Friday 11 January 2013

WrestleMania 15

here's the card in Picture form
- March 28th 1999, Philadelphia, PA.

- Buys:  800,000
- Attendance:  20,276

Boyz II Men sing 'America The Beautiful'

Opening video is narated by Freddie Blassie, I liked it.

Hardcore Title - Al Snow Vs. Hardcore Holly Vs. Billy Gunn (c)
 Russo decided to swerve the fans, cause that's what matters right, right? You see Billy Gunn had been challenging for the IC Title for 2 months at least, ditto Road Dogg for the Hardcore Title but Russo decided to have them win the other belt.  Snow whips Billy into the steps and he does an almost comical cartwheel style bump over them. Holly suplexes Al on the outside. Snow attacks with a hockey stick thus starting a Flyers chant, I would make a joke but dont follow NHL enough. (They're from Philly how good can they be?) Poetry in motion to Gunn but Al misses one on Holly. Gunn takes out Holly with a chair then Fame Assers Snow on it but Holly gets the 3 and the title. *1/2 No kind of synchronicity, I may of made that up (nope I believe it's a Police album, though anything of there's beyond EBYT is not for me, white reggae me thinks not) in the moves if you now what I mean. It wasn't very good. (Not watched this for awhile as i'm not a sadomasochist but I think what I mean is either there's little linking the big moves ie a spot fest or they just all seemed off and not hitting things smoothly) 

Tag Titles - Owen Hart/Jeff Jarrett (c) Vs. D'Lo Brown/Test
 I write this on the day i'm also typing Over The Edge recap, sad that only 2 months after this Owen passed away. Test and D'Lo won a battle royal on HEAT so had to be partners cause you know that's easier than boking an actual tag team (Or even than booking an actual team though beyond NAO and Shamrock/Bossman, involved in other matches, who could they of used?).  Owens 10th 'Mania according to Michael Cole, so that could be wrong. Gutwrench Powerbomb by Test but Owen soon gets an enziguri followed by Sharpshooter but D'Lo breaks it up. Spinning heel kick takes down Brown but he soon is in control of the champions, Sky High on Jeff gets 2. D'Lo goes to powerbomb Jeff but Owen dropkicks him and the momentum takes Jeff into a Jacknife roll up for 3. *1/2 - Too short to mean anything, what they did was okay but thy should of got more time, it was a tag title match after all. (Editors Note - A tag title match that featured a team thrown together on HeAt so perhaps I shouldn't of been surprised by the time constraint)

Brawl For All - Bart Gunn Vs. Butterbean
 WWF did a Brawl For All tournament that was a shoot, Dr. Death, JRs project, was expected to win and go on to be a challenger for Austin but as plans do they went awry as Bart Gunn beat Dr. Death and would win the tournament, so as punishment for daring to win he gets Butterbean. Butterbean knocks Bart Gunn from - East Coast to West Coast, USA to Japan, 1999 to 2099, you get the point, sick Knock Out.

Winner Referees the main event - 'Big Show' Paul Wight Vs. Mankind
 Mankind tries to knock down Show but gets booted down. Chest slaps by Show then a side Russian leg sweep as Show is in control. Mandible Claw is countered with a headbutt. Mankind gets 3 more Claws in the end including a blatant low blow, DQ? Show eventually counters by falling backwards thus squashing mankind. Show uses a chair but this wasn't announced as No DQ so what's going on here. Big Show chokeslams Mankind through 2 chairs to get DQd. * Mick was to broken down to give Show the monster treatment a la Kane at Survivor Series 97. Hated the finish and the match really. Big Show turns face post match, despite only being in the company since February 14th, by punching Vince McMahon who slaps him for losing. (Turn #1 of 3,478 and that's just covering 1999)

Intercontinental Title - Road Dogg (c) Vs. Ken Shamrock Vs. Goldust Vs. Val Venis
 If you've been reading my RAW is WAR recaps ( you'll know that Ken Shamrock was fighting with Val, Goldust and Billy at various times due to his sister Ryan but as I said before Billy won Hardcore title so he's not here now, that wacky Russo.  This is elimination rules but only 2 in the ring at the same time.  Ken and Road Dogg, but nothing happens. Goldust spinebusters Ken who then tags Venis. Val counters Curtain Call and gets 2 of a spinebuster. Top rope bulldog gets Val 2 as does a Fisherman Suplex. Ken DDTs Goldust then Val gives Dogg one, that sounds wrong. Shake Rattle 'N' Roll to Val then a Pump Handle Slam, Ken follows with an Ankle Lock. Val and Ken fight outside causing a BS double Countout, so the main feud has been eliminated from the match, okayyyy. Ryan Shamrock trips Goldust who powerslams Dogg but he counters into his own pin and Dogg retains the gold. ** The very definition of meh.

