Wednesday 9 January 2013

Royal Rumble 1998

- January 18th, San Jose, California

TAFKA Goldust (w/ Luna) Vs. Vader
- TAFKA is The Artist Formerley Known As, he was dressing in weird things during this time, he was a baby once also I think it's fair to say WWF Vader wasn't as good as WCW or Japan Vader.
 Corner splash by Vader then Goldust goes ringside. Vader is in control until Luna distratcts him allowing Goldust to get some offence. Outside Vader is thrown into ringsteps and Luna chokes him. Goldust does 10 corner punches then kisses Vader who responds by clotheslining him about 1080'. Suplex and splash gets Vader 2, he goes for Vader Bomb but is lowblowed. Luna tries to stop another VaderBomb by going on Vaders back but he does it with her on him and gets 3. ** I wasn't feeling it, but I did like the ending. It wasn't bad per se but I wasn't drawn in, ya dig.

Battalion, Tatantula, El Torito Vs. Max Mini, Nova, Mosaic
 Wasn't going to review this as I dont watch Lucha Libre or whatever so dont like reviewing it, however my Fast Foward and Skip buttons are playing up so I may aswell. They're ll midgets, the clues in Maxs name. Armdrag then headscissors by Nova. Armdrag then another by Max Mini. El Torito press slams Mosaic, yet more armdrags. Nova does an armdrag from a springboard, then some more. Max Mini gets beat on by Tarantula, I think. They all do leaps to ringside. Max Mini pins either El Torito or Tarantula. Do they only teach armdrags or something?? The best part was Sunny who was special ref and still good looking in 98.

Nation think they've found Stone Cold but there's only a foam finger there.

Intercontinental Title - The Rock (c) Vs. Ken Shamrock
- Ken had gone through members of the Nation in the weeks prior to this, on one RAW he teamed with Mark Henry but he turned on him thus joining the Nation. Shamrock actually headlined the last PPV (DX: IYH) Vs. HBK for the WWF Title.
 Rock isn't quite 'The Great One' yet. Rock stalls, they lock up twice but nothing comes of them. Ken punches Rock who ends up about halway down the aisle. Rock gets a corner clothesline in but Shamrock soon fires punches off at him but Rock goes to the eyes. Ken gets 2 off a fisherman suplex, Rock responds with a 2 of his own off a Floatover DDT. Chinlock by Rock but Ken gets a release overhead belly-to-belly. Okay my DVD screws up and jumps here to Rock hitting Ken with brass knucks, he puts them in Kens tights, for 2. Ken gets 3 off a belly-to-belly but Rock tells referee Ken has brass knuckles in his pants, the ref finds them and reverses the decision meaning Rock retains the title via DQ. ** - Not bad but a bit boring. When my DVD jumped I dont think there was much that I missed as it seemed to be nearing the end anyway. The problem was WWF wanted to keep Ken strong but also keep the title on Rock, which begs the quedtion why book Rock v Shamrock? They would do this style of finish at Wrestlemania 14 aswell.

Los Boriquas attack 8 Ball or Skull believing him to be Stone Cold.

WWF Tag Titles - LOD Vs. NAO
- LOD were abot 10 years past their usefulness here. NAO and DX beat up LOD on RAW is WAR and shaved Hawks head or something, NAO didn't join DX though until the post 'Mania RAW when HBK was gone.
 NAO attack LOD from behind but Road Dogg gets powerbombed so they bail. Neckbreaker by Hawk then Billy tags in but he is dominated aswell. Animal powerslams both Outlaws but is soon whipped into the steps a 'Liver Quiver' to quote JR. Hawk hits the turnbuckle and falls ringside where Road Dogg handcuffs him to the post. Double clothesline by Animal who then powerslams Billy but Road Dogg hits him with a chair for the lame DQ. * Neither team had exiting offence. LOD dominated but i'm writing this 1 minute after the match ended and I cant really remember what happened, un-memorable, crap and a lame DQ.

