Friday 4 January 2013

Royal Rumble 1999

- January 24th, Anaheim, California

Road Dogg Vs. Bossman -
- Road Dogg is hardcore champion but that's not on the line even though surely Corporation would want as many titles as possible and it'd make this match better. (by that I meant they could use weapons etc. instead of a standard match)
 Not much happens, Bossman is in control but it's just punches etc. Road Dogg blocks punches so Bossman goes to the eyes. Bossman does a bearhug of all things but soon after takes the padding off a turnbuckle. Bossman been dominating for what feels like 30 mins. Road Dogg throws Bossman off the top and does Shake Rattle 'n' Roll, a knee drop gets 2. Bossman gets the win from a Bossman Slam out of nowhere, I dont like finishes out of nowhere. *1/2  Pretty boring, I know Rumble PPVs have longer matches to make up time but this one felt like a RAW match. Bossman dominated and finish was out of nowhere.

Intercontinental Title - Billy Gunn Vs. Ken Shamrock (c)
 Quick start as they trade punches on the mat then clotheslines. Billy misses a corner charge which allows Ken to take control. Fameasser gets Billy 2 then he does the 10 corner punches. Ken argues with fans at ringside. Billy kind of bulldogs Ken off the apron onto the announce table. Ken starts working Billy's leg. Michael Cole calls Shamrocks front facelock vicious, dread to think what the ankle lock is like to him then. Fisherman suplex gets Ken 2 then he goes for the leg again. Ref Bump!! Val Venis DDTs Ken Shamrock (I bet it was due to Ken using Fishermans Suplex)which gets Billy 2, fans thought that was it. Billy comes off the top and misses then decides to finally start selling his ankle, Ken gets win via Anklelock. *1/2 - Billy could of sold the ankle work earlier in the match instead of 5 seconds before the end, that's why i've deducted some *s and also it was a bit boring. (He would make up for it by selling the Ankle in the Rumble match)

European Title - X-Pac (c) Vs. Gangrel 
- Not sure how Gangrel's earned a title shot, it was Road Dogg that got a bloodbath not X-Pac. (see also WrestleMania 15, or at least my review which is better than the show itself, where Road Dogg and Billy both vie for the belts that the other had been chasing)
 Fast start, hiptoss by X-Pac but he soon misses a bronco buster and gets belly-to-bellied. Gangrel flapjacks X-Pac about 15ft high. 10 Corner punches by X-Pac leads to bronco buster. Referee Teddy Long botches as X-Pac gets a crossbody which Gangrel counters to his own pin and Teddy counts 3, match continues anyway but fans shout 'You Fucked Up'. X-Factor gets X-Pac 3. **1/2 Feeling generous, they didn't get as much time as the others but it was better, less is more. (**1/2 seems high even if I do generally like X-Pacs work)

Womens Title - Strap Match - Sable (c) Vs' Luna
- Shane McMahon joins commentary, I've been recapping RAW is WARs from 1999 (be here soon) (still waiting .... i've done about 6 RAWs in two years) so this was either booked as a strap match on HEAT or I zoned out on a RAW review.
This is a touch all 4 corners match Sable whips Luna before I forget this is a touch all 4 corners match. Luna chokes Sable but she soon is whipping Luna again. They touch 3 corners each, Luna has Sable on her back, then a fan hits Luna enabling Sable to touch no. 4 for the win. * Strap match may be my least favorite gimmick match, Vader/Sting is meant to be good but i've never seen it, Rock/HHH didn't make it work at Fully Loaded if I remember right. The fan is part of an angle it's not a fan run-in, it's Tori.

WWF Championship - I Quit - Mankind (c) Vs. The Rock
- This maybe the only match I find hard to watch, that doesn't involve somebody who has passed away (and that's due to sadness this is due to the beating Foley takes). Mankinds head took a beating 6 days ago Vs. Bossman but nothing could prepare him for this. (except maybe a wreaking ball to the noggin)
 Mankind hits Rock with the microphone but is then whipped over the steps. Back in ring Mankind gets a Double Arm DDT and the mandible Claw. They go fighting in the crowd as Rock kind of powerslams Mankind back over, he holds the bell to Mankinds head and rings it, that made me laugh, sings 'Bells will be ringing'. They go through a Rock Bottom through the table but it breaks, that could've been bad Kurt Angle got knocked silly when a table broke at SummerSlam 2000. They fight near the entrance and a ladder is set up they climb it and are near some fans, Mankind gets knocked down onto some speakers, complete with pyro, I think Cole tries to call it like JR did Mankind coming off the Cell at KOTR 98. Shane tries to get the match stopped but Rocks not having that. Rock gets some handcuffs and now the sick shit starts, Mankind bites Rock then hits him in the nuts but Rock soon Corporate Elbows the chair into his head. Chairshot staggers Mick, then another followed by another 3 in quick succsession. Mankind goes ringside as even King says that's enough. In the aisle now as Rock hits mankind with 6 more chairshots they're all bad but the last one to the back of Mankinds head is sick and knocks him down, and probably out aswell. Rock holds the microphone to Mankind then we hear 'I QUIT, I QUIT, I QUIT'. Rock is new WWF Champion. ***1/2 Was okay until the chairshots which I found hard to watch with what we know about concussions etc. I'm sure in Foleys book he says that he didn't know Rock would do that many. Mankind also never actually quit, Corporation piped in Mankind saying I Quit from a promo on HEAT. (They did a dodgy ending on a RAW not long after this where HHH says I Quit as Chyna is threatened by Coroporation or some mumbo-jumbo like that)