HHH Vs. Kane
 A chicken attacks Kane and it's revealed to be Pete Rose so he gets Tombstoned, on to the actual match now. HHH attacks from behind. HHH is in control until Kane takes him off the steps and crotches him on the barricade. Kane has some sustained offence now and controls the match until HHH pulls him off the top rope. Facebuster then Harley Race Knee by HHH, doesn't he usually do them the other way around. Tombstone and pedigree are countered. This match feels like it's been on for an hour. Kane is clotheslined over the top but he counters a Pedigree on the ring steps. Chokeslam to HHH but Chyna turns on Kane and hits him with a chair causing a DQ. *1/2 - Boooooring. How did this HHH become the HHH who has a fantastic 2000?? So Chyna's re-joined DX ....

Vince had Big Show arrested and says he'll referee the main event.

Womens Title - Sable (c) Vs. Tori
 God the PPVs getting worse. Tori seems to have taken Giant Gonzalezs wardrobe. Fighting on outside, Sable does a crossbody off the apron but she seemed to almost miss. Clothesline by Tori. They try a bridged counter stuff but Tori falls, then they botch a sableBomb counter as Tori more or less land s on her arse. A man enters the ring, by god it's a woman. She press slams Tori and a Sable Bomb finishes. 1/2 -Moving On (Up .... gotta show Heather Small some love)

European Title - Shane McMahon (c) Vs. X-Pac
 Shane won the european title on a RAW is WAR in a tag match. Test is with Shane, just a few months later they will be feuding. The Stooges (Patterson and Brisco) jump X-Pac but that doesn't end well. Shane leapfrogs X-Pac then celebrates so X-Pac heel kicks him, he avoids the Bronco Buster though. Test rams X-Pac nuts first into the turnbuckle, I think that's more than we he did in his own match, and high 5s the Mean Street Posse who are ringside, not sure if Pete Gas and Rodney were named yet. Shane misses the Silver Spoon Elbow but lowblows X-Pac instead. Crossbody over the top by X-Pac then he fights Mean Street Posse. X-Pac dropkicks Shane when he's up top then superplexes him but Test stops the count. A belt shot to X-Pac gets 2. Shane misses a bronco buster then X-Pac does one to Test. X-Factor to Shane but Chyna distracts the ref as HHH Pedigrees X-Pac, Shane wins. *** The first entertaining match of the night, I like X-Pac and Shane is surprisingly good for a non worker. What I do like is the double swerve, earlier it looked like Chyna had rejoined HHH and DX when in actually it was HHH who had joined Chyna in The Corporation. (Not long after Shane would retire the Euro belt then Mideon would find it around July, if that RAW was filmed in the same building as Shane retired it then that's great continuity if however it wasn't then why was it still being carried around, we need answers dammit!)

Hell In A Cell - Undertaker Vs. Bossman
 If you think HIACs make a match interesting then how wrong you are. This is the WORST CELL EVER. When WWE released the HIAC DVD this wasn't on it and it's not cause of the post match stuff as that could be cut out.  They trade punches, a neckbreaker by Bossman. Deadman sits up and rams Bossman into the Cell. Bossman handcuffs Deadman to the Cell then hits him with his nightstick, the cuffs snap when Taker falls. Takers cut, barely. Chair shot by Taker who throws Bossman into the Cell and he's cut. They trade punches again then Taker just hits Bossman in the nuts and is soon followed by a Tombstone. * Praise the (dark) lord, is it safe to come out behind the sofa yet?? I don't get why this was here anyway they didn't need a HIAC to cell the PPV, misspelling was intentional, as they had Austin/Rock. Post match The Brood repel (I'm assuming I meant rappel, that may still be wrong, they did a Sting)  from the ceiling, give Taker a noose and he hangs Bossman, pretty cool visual if not you know promoting hanging.

WWF Championship - No DQ - The Rock (c) Vs. Stone Cold
 JR replaces Cole on commentary then Vince comes down to referee but here's Commissioner Michaels, who tells Vince he ain't refereeing. The champion coming out first annoys me. Austin comes out in a shirt which Rock chokes him with. Fighting in crowd and Rock chokes Austin with a cable. Fighting at the entrance now where Rock backdrops Austin who hits his knee on part of the set. They make it to the announce table where Austin elbow s Rock through the table on the second attempt. Rock Bottom out of nowhere gets 2. Ref Bump! Mike Chioda takes a sick chairshot for a referee. Rock a voids Stunner then attacks Austins knee with a chair ala HHH at SummerSlam 99. Ref Bump!! when Rock Rock Bottoms Tim White. Stunner gets 2, Vince is here Ref bump!!! as he takes out the Earl Hebner and joins Rock in kicking Stone Cold. Mankind is here and takes out Vince. Rock Bottom but the Corporate Elbow misses, a 3rd Rock Bottom is avoided and a Stunner gets 3. ***1/2 - I give it the 1/2 as the crowd liked it. Felt like the main event of a B show not WrestleMania but I guess that could be said of the whole PPV. Typical Austin post SummerSlam 97 brawl.

16 / 45 - Not very good. It wasn't bad from a botch perspective, bar the women, it was just boring. X-Pac/Shane was a pleasant surprise, at the time. Nothing is must see here though and unless you're a completionist I'd avoid this WrestleMania.

(Thumbs way, way down, it's funny how arguably WWF/E's two biggest years 99 and 00 produced two substandard Manias)

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