Tuesday 15 January 2013

Judgment Day 2006

- May PPVs generally suck and on paper this looks dreadful.

- May 21st, Phoenix, Arizona
Attendance - 14,000
Buys - 238,000 (That was hard to find so may be questionable)

WWE Tag Team Titles - MNM (W/ Melina) (c) Vs. Paul London/ Brian Kendrick
 Nitro does some poseing. armdrag into an armbar by London followed by a double hiptoss to Mercury. MNM on the outside and Kendrick leaps onto them. Heat building time as MNM beat on London. Springboard dropkick by Kendrick but he soon gets SnapShotted but London breaks the count. Now Kendrick's getting beat on, he does manage to get a small package but the referee is distracted. Hot tag to London, oklahoma roll but Mercury kicks out. London dropkicks Nitro and moonsaults Mercury in one move, nice nice. Mercury knocks into Nitro and London gets a roll up for 3, the titles and a pop. Post Match - MNM fight and Melina sides with Nitro. Was that an attempt to turn Mercury face? Teddy Long gets knocked down in the fracas. *** - I give it *** for the slightly  surprising title change and it was alright.  

Chris Benoit Vs. Finlay
 They lock up and go under the bottom ropes whilst still locking up. Finlay blocks Sharpshooter and counters a Benoit side headlock into a pin attempt. Chops by Benoit but Finlay drop toe holds him. Old school style so far but the fans haven't turned on it. Germans by Benoit but Finlay avoids the headbutt. Finlay gets a chair but Benoit baseball slides into him then does hit the headbutt for 2. Finlay has been doing submissions that you rarely see in WWE or TNA. Benoit starts a comeback but Finlay cuts him off. Germans by Benoit then a nenziguri, Finlay goes ringside so Benoit germans him on the outside. 3 Amigos by Benoit. Finlay gets some shots in but Benoit locks in a Crossface and Finlay taps. **** I enjoyed this match but I cant put my finger on why, if you know  what I mean.The start was slow, a observation not a complaint. This style wrestling usually gets boring chants but these fans didn't mind, these two probably loved wrestling each other.

Jillian Vs. Melina
 Thesz press by Jillian, then throws her into the barricade. Melina starts to take control then locks in a body scissors. Jillian gets a roll up for 3. ** - I think it's worth 2 based on my expectations of it.

CruiserWeight Title - Gregory Helms (c) Vs. Super Crazy
- If you dont know Gregory Helms he was the Hurricane.
 Crazy gets 2s off some quick pin attempts. Ref wont let Crazy jump over the top so he jumps over the ref 'ECW' chant. Helms gets some offence now, 2 off a neckbreaker. 'Super Crazy' chant. Helms gets the double underhooks then knees Crazy in the perm. Crazy now starts a comeback of his own, tilt-a-whirl backbbreaker and a standing moonsault gets 2. Helms misses a shining wizard and Crazy gets another 2 off a heel kick. Crazy goes for a hurricanrana but is powerbombed for 3. **1/2 - Okay match nothing stood out but also nothing was bad to be fair.

Melina slaps Teddy Long so he fires Nitro and Melina.

Mark Henry Vs. Kurt Angle
Angle will dictate wether this is good or not.
 Angle attacks from the bell he does a sunset flip so Henry tries to sit on him. Kurt gets a single leg takedown then starts to work the leg. Mark Henry gets a foot back in the match, when he does a camel clutch you see Angles mouthpiece which says Revenge, did any play WCW/nWo Revenge. German to Henry, the straps come down so Kurt means business, Angle Slam gets 2. Henrys Worlds Strongest Slam gets 2. Anklelock is applied but Henry squashes Kurt into the ringpost and Henry wins via countout. ** Henry had most of the offence which tells you all you need to know, bit boring.

King Of The Ring Final - Bobby Lashley Vs. Booker T
- They show former King Of The Rings but skip Mabel, Billy Gunn and others.
 Clothesline, suplex and armbar by Lashley. Thumb to the eye by Booker who now gets offence until he is clotheslined. Booker calls for a Scissor Kick but gets clotheslined. Sharmel stops Lashley hitting a spear and Booker gets 2 off a BookEnd. Powerslam almost gets Lashley the win, he charges but gets heel kicked, Scissor Kick gets Booker 2. Finlay hits Lasley with a Shilleleigh and a Scissor Kick gets Booker 3. *1/2 - Lasleys offence was basic and I wasn't drawn into the match. Book-As win was slightly surprising. This leads to him becoming WHC in the next month or so.

Undertaker Vs. The Great Khali
- Undertaker facing a big giant who can barely move, is it the 90s again?
 Taker dodges punches and gets his own. Everytime Taker gets punches Khali throws him to otutside. Khali counters Old School and Michael Cole says nobody has ever doen that, idiot. Khali uses Mortal Kombat offence to control the match, punch, punch, kick, headbutt etc. Brain Chop but Taker kicks out. Khali is tied in the ropes but soon hits Brain Chop and gets 3 with one foot. * - Taker puts somebody over and of all people it's Khali!!!! Closest you'll see to a taker squash. Why not put Orton in 05 or Angle in '00 (Fully Loaded, Survivor Series) over.

World Heavyweight Title - Rey Mysterio (c) Vs. JBL
 JBL beats on Rey until he gets a drop toe hold but JBL leaves ring to avoid 619. Rey does 10 Corner punche spot and lowblows JBL when ref is distracted. JBL gets a foot in the match and does the 3 amigos, the move Chavo still does today for a cheap pop. Rey is cut. Clotheslines by JBL who's dominated for a while now. Big or Mini boot I suppose gets JBL 2. God this is boring. Moonsault gets Rey 2. Ref Bump! as JBL puts him in the way of 619. JBL hits a Powerbomb and 2nd ref counts 2. Ref Bump!! JBL gets a chair but Rey kicks it in his face, a 619 and FrogSplash, for a cheap pop get 3. *1/2 - JBL dominated say 80% of the match and his offence isn't particularly exciting, I hated Reys title reign.

17 / 40 - The last 3 matches drag this PPV from surprisingly good to mediocre, though mediocre is good for a May PPV. London/Kendrick winning was surprising as was MNM breaking up and Nitro, Melina firing. Seeing Taker get squashed is worth a look for curiosity. Thumbs in the middle here. Just as much good as bad.

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