Royal Rumble Match-
#1 Stone Cold #2 Mr. McMahon, these 2 numbers were known coming in also Chyna is 30 as she won it in a Corporate Rumble on RAW. There's a $100,000 bounty on Austin. Stone Cold beats on Vince to start us off with his usual stuff. #3 Golga (John Tenta) he lasts about 10 seconds but is tossed by Austin. Golga gone as Austin, McMahon fight in crowd, neither were eliminated. #4 Droz but he has nobody with him, shouldn't of eliminated Tenta. #5 Edge makes Rumble debut, dropkick by Edge #6 Gillberg he poses on ropes so Edge tosses him, Gillberg was WWFs Goldberg mick take. Droz fails to eliminate Edge but is in control of him. #7 Steve Blackman We see Stone Cold being stretchered out of toilets where Corporation jumped him. #8 Dan Severn he was feuding with Blackman so goes for him straight away, again not much happens #9 Tiger Ali Singh oh jesus. Droz, Severn beat on Blackman. #10 Blue Meanie he clotheslines Tiger down then dances. #11 Mosh but Mabel attacks him and takes his place, cause apparently that's allowed. Mabel eliminates Severn, Blackman and Singh, he is good for something then. #12 Road Dogg that was quick between 11 and 12, I haven't timed this Rumble yet. Droz, Meanie are eliminated. Then Edge is aswell. The lights go out then when they come on the Ministry have took Mabel out of the Rumble, Undertaker puts him in a trance or some other mumbo jumbo, this leads to him being Viscera, it's also what Mideon was going on about on RAWs prior, it'll be explained when I type the recaps. #13 Gangrel but Road Dogg soon tosses Gangrel  leaving Dogg on his billy until #14 Kurrgan who clotheslines Dogg then gets a side slam. #15 Al Snow who helps Road Dogg v Kurrgan but Dogg soon eliminates Snow. #16 Goldust he goes for Shattered Dreams to Dogg but Kurrgan blocks it.  #17 Godfather 'We Want Hoes' chant Ho Tran to Goldust. #18 Kane, I miss his original music, he was dumped from The Corporation 6 days earlier. Road Dogg, Kurrgan, Godfather, Goldust all eliminated by Kane, people from a mental house come down and Kane fights them off eliminating himself from Rumble in the process. #19 Ken Shamrock Vince McMahon re-appears and joins commentary. #20 Billy Gunn who is wearing one boot and limping, I dig the psychology, Shamrock skins the cat. #21 Test Ministry are still beating on Mabel trying to put him in a hearse when an ambulance drives in arena driven by Stone Cold, Vince does his shocked gulp. Double lowblow by Billy. #22 Bossman 3 Corporate members in now. Stone Cold chases Vince into the ring then eliminates Shamrock. #23 HHH Harley Race knee to Test. #24 Val Venis as Test boots Austin, but Austin soon tosses Billy Gunn. #25 X-Pac Val and X-Pac both hit Austin. #26 Mark Henry but nothing note worthy happens until #27 Jeff Jarrett he gets double teamed by X-Pac and HHH, then X-Pac heel kicks HHH, it's every man for themselves. #28 D'Lo Brown Test, X-Pac are dumped by Stone Cold and Bossman respectivly. #29 Owen Hart as his tag partner Jeff Jarrett is eliminated by HHH. D'Lo and Owen beat on Austin, Nation unite. #30 Chyna and immediately gets rid of Mark Henry but Austin then dumps Chyna, HHH and Austin square off then HHH eliminates Venis but Austin Stunners and throws out  HHH. Final Five are Austin, Vince, D'Lo, Bossman and Owen. Owen enziguris Austin but he is soon eliminated, this would turn out to be Owens last Rumble appearance. Lo Down to Stone Cold but Bossman dumps D'Lo then Austin dumps Bossman. It's Austin V McMahon, Austin beats on him ringside then cracks him with a chair like at Unforgiven: IYH. Stunner to Vinnie then Rock comes out to distract Austin which leads to Vince eliminating Stone Cold. Vince McMahon is going to WrestleMania .... for 24hrs. - ** - Poor Rumble or jobberific if you prefer. Not much happened at all, ring was full of curtain jerkers/jobbers but as WWF was white hot in 99 the fans weren't silent. Poor Rumble and ending is pointless in the end as Stone Cold goes to 'Mania due to HBK then beating Vince but i'll get to that later. (Or now you see Vince waives his WrestleMania title shot and luckily for Austin he's with the Commish at the time, phew what great timing, and actually I've forgotten if HBK there and then declares Austin as going to Mania or if HBK makes the SVDM main event, quick to the RAW Review mobile, just done it and HBK declares Austin the WM main eventer but Austin says he'll defend it against Vince)

12 / 30 I wouldn't recommend Rumble 99 at all, WWF PPVs from 99 were generally just build ups for RAW is WAR as the ratings mattered to them. This or King Of The Ring is the worst 99 PPV ring wise.

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