus Godwinn (Mideon) again meh until #7 8-Ball Cactus misses a clothesline and eliminates himself #8 Blackjack Bradshaw the sounds gone on my DVD, fantastic I hate wrestling on mute. #9 Owen Hart but he gets jumped by NWA North American champion Jeff Jarrett so he doesn't make it to the ring, he isn't eliminated though, again not much happening here's #10 Steve Blackman 8-Ball piledrivers Charlie #11 D'Lo Brown now Rock has a Nation ally in there but thet start fighting, surely they'd team up. #12 Kurrgan who dumps Mosh. #13 Marc Mero Blackman is eliminated as Rock and D'Lo talk in corner. #14 Shamrock who kicks Kurrgan down then he's eliminated by virtually everyone. #15 Thrasher then #16 Mankind Foleys back and eliminates Chainsaw Charlie for eliminating him before. Bradshaw is suplexed back into the ring by Thrasher cause you know that makes sense. #17 Goldust the ring is stacked meaning not much is happening, less is more. Goldust dumps Mankind. #18 Jeff Jarrett D'Lo tries to noggin knocker Bradshaw and Dhamrock but they both headbutt him instead. Owen Hart returns and attacks Jarrett. #19 Honky Tonk Man HHH comes down ringside on crutches. Rock eliminates Shamrock as HHH hits Owen Hart with a crutch which knocks hm over and out, funny bit where Owen chases HHH then slips as he goes behind curtain. #20 Ahmed Johnson just for making it to the ring uninjured he deserves a standing ovation, he doesn't get one by the way. #21 Mark Henry 3 Nation members in now, they should clean house and dump the deadwood but they're coming across as idiots here as they just fight. #22 No-One No it's not another Ed Leslie gimmick it's cause Skull was attacked earlier by Los Boriquas. Phineus Godwinn and Ahmed Johnson are eliminated and fight up the aisle, Godwinn took out Jack Doan on his landing, Ouch! #23 Kama 4 Nation members now. Mero does the Ali Shuffle, yes that's the only note worthy thing. #24 Stone Cold everyone stops fighting to face him but he comes through crowd and dumps Marc Mero and 8-Ball. Then everyone goes back to fighting in corners even though the Rumble was built around everyone wanting Austin. #25 Henry Godwinn he goes for Stone Cold. #26 Savio Vega along with Los Boriquas but they get dumped pretty quick, there's too many people in the Rumble I dislike Austin but I was hoping he'd dump the deadwood. #27 Faarooq 5 Nation members in there and yet again there's in fighting as he goes for Nation. Stone Cold, Rock fight on outside. #28 Dude Love marking Foleys 3rd appearance tonight, he's pulling triple duty. He eliminates Bradshaw #29 Chainz as Faarooq beats on Rock again. #30 Vader who fights with Goldust. Honky Tonk Man, Mosh, Kama, Vega, Vader and Goldust are gone. Fantastic my DVD skips to Stone Cold celebrating his win. When the DVD skips it'd been on for 53:31 so the Rumble was nearing the end, so obviously Rock would've lasted longest. It ends when Austin Stunners Rock then eliminates him.

Royal Rumble 1998 stats - (due to DVD playing up I found these online)
Longest Survivor - The Rock - 51:32
Shortest Survivor - Tom Brandi - 22 secoonds
Most Eliminations - Stone Cold - 7

WWF Championship - Casket Match - Shawn Michaels (c) Vs. Undertaker
- I had to watch this off of the DX DVD, as my Rumble one lost sound and I hate mute wrestling. I think this should of been Owen Hart Vs. HBK, and if WWF/E had booked that HBK wouldn't of lost 4 years of his career. It's weird watching HBK come down the aisle knowing he's about to fuck up his back.
 HBK uses hit and run tactics. Here's the bad spot as Taker backdrops HBK over the top and he catches the bottom of his back on the casket, he only wrestled at WrestleMania 14 after this until 2002. Deadman drops Michaels with a right then goes Old School. HBK jumps off the top but gets powerslammed then put in the casket but he avoids the lid shutting by throwing powder in Takers eyes. Moonsault by HBK then they go over the top but HBK skins the cat so Deadman pulls him under the ropes. Taker is whipped into the stairs then gets piledrivered on them, HHH gets shots in with hiscrutches. Taker is rolled into casket but he punches his way out. Elbow drop then Sweet Chin Music, HBK tauts Deadman after he puts him in the casket so Taker grabs HBKs nuts. Undertaker starts a comeback and dominates HBK until he misses a charge and falls in the casket where HBK elbowdrops in off the top rope the lid shuts with them both in, I suppose technically you could rule that a draw. Chokeslam then Taker Tombstones HBK into the casket. NAO and Los Boriquas attack Taker until Kane makes the save then Swerve!! he Chokeslams Undertaker and the casket is shut so HBK retains the gold. ***1/2 - Was okay but is doesn't pull this PPV above average like they did at 'Mania 25. Full props to HBK though for finishing the match. Postmatch Kane sets the casket on fire.

11 / 25 - Average/Poor PPV. Undercard wasn't good nd neither was the Rumble. HBK/Taker was okay but doesn't save the PPV. Not dreadful but not worth going out of your way to find.