Tuesday 15 January 2013

Over The Edge 1999

- This isn't a review it's just a general recap in case anyway wants to know the matches that took place. This PPV wasn't released commercially as Owen Hart died during the PPV in a tragic accident, thankfully you dont see the accident as a promo is playing on screen at the time, again I'm not rating matches as I doubt many wanted to wrestle after Owens accident which occurs after the 2nd match. RIP Owen Hart. I was going to skip this PPV but in case anyone wants to know the matches that occured then here they are. So no star ratings or my thoughts on wether the PPV should of been stopped or not following the accident.

- May 23rd, Kansas City, Missouri

WWF Tag Team Titles - X-Pac/Kane (c) Vs. D'Lo/Mark Henry
 D'Lo starts better V. X-Pac. Armdrag and multiple crotch chops by X-Pac. D'Lo dodges Bronco Buster. mark Henry in, workrate out. Kane throws a dropkick and I almost spit my coffee out. Kane no sells D'Los punches then there's some nice kicks by X-Pac but the heels are soon in control. Kane breaks the pin after D'Lo hits his running powerbomb. Kane scoop slams Henry, Kane has done some moves here that he doesn't normally do. Kane launches himself onto the challengers. Bronco buster to D'Lo but Henry squashes X-Pac. Big Chokeslam to Henry ends it.

Hardcore Title - Hardcore Holly Vs. Al Snow (c)
 Backdrop by Snow. Holly fails to work a fire extinguisher then they go through the crowd to the backstage area. Nothing note worthy happens as they fight back through the crowd. Snow stands on Hollys nuts then gets a table. Delayed Falcon Arrow, then known as Holly-Caust, that's nice isn't it. Snow Plow gets 2, Mr. Snow that's his name that name again is Mr. Snow. Al gets DDTd on a chair for 2. Al powerbombs Holly through a table for 3. P

They show a graphic of Blue Blazer Vs. Godfather then a video package but then they go to an interview conducted earlier with Blue Blazer as JR utters the dreaded 'We got big problems out here' The cameras come back and focus on the crowd and JR who reveals that Owen Hart has fallen from the ceiling as he was meant to make a superhero like entrance. He says it's not part of the show but in a way that you know he's telling the truth, and it really isn't an angle. Then we go to a video for the Val/Nicole Bass Vs. Jarrett/Debra match. Jerry Lawler returns to the booth and says 'no .... it doesn't look good'

Jeff Jarrett and Debra are interviewed though you can tell they dont want to be. 'Owen you're in our prayers brother' 'We love you'. I read that Owen passed them on the stretcher here but that may just be a sick rumour.

Jeff Jarrett/Debra Vs. Val Venis/Nicole Bass
 Val gets his states mixed up in his pre-match promo. Nicole is the most manly in the match, she debuted at 'Mania 15 with Sable. Double underhook suplex by Val but Jeff gets a swinging neckbreaker. Venis gets 2 off a pwerslam. Debra gets some shots on Nicole. Knees to the ribs sets up Vals side russian leg sweep. Jeff hits the Stroke but Nicole breaks the count. Val suplexes Jeff then hits The Money Shot for 3.

Vince is loaded into an ambulance, Mideon injured him on HEAT (Kayfabe)

Billy Gunn Vs. Road Dogg
 Part of Billys heel push as he'd left DX by attacking X-Pac. He'd win King Of The Ring next month. Road Dogg says he's praying for Owen and segues from his interview to 'Oh You Didn't Know'. I think this si the debut of 'I'm An Ass Man' theme. Fighting on outside. Corner beatdown by Gunn but Dogg soon clotheslines him over. Chinlock by Gunn then a powerslam. Camel Clutch in a way by Gunn, Dogg fights out but gets neckbreakered. Sleeper by Gunn. Billy hits Dogg with the time keepers hammer, Lawler:'Is that a hammer lock?' He hits Dogg woth some tape then gets Fame Asser for 3.

Corporate Ministry Vs. The Union
 CM is the Acolytes, Viscera and Big Bossman, while the Union is Mankind, Ken Shamrock, Test, Big Show. This is elimination rules. Viscera powerslams Test for 2. Test boots Bradshaw but he is soon eliminated via Clothesline From Hell (4-3). Hurricanrana by Ken then Bradshaw taps to Ankle Lock (3-3). Anklelock to Faarooq but Bossman helps him make ropes.  Ken attacks the ref and is DQd. (3-2). Show Chokeslams Faarooq for 3 (2-2). Show and Bossman are 5/6 months away from their dreadful feud. Nothing happens for a while. Show slams Viscera and they fight up the aisle for a double countout (1-1). Double Arm DDT to Bossman then a Mandible claw ends it.

Now the saddest part on WWF PPV- Jim Ross: 'Earlier tonight here in Kansas City, tragedy befell the World Wrestling Federation and all of us. Owen Hart was set to make an entrance from the ceiling, and he fell from the ceiling. I have the unfortunate responsibility to let everyone know that Owen Hart has died. Owen Hart has tragically died from that accident here tonight.' Then there's silence and a shot of the crowd which leads to a video package for Rock/HHH.

The Rock Vs. HHH
 Rock's got an arm cast on and is attacked by HHH in a prematch interview, Mankind tries to make save but is hit with a pipe. 1 year late this would be the main event in an Iron Man match also HHH is in Corporate Ministry. HHH demands a countout victory but Rock appears. Rock starts better and throws HHH ringside where he does 'spanish' commentary  he also says 'Owen The Rock loves ya'. HHH gets the cas toff., then hits Rock with it. HHH chokes The Rock. Samoan drop gets Rock 2. Harley Race high knee by HHH Chyna attacks Rocks arm. Armbar takedown by HHH who focuses on the arm. HHH beats on Rock, Earl Hebner stops him using a chair so HHH punches him for the DQ. They fight postmatch and HHH is busted.

WWF Title - Stone Cold (c) Vs. Undertaker
 Shane McMahon is special ref, Vince, the other ref is injured so Pat Patterson takes his place but Undertaker chokeslams him. During Austins entrance you can see Taker look at where Owen fell. Austin stomps Taker but he soon blocks a kick and works Austins knee. Not much happens then Taker is whipped into ring steps. Armbar by Taker then they're soon fighting in the crowd. Austin avoids a Tombstone then Paul Bearer hits SCSA with his shoe. Fighting down the aisle where Taker is thrown on a stretcher. Elbow drop by Austin but Shane stops his count at 2. Chairshot by Austin then Gerald Brisco counts 2. Vince is here, Stunner but Shane stops Vince counting 3. Shane pushes Vince into Austin and Taker gets a rollup which Shane fast counts for 3. New Champion but the ending looked horrible.

 I'm not saying weather the PPV should of been stopped but if you think it should of been, then when? Do they stop it after the fall or after JR announces his passing? I've read somewhere it may be a book or internet that Owen died sooner than JRs announcement. If Vince had stopped it could the PPV companies or whoever sue him? It doesn't matter though as at the end of the day Martha Hart lost her husband and Oje and Athena lost their father to this tragic accident. Thank You Owen for the memories. RIP.

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