Royal Rumble Match - It's weird this not being main-event.
 #1 Cactus Jack, #2 Chainsaw Charlie (Terry Funk) who brings a Chainsaw in, at least he's true to the gimmick, Cactus brings chairs that they duel with then willingly give each other chair shots which is stupid. #3 Tom Brandi but he is tossed straightaway, Cactus suplexes Charlie through 2 setup chairs. #4 The Rock who gets a trashcan put over his head as Cactus and Charlie hit him, just 1 year later Rock and Cactus would face off for WWF title at the Rumble. #5 Mosh meh until #6 Phineus Godwinn (Mideon) again meh until #7 8-Ball Cactus misses a clothesline and eliminates himself #8 Blackjack Bradshaw the sounds gone on my DVD, fantastic I hate wrestling on mute. #9 Owen Hart but he gets jumped by NWA North American champion Jeff Jarrett so he doesn't make it to the ring, he isn't eliminated though, again not much happening here's #10 Steve Blackman 8-Ball piledrivers Charlie #11 D'Lo Brown now Rock has a Nation ally in there but thet start fighting, surely they'd team up. #12 Kurrgan who dumps Mosh. #13 Marc Mero Blackman is eliminated as Rock and D'Lo talk in corner. #14 Shamrock who kicks Kurrgan down then he's eliminated by virtually everyone. #15 Thrasher then #16 Mankind Foleys back and eliminates Chainsaw Charlie for eliminating him before. Bradshaw is suplexed back into the ring by Thrasher cause you know that makes sense. #17 Goldust the ring is stacked meaning not much is happening, less is more. Goldust dumps Mankind. #18 Jeff Jarrett D'Lo tries to noggin knocker Bradshaw and Dhamrock but they both headbutt him instead. Owen Hart returns and attacks Jarrett. #19 Honky Tonk Man HHH comes down ringside on crutches. Rock eliminates Shamrock as HHH hits Owen Hart with a crutch which knocks hm over and out, funny bit where Owen chases HHH then slips as he goes behind curtain. #20 Ahmed Johnson just for making it to the ring uninjured he deserves a standing ovation, he doesn't get one by the way. #21 Mark Henry 3 Nation members in now, they should clean house and dump the deadwood but they're coming across as idiots here as they just fight. #22 No-One No it's not another Ed Leslie gimmick it's cause Skull was attacked earlier by Los Boriquas. Phineus Godwinn and Ahmed Johnson are eliminated and fight up the aisle, Godwinn took out Jack Doan on his landing, Ouch! #23 Kama 4 Nation members now. Mero does the Ali Shuffle, yes that's the only note worthy thing. #24 Stone Cold everyone stops fighting to face him but he comes through crowd and dumps Marc Mero and 8-Ball. Then everyone goes back to fighting in corners even though the Rumble was built around everyone wanting Austin. #25 Henry Godwinn he goes for Stone Cold. #26 Savio Vega along with Los Boriquas but they get dumped pretty quick, there's too many people in the Rumble I dislike Austin but I was hoping he'd dump the deadwood. #27 Faarooq 5 Nation members in there and yet again there's in fighting as he goes for Nation. Stone Cold, Rock fight on outside. #28 Dude Love marking Foleys 3rd appearance tonight, he's pulling triple duty. He eliminates Bradshaw #29 Chainz as Faarooq beats on Rock again. #30 Vader who fights with Goldust. Honky Tonk Man, Mosh, Kama, Vega, Vader and Goldust are gone. Fantastic my DVD skips to Stone Cold celebrating his win. When the DVD skips it'd been on for 53:31 so the Rumble was nearing the end, so obviously Rock would've lasted longest. It ends when Austin Stunners Rock then eliminates him.

Royal Rumble 1998 stats - (due to DVD playing up I found these online)
Longest Survivor - The Rock - 51:32
Shortest Survivor - Tom Brandi - 22 secoonds
Most Eliminations - Stone Cold - 7

WWF Championship - Casket Match - Shawn Michaels (c) Vs. Undertaker
- I had to watch this off of the DX DVD, as my Rumble one lost sound and I hate mute wrestling. I think this should of been Owen Hart Vs. HBK, and if WWF/E had booked that HBK wouldn't of lost 4 years of his career. It's weird watching HBK come down the aisle knowing he's about to fuck up his back.
 HBK uses hit and run tactics. Here's the bad spot as Taker backdrops HBK over the top and he catches the bottom of his back on the casket, he only wrestled at WrestleMania 14 after this until 2002. Deadman drops Michaels with a right then goes Old School. HBK jumps off the top but gets powerslammed then put in the casket but he avoids the lid shutting by throwing powder in Takers eyes. Moonsault by HBK then they go over the top but HBK skins the cat so Deadman pulls him under the ropes. Taker is whipped into the stairs then gets piledrivered on them, HHH gets shots in with hiscrutches. Taker is rolled into casket but he punches his way out. Elbow drop then Sweet Chin Music, HBK tauts Deadman after he puts him in the casket so Taker grabs HBKs nuts. Undertaker starts a comeback and dominates HBK until he misses a charge and falls in the casket where HBK elbowdrops in off the top rope the lid shuts with them both in, I suppose technically you could rule that a draw. Chokeslam then Taker Tombstones HBK into the casket. NAO and Los Boriquas attack Taker until Kane makes the save then Swerve!! he Chokeslams Undertaker and the casket is shut so HBK retains the gold. ***1/2 - Was okay but is doesn't pull this PPV above average like they did at 'Mania 25. Full props to HBK though for finishing the match. Postmatch Kane sets the casket on fire.

11 / 25 - Average/Poor PPV. Undercard wasn't good nd neither was the Rumble. HBK/Taker was okay but doesn't save the PPV. Not dreadful but not worth going out of your way to find.